People are in death, unlimited sword control at the beginning

Chapter 54 The reason why the Quincy was surrounded and suppressed

As long as he escapes, this god of death will not attack the villagers.

No, it should be said that no matter whether he can escape successfully or not, this person will not attack the villagers!

"Hey, you left before I even finished speaking. Isn't it a little impolite?"

Seeing Ishida Sogenu trying to escape, Aylin raised his head.

"One of the binding ways - Sai!"


Following Ai Lin's murmur, Ishida Munexuan let out an exclamation.

His hands that were shooting arrows were torn open by a huge force and carried behind his back.


The spiritual bow in Ishida Sozuru's hand immediately collapsed, and a wooden shackle made of spirit seeds locked his hands behind his back.

The uncontrollable movements of his hands directly caused Ishida Sogenu to become confused. The spirit at his feet also dispersed because he lost Ishida Sozuru's control, causing Ishida Sozuru to fall to the ground.

"It's over..."

Ishida Sogen's eyes were filled with despair.

Could it be that the Quincy lineage is going to be completely extinct from here?

"The fourth way of binding - gray rope!"

The voice of the god of death rang in Ishida Munexun's ears. The next moment, a rope condensed by spiritual pressure wrapped around Ishida Munexun's body, and then pulled back...


Pulling Shen Tong Zongzhen back to the campfire, Aylin dispersed the spiritual pressure of the rope in his hand, and even the binding path that bound Ishida Zongzhen's hands was dispersed by Aylin.

Freedom was restored, but at this moment, Ishida Sogen didn't dare to run at all.

Although he didn't know why the Death God Captain, the enemy of the Quincy, didn't kill him now, Ishida Munexun could still feel that if he dared to attack the opponent or escape again, he might be killed in the next second. Die.

From the brief exchange just now, we can know that if the other party wants to kill him, it is no more difficult than killing an ant.

"Sogen Ishida."


"You said before that the Quincy has two major enemies, Hollow and Death."

"For the sake of you calling me uncle, I will tell you why Hollow and the God of Death are your Quincy's enemies."

"Hollows are caused by the degeneration of human souls that care about the present world after death, are reluctant to let go, and refuse to be transcended to the Soul Society."

"After degenerating into Xu, the concern for the present world will make Xu's heart hollow."

"In order to fill the void inside, Kyon will consume the human soul."

"From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that the void is the enemy of all living things."

Ishida Sogen nodded.

He knew this from the remaining documents of his family, and most of them were the same as Aylin said.

"The next step is the confrontation between the God of Death and the Quincy."

"Before talking about this question, let me first introduce you to our world."

Seeing that Sogen Ishida was listening carefully, Aylin nodded slightly.


The blue spirit seeds gathered in Aylin's hands, and finally condensed into a straight branch.

Infinite Sword System, when making non-sword weapons, the weapon's level will drop by one level.

What Aylin had just projected was a relatively straight branch on a nearby tree.

Because Aylin did not attach any concept of "sword" to these branches, the branches projected by Aylin this time were not "swords".

Its prototype was fresh and green, but after it dropped one level in Aylin's hands, it became a dry branch, which was just right for the purpose.

Aylin used this dead branch to draw a big circle in front of Ishida Sogen, and then drew three smaller circles inside the big circle.

"The world we live in is generally structured like this."

"This is the present world, this is Hueco Mundo, and this is Soul Society."

"Human beings live in this world. After death, the souls who become hollows enter the Hueco Mundo. The souls extradited by the God of Death enter the Soul Society and become Buddhas. Except for the evil people who fall into hell, people's souls are generally here. Reincarnation in three worlds..."

"These three worlds maintain a certain delicate balance because of the number of souls in them."

"Once there are too many or too few souls in one of the worlds, it will cause an imbalance in the three worlds and lead to the destruction of the world."

"And the God of Death was created to maintain the stability of the three worlds."

"The God of Death monitors the three realms. Once a soul imbalance occurs in a certain world, he will reincarnate some souls in the Soul Society according to the imbalance, or enter the Hueco Mundo to transcend part of the Hollow..."

"This is the God of Death."

"The Quincy protects only human beings in this world. Looking at the overall situation of the world, it is controlled by the God of Death. At most, it will make the God of Death a little tired, and the impact is not very big."


The branch in Aylin's hand made several circles in the big circle on the ground: "Ishida Sogen, do you know that the total number of souls in our world is fixed and has never increased?"

"have no idea."



"Well you know now."

After retracting the branch that hit Ishida Sozuru on the head, Aylin continued to explain to Ishida Sozuru.

"Because this is one of the main reasons why the God of Death launched a siege against the Quincy."


Ishida Sogen suddenly raised his head. The total number of souls in the world has never increased. Is this the reason why the Quincy was surrounded by the God of Death?

Well, of course, there is a bigger reason, and that is that the current Quincy are the remnants of the Empire of Light more than nine hundred years ago.

"Do you know the difference between a Shinigami and a Quincy killing Hollows?"

"The spiritual power used by the God of Death kills Xu, and Xu's soul will turn into a spirit and reincarnate in the world."

"But the Quincy's power of annihilation can directly completely annihilate the existence of the void."

Aylin stared at Ishida Sogen and asked leisurely: "Little guy, do you think that if the Quincy is allowed to continue to destroy Quexu and reduce the number of souls in the world, thousands of years later, the souls of this world will still be there. how much is left?"

"Without enough souls to reincarnate, what would this world look like?"

Ishida Sogen's face turned pale, and large drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

According to the description of the Death God in front of him, if the Quincy is allowed to destroy Quexu, the world will indeed become like that in the long run.

Quincy is actually the source of destruction?

Looking at his hands, Ishida Sogen felt confused.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing for a Quincy who can destroy the world to be exterminated by his own hands.

"just kill me!"

Sogenu Ishida closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

"Oh? Do you really want to die?"

"No, I don't want to die, but after knowing what you told me, I also feel that Quincy should not exist in this world."

"Haha, I can't tell that you little brat has some sense of the overall situation."

"But, what I hate the most is having to kill someone for the sake of the overall situation."

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