Over this period of time, the little boy and Aylin have become familiar with each other, and they know that Aylin is an extraordinary person who can see his "bow and arrow".

"But if I don't work hard, I won't have enough power to protect everyone when I encounter those terrifying Hollows or Death Gods in the future."

The little boy took Ai Lin's grilled fish and shook his head to refute Ai Lin's words while eating.

"Hollow? Death?"


"Death and Hollow are our two most powerful enemies."

The boy hesitated for a moment, and finally remembered that the man in front of him could see his bow and arrow, so he must not be an ordinary person.

In addition, because of the tragedy that happened half a year ago, he is now the only person in the entire village who can sense the spirit child.

The lives of the entire village were weighing on him. Under such pressure, if the little boy hadn't been strong-willed, he would have gone crazy under the pressure.

Now, finally, someone has appeared who can see the "spirit" like himself. The little boy also wants to express the pressure in his heart and relieve his pressure.

Next, the little boy picked out some of the things he knew from the documents left behind by his clan and told them to Aylin, and also brought his own personal experience.

"Almost half a year ago, at that time, the village where we lived was attacked by hundreds of virtual beings..."

"With the efforts of the adults in our village, we quickly killed all the incoming Hollows..."

"However, perhaps it was because the noise during the battle in our village was too loud, which attracted the attention of the hostile forces and was attacked by the gods of death..."

"In the end, although we escaped from the pursuit of Death, the entire Quincy clan was reduced to the point where only I can see and use the tools passed down by our elders..."

"Perhaps I am the last Quincy in this world!"

Aylin listened quietly to the boy's story. He did not expect that the village where he finally found traces of the Quincy was the remnants of the Quincy group in Miyahara Village half a year ago.

And the reason why I didn't confirm the existence of the Quincy in this village was not because the Quincy in this village hid it too well, but because after the battle half a year ago, all the villagers who escaped were Ordinary people.

All the Quincy in Miyahara Village died there.

The trace of the spirit that I sensed was caused by the little guy in front of me.

Without the guidance of the elders, just relying on the cultivation of the documents left by the elders, coupled with this little guy's average talent, his upper limit can only reach the level of an elite death god at most.

At this time, Aylin had some guesses about the little boy's identity.

At that moment, Aylin asked directly: "Little guy, we have known each other for so long, and I still don't know your name."

"Sosen, uncle, my name is Ishida Sosen."

When he said his last name, the little boy puffed up his chest proudly.

This is pride engraved in our blood.

According to the documents left behind by the family, for more than nine hundred years, the Quincy lineage and the Ishida lineage were the only pure-blooded Quincy like the Kurosaki lineage.


Aylin shook his head, maybe this was fate.

"Ishida...Zongxian, you just said that your Quincy has two major enemies. Have you ever thought that I might be one of them?"

When Aylin finished saying this, Ishida Sogen's face turned pale.

Yes, why didn't he think of this?

Half a year ago, Sogen Ishida met Kyon. This uncle was definitely not Kyon. So, he was the Quincy's mortal enemy, the God of Death?

Thinking of this, Ishida Sogenu quickly threw away the grilled fish in his hand and became more focused than ever before.

On the wrist of his left hand, a bracelet shaped like the word "Ya" hung down. He poured his own spiritual pressure into it, and a blue spiritual bow emerged.

The souls gathered under his feet, and the "flying leg" that he had practiced for several months made Ishida Sogenu stay away from Aylin in an instant. Then, he pulled the bow with his right hand, and the surrounding souls were gathered into the spiritual bow to form a soul arrow. , pointed at Aylin.

"Uncle, you, who are you?"

Because of fear, Ishida Munexuan's voice was trembling.

"As you can see, I am Death."

Then, Aylin turned his upper body sideways towards Ishida Sozuru, pointed the thumb of his right hand at the "six" on captain Haori and said, "He is still one of the thirteen captains who stands at the top of the Shinigami."

"And, if nothing else, I was one of the gods of death who surrounded you half a year ago."


Ishida Sogen's pupils suddenly shrank, the pain of losing a loved one and hatred overwhelmed the fear.

"Yeah, I'll kill you!"


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

As soon as he let go, the arrow on the bow shot directly towards Aylin. Then, Ishida Sogen's spirit energy condensed under his feet, and Fei Lianji accelerated his movements, circled around Aylin, and launched a 360-degree attack on Aylin. Attack without blind spots.


"Bang bang bang bang..."

Facing Ishida Sogen's attack, Aylin didn't even move. After those arrows hit Aylin, they couldn't do any harm to Aylin and were shattered by Aylin's body.

Although Aelin has not continued to make new Zanpakutō for more than two years, so the spiritual pressure has not improved much in the past two years.

But no matter what, Aylin's own spiritual pressure has surpassed the level of "Century Captain", otherwise, Kuchiki Haruko's soul would not be weakened.

And what about the current Sogenir Ishida?

According to the level of spiritual pressure of the Shinigami, it may only be the eighteenth level of spiritual power.

They are similar to the students who have just entered Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

The attack power of Sogen Ishida's arrows is at most the power of No. 1 Hōdō. The density of spirit particles in such arrows is not as high as that of Aylin's body. How can it cause damage to Aylin?

Even if Ayrin stood still like this and let Ishida Munexun attack without breaking his defense, Ishida Munexun wouldn't be able to scrape off a piece of Aylin's dandruff in a hundred years.

This scene was naturally seen by Sogen Ishida who attacked Aylin.

At this time, the powerlessness to face death half a year ago and the fear of facing the death captain once again occupied Ishida Sogenu's mind.


After regaining his sanity, Ishida Sogenu slowly retreated into the forest while attacking Aylin.

Once he enters the jungle, he will immediately flee, not even returning to the village.

From the time they were able to escape from Miyahara Village, Ishida Sogenuari half a year ago, they knew that under normal circumstances, Death would only pursue Quincy, and ordinary people would not be attacked by Death.

He didn't know about the villagers who fled in other directions, but the villagers who led them to escape in this direction, except for the Quincy, the ordinary people without spiritual pressure were all safe in the end.

Otherwise, they would not have rebuilt a new village in just six months.

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