The Cat Goddess was eventually found, but even in this way, the Cat Goddess only concluded a contract with the other party without taking any further action, let alone asking the Cat Goddess to help.

In the words of the cat goddess, it means that I have made a contract with you, but it does not mean that I will do things for you.

Although everyone said they were helpless about such a result, they did not object in the end.

But fortunately, although the cat goddess was unwilling to help, she also revealed a piece of news.

This news is that the cat goddess can provide the whereabouts of a Cthulhu god. If they have the ability, they can make a contract with those evil gods themselves.

And this evil god is not an ordinary evil god, but a famous one among evil gods!

A group of people gathered together to do this good thing. They were hesitating whether they should do that thing!

Because to put it bluntly, if we fail to make a contract with that evil god this time, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Do we really want to make a contract with that evil god? You also know what kind of existence that Evil God 690 is. If we fail, the consequences will most likely be disastrous."

"But if we succeed, then this world will definitely be saved!"

While everyone was discussing, the ground suddenly shook. Then everyone's expressions suddenly changed and they didn't understand what happened.

However, they soon understood what happened.

"The Black Goat Goddess is angry!"

Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, they could feel that the Black Goat Mother Goddess was angry at this moment.

"What is going on, why is the Black Goat Mother Goddess so angry."

However, before they could figure out what was going on, someone hurried in.

"Those witches ran to find the Black Goat Mother Goddess and wanted to make a contract with the Black Goat Mother Goddess!"

After hearing these words, everyone immediately felt their scalps go numb!

It turns out that those witches angered the Black Goat Mother Goddess, which is why the Black Goat Goddess is now furious.

In Yukinoshita Yukino's (befi) eyes A flash of irritation flashed through

"These witches don't even know what repentance is, they just go their own way!!!"

For these witches Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt that they should not have saved these witches at all.

If they had not saved these witches, there would not be so many things happening now.

There was a bitter look on their faces. Smile, Commander Qin cannot absolve himself of the blame. It was Commander Qin who asked for those witches to be rescued. Now, Commander Qin cannot shirk his responsibility for what happened now.

"Okay, I think we should calm down now. The most important thing now is to appease the anger of the Black Goat Mother Goddess. Whatever we say now is secondary, the main thing is to appease the Black Goat Mother Goddess's anger first."

If the anger of the Black Goat Mother Goddess cannot be calmed, then this world will be doomed. The main reason why this world can still maintain a certain degree of harmony is because these evil gods have not actively caused harm to this world..

But now the Black Goat Mother Goddess is the most advanced evil god. Once her anger is angered, other evil gods will also have a chain reaction effect, and everyone will die!

"What do you think should be done about this matter?"

"Let’s discuss the matter after figuring out why the Black Goat Mother Goddess was angered!"

Yukinoshita Yukino said helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, Yukinoshita Yukino went to negotiate with the Black Goat Mother Goddess. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, the results of the negotiations were not satisfactory. As expected, it can even be said that the Black Goat Mother Goddess was not willing to negotiate with them at all.

Yukinoshita Yukino was directly driven back, but at this time the witches seemed to have disappeared, as if He ran away directly after getting into trouble.

This makes it impossible to find those witches to ask what the situation is.

"Those witches are so damned!"

Yora couldn't help cursing, and disappeared directly after causing trouble!

Rosaria didn't say anything and just walked out silently.

"Sister Rosalia, where are you going?"

"Go to Xiao Bai. At this time, only Xiao Bai can tell us what happened!"

A group of people fell into silence for a moment, with absolutely no way to refute. At this moment, the only one who wanted to figure out what was going on was Xiao Bai. But would Xiao Bai be willing to tell them? To be honest, they didn't I don’t quite believe that Xiao Bai would be willing to tell them what happened.

"At least this is a hope. If not, what other options do you have?"

In an instant, everyone was speechless. If they didn't do anything, they might have nothing to do. The Black Goat Mother Goddess had no idea of ​​communicating with them right now.

Rosalia quickly saw Xiao Bai

"I want to know what exactly those witches did to the Black Goat Mother Goddess that made the Black Goat Mother Goddess so angry. You can ask for the price yourself."

Rosalia said calmly to Xiao Bai in front of her.[]

Xiao Bai pinched his chin and looked at Rosalia with half-smiling eyes:"Do you think I will agree? Such a ridiculous thing!"

Rosalia was silent, but the next moment Xiao Bai suddenly He changed his words:"It's nothing to tell you. It's just that those witches wanted to make a contract with the Black Goat Mother Goddess. However, after passing the test and failing, they used some small tricks to escape."

Xiao Bai raised the corner of his mouth with a smile. Sneered:"Stupid and ridiculous idiots, do those witches really think they can escape? What awaits them will be an extremely miserable end."

After receiving Xiao Bai's answer, Rosalia turned around and left Luo without any nonsense. Shalia will inform others about this matter next, and she doesn't want to worry about the rest of the matter so much.

As for Xiao Bai, if he wants any price, then let Xiao Bai come to me himself.

Soon the answer to why the Black Goat Mother Goddess was angered was placed in front of everyone..

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