In the end, Yukinoshita Yukino and the others found those witches

"Do you know how much suffering this world has suffered because of you?"

Looking at the witches in front of her, Yukinoshita Yukino just wanted to open all their heads to see if they were all filled with tofu brains!

If it weren't for tofu brains, Yukinoshita Yukino wouldn't be able to understand this. Where did the witches get their courage? They were told not to look for those evil gods, but they refused to listen and insisted on looking for them. It was okay to go to those evil gods, but after failing the assessment, they actually went to escape the price directly. If they choose to run away, the consequences will be directly borne by Yukinoshita Yukino and the others.

Yukinoshita Yukino said that she has never seen such a strange person. Where did these individuals get the courage?

The word lawless is used to describe these people. A witch is the most suitable!

But it’s useless to say this now. These witches have done all the things that a witch should do.

"Now you should pay the price and take responsibility for what you have done."

After Yukinoshita Yukino finished speaking, she no longer planned to pay attention to these people. After that, Yukinoshita Yukino planned to hand them over to the Black Goat Mother Goddess. How the Black Goat Mother Goddess will deal with them later has nothing to do with Yukinoshita Yukino. Got it

"It doesn't matter even if they kill us, but we absolutely cannot accept handing us over to the Black Goat Mother Goddess. We are not willing to fall into the hands of the Black Goat Mother Goddess even if we die."

Hearing that Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to hand them over to the Black Goat Mother Goddess, there was no hesitation. These witches expressed that they would rather die than fall into the hands of the Black Goat Mother Goddess.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked sympathetically After taking one look at these witches, she made a firm decision to hand over these witches to the Black Goat Mother Goddess. It was impossible for the Black Goat Goddess to pour out her anger on others for these witches. Yukinoshita Yukino handed these witches over to the

Black Goat Mother Goddess.

After the witches were handed over to the Black Goat Mother Goddess, the Black Goat Mother Goddess did not continue to be angry but took these witches away directly, which seemed to give Yukinoshita Yukino a face. After the

Black Goat Mother Goddess left, Yukinoshita Yukino Then they breathed a huge sigh of relief

"it's over.~!"

As the Black Goat Mother Goddess left, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the others and said, and the others also breathed a sigh of relief. This matter has come to an end, but it is just an end. , I’m afraid what happens next will continue to happen.

There will always be some individuals from all over the world who encounter those evil gods and then experience the tests of those evil gods, but not all of them may be able to calmly face the tests of the evil gods!

Some people will also run away out of fear. Things like these evil gods getting angry may become very common in the future.

It's just that maybe those evil gods don't have a high status among the evil gods like the Black Goat Mother Goddess.

"The future may be difficult but we have no choice!"

Yukinoshita Yukino sighed softly. This time, Xiao Bai might have been persuaded by himself, so he was lenient, but

Will Xiao Bai be open-minded next time?

Based on Yukinoshita Yukino's own understanding of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai will definitely not do it next time. If something like this happens again, then Xiao Bai will definitely not open up again.


"You still relented, but I want to thank you. If it weren't for you this time, this world would really be over."

Ning Guang looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and smiled before saying, to which Xiao Bai just replied plainly:"The world of Teyvat will be destroyed sooner or later. As long as those evil gods are still there, this world will be destroyed. There will never be any safety"

"As long as we are here, we can definitely save this world!"

As the high heels stepped on the ground, they made a clicking sound. Then Keqing came over and said to Xiao Bai.

Looking at Keqing's appearance, she smiled and didn't say much. For Keqing, There may be some way to save it, but Xiao Bai knows very well that there is no way to save this world. Apart from the Black Goat Mother Goddess, the other two pillar gods are also in this world. Yog-Sothoth and Naiatlatip are not like each other. The Black Goat Mother Goddess is a little easier to talk to.

If these two start a fight, Shikama Madoka and Akatsuki Homura may not be able to withstand it.

"Yeah? So work hard and hope to see you save this world."

Xiao Bai's attitude made Ke Qing grit her teeth secretly, but she changed the subject aside:"Okay, okay, you two, don't argue about this. Ke Qing, are you here for something?"

Keqing nodded and then told Ningguang the reason for her visit:"I received a message that someone in Liyue has found an evil god. As long as you answer the question about that evil god correctly, you can fight with that evil god. Make a contract!"

"What about the penalty for failure?"

Ningguang does not believe that there will be no punishment for failure, and Ningguang is sure that this punishment must be extremely serious, because the simpler the test, the more terrifying the punishment for failure. Ningguang will never think that this is the mercy of those evil gods.

Keqing was silent for a moment after hearing Ningguang's question and then said:"Those who answer wrongly will never be able to wake up from their sleep."

"Does that mean he's dead? So what is the question the other party asked?"

"I don’t know, everyone who knows the problem has already fallen into a deep sleep."(Li Li Zhao) turned his head and looked at Xiao Bai:"Who is playing that evil god?"

Xiao Bai showed a smile and replied:"The consort of the Black Goat Mother Goddess, an evil god on the same level as the Black Goat Mother Goddess.."

The expressions of Ningguang and Keqing changed instantly. It was obvious that neither Ningguang nor Keqing expected that this evil god would be on the same level as the Black Goat Mother Goddess. This was incredible.

But then the two people became hot in their hearts. As long as they make a contract with this evil god, then except for the Black Goat Mother Goddess and another equal evil god, other evil gods in this world will not be a concern.

Xiao Bai looked at Ke Qing and Ning Guang, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc. Want to pass the test of Yog-Sothoth?

How difficult it was for me back then, can they do it now? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s simply impossible!.

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