"You are really useless, Barbatos!"

Although I didn't have high expectations for Barbatos, when I really waited for Barbatos to say it, I was still involuntarily disappointed.

As for Barbatos himself, he looked like I was wrong and I was useless.!

Ignoring Barbatos' extra drama, everyone's eyes turned to Lisa as the only witch among them all. Lisa was the only one who could possibly find other witches.

"Although I can understand your expectations for me, to be honest, I am really sorry. Obviously, I have no way to find my seniors!"

After hearing this sentence, everyone showed bitter expressions on their faces.

However, no one blamed Lisa. After all, this incident was normal. They couldn't find it themselves, let alone blame Lisa.

However, now there is One problem is that if they can't find those witches, they won't be able to deal with the anger of the Black Goat Goddess. This matter seems to be a dead end. 17

"Speaking of which, we seem to have forgotten someone. Do you remember Mona?"

Suddenly Fukalos spoke, and everyone who followed seemed to suddenly realize that they thought of Mona!

"As astrologer Mona may be able to give us some clues, so I will go find her now."

Only at this moment did everyone suddenly think of Mona.

Soon everyone found Mona.

"We won't say much at this time, we need you to find the hiding place of your master and other witches to save this world. Yukinoshita

Yukino spoke directly without any nonsense. However, facing Yukinoshita Yukino's request, Mona really refused.

"I'm sorry that I don't have such ability. Those witches are not something I can predict."

"Either unable or unwilling."

Fukalos stared into Mona's eyes, while Mona remained expressionless and did not answer this question.

"Do you know what a huge threat your masters and the others have brought to this world? Do you know how irresponsible what your masters and others did?"

Seeing Mona's look, Captain Qin immediately asked angrily.

Mona couldn't argue. Mona also knew what her master had done. It was because of knowing Mona that she knew what her master had done. How abominable it is, it can be said that people and gods are outraged, but what can I do? Do I still want to betray my master?

Mona lowered her head and said nothing. However, Yukinoshita Yukino spoke:"Then you know that you are now How many deaths will this inaction cause? Have you made this awareness? The lives these people have lost will be your responsibility."

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't care about that much anymore, and directly used some despicable methods.

After hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's words, Mona's body trembled slightly.

"Even if these people didn't die because of you, you were also an indirect accomplice. If you hadn't helped those witches hide and sheltered those witches, they probably wouldn't have died, and they wouldn't have to die. So are you well prepared now?"

Facing Yukinoshita Yukino's aggressive look, Mona obviously couldn't withstand the pressure.

Seeing Mona's mood collapse, Yukinoshita Yukino stepped forward to report to Mona and said:" Everyone has to pay for the mistakes they have made, whether it is you or someone else!

Mona glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino in front of her and laughed at herself and said,"You are really despicable.""

Mona saw that Yukinoshita Yukino in front of her was using this kind of words to put pressure on herself, but what can Mona do? Can Mona refuse?

Unless Mona really doesn't care about those who will be affected by this. The person who died, otherwise Mona would definitely choose to tell Yukinoshita Yukino.

And the result was not unexpected, Mona finally told Yukinoshita Yukino and the others. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novels net!)

"Under the snowy mountains!"

After saying that, Mona turned into a puddle of water and disappeared. Yukinoshita Yukino showed a guilty look on her face, but Yukinoshita Yukino did not regret it. It was hard for Mona, but at least she had to do it herself Being able to save thousands of people, I may feel sorry for Mona, but Yukinoshita Yukino thinks it is worth it.

"Under the snow-capped mountains, search immediately, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find those witches!"

Yukinoshita Yukino immediately said to the others, and everyone came out in full force to find the hidden witches and then pull them out and let them bear the consequences of their own actions.


The witches under the snow-capped mountains now knew that Yukinoshita Yukino and the others were looking for them, and also knew that Mona had betrayed them. However, these witches remained silent one after another.

"It looks like we can't escape!"

"This is the responsibility we should bear, isn’t it? Let's stop here and take on the responsibilities we should bear."

"So do you know what the consequences of this 377 look will be?"

Obviously some people don't want to

"If it's just death, then I don't mind. But that Black Goat Mother Goddess doesn't just want us to die. Do you want to become that kind of monster?"

For a moment, those who originally said that they had to shoulder their responsibilities suddenly stopped talking. Death is not terrible. What is terrible is that life is worse than death.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that they will become monsters, so after knowing that they will They ran away when they were turned into monsters by those evil gods.

"But now even if we don't want to face it, where can we run?"[]

"No one can help us now!"

Alice looked at the others and said!

"There was one but she absolutely wouldn't help us."

Everyone was silent for a moment. They knew very well who this person was. Xiao Bai. If Xiao Bai was willing to help them, then they could escape this incident, but they knew that Xiao Bai would never help them.

"Otherwise, just commit suicide. After I die, I won’t care about the flood!"

Each of these witches has been forced to a dead end, so these witches are now almost losing their minds. Fear and despair are constantly oppressing them.

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