Chapter 244 Gin Flies the Plane, Is This Beaver?!!

Banquet hall.

Officer Mu and others are still interrogating the three suspects. Soon, Maori Kogoro locked the identity of the murderer! It’s Miss Sawaguchi, the secretary of Mitsuru Nagamasa!

And the reason is a little bit logical.

But Conan didn’t think so, and he didn’t think Secretary Sawaguchi was the murderer of everyone.

After all, Maori Kogoro has not been reliable several times.

Suddenly, Conan found a pearl in the corner of the stage.

This pearl is the same as the pearl necklace that is hooked by the piano thread and strangled with the beauty of the long plate!

However, the pearl necklace around the neck of the long plate Meixu was not broken. Why did the pearl fall in the corner of the stage?

Conan suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He figured out the crux of the matter.

I figured out how the murderer killed Mitsuru Nagapan! And, roughly guessed, who the murderer really was! That is, the painter is like the moon peak water.

Conan rushed to the floor-to-ceiling window where he could see Building B, looking at the hills in the distance, and Conan also figured out the murderer’s motive.

He and several members of the Young Detective Team had been to the home of Ruyue Fengshui.

So knowing the location of his house was at the top of that hill.

For example, the home of Yuefeng Water forms a line with the two buildings A and B of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

Mt. Fuji is at the other end of these 340 lines.

In other words, the twin towers skyscraper blocked Mt. Fuji, so that the water of Ruzuki Peak could not see the whole picture of Mt. Fuji!

The small wine glass that is broken in half actually represents Mt. Fuji that is blocked by the skyscrapers of the twin towers!

But there is another problem.

That is when Yuan Jiaming died, and there was an alibi for Ru Fengshui. And it was just a few of them who testified.

What’s going on here?

It wasn’t until Conan saw a bottle of ‘gin’ in the wine cabinet that he suddenly understood the key point.

That is, Yuan Jiaming was not killed by Ruyue Fengshui at all, but by the gin wine in the black-clad organization.

The reason why Yuan Jiaming holds a silver dinner knife in his hand is not to fight the murderer, but to hint at the identity of the murderer.

Silver is written in Romanesque and is GIN! And GIN is exactly ‘gin’.

This can explain why the two guys of gin and vodka appeared in this twin tower skyscraper before.

Because here are the people they are going to kill!

As soon as they figured this out, everyone heard a series of loud noises, and at the same time, everyone felt that the ground under their feet was shaking.

Immediately afterward, all the lights in the entire banquet hall went out and it became pitch black.

“What’s going on?”

“The building is shaking!”

“Did the earthquake happen?”

“What the hell happened?”

The guests in the banquet hall were a little flustered.

Officer Mu Twilight and the others rushed to the window to look out.

There were no power outages elsewhere, not even in Building B next door.

So this obviously shouldn’t be an earthquake.

Designer Hidehiko Kazuma hurriedly called the security department.

“What? An explosion occurred?? ”

“The power room and power generation room on the fourth basement floor, as well as the server room on the 40th floor, all exploded!!”

Security personnel report quickly.

“There was an explosion in the server room too??”

Hidehiko Kazema was shocked. There is all the important information of the Long Disk Group!

“There was a fire on the inside of the building on the 40th floor! Please evacuate the building!! ”

Security personnel said hurriedly.

The server room has been blown up, and it is useless to take care of those again.

The most important thing now is to give way to all the guests on the seventy-fifth floor and leave the building quickly.

The people who came to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers Skyscraper were all people with heads and faces and status in society!

If all these people had an accident here, it would be bad.

“Good! I know! ”

Hidehiko Kazema answered, hung up the phone, and then looked at Officer Megumi on the side.

“Sergeant! Arrange for everyone to evacuate! ”

Hidehiko Kazema didn’t want to be trapped here either.

He’s still young, and if something happens to him, it’s a slot. Shoot knows if the fire on the forty floors can be controlled.

In case it is not controlled, everyone here will die.

“The power room and the power generation room have been blown up, that is, the backup power supply is gone?”

Officer Shiratori asked hurriedly.

“So, the elevator can’t be used either?”

Officer Mu Twilight also quickly asked if this is the seventy-fifth floor, if you all take the stairs, not necessarily everyone

You can go down.

“Yes, no, the sightseeing elevator may still move!”

Hidehiko Kazema spoke halfway through and quickly changed his mouth.


“That’s for VIPs, so the power supply is set up separately!”

Hidehiko Kazema explains.

If Guan Zu was here, he would definitely complain.

In the event of a fire, they also use elevators, and these people are really not afraid of being trapped inside the elevator.

Officer Megumi and the others rushed to the sightseeing elevator, pressed the button to open the door, and the elevator door opened indeed.

And the lights inside the sightseeing elevator are still on.

Seeing the elevator door open, the guest doors in the banquet hall all showed a desperate expression.

“What is the number of people carrying the elevator?”

Officer Muzu asked hurriedly.

“Nine people can be seated!”

Hidehiko Kazema said.

“It’s too much time to load all the people! Are there other evacuation methods? ”

Officer Shiratori asked hurriedly.

Hidehiko Kazema is the designer of the Twin Towers skyscraper and is naturally the person most familiar with this building.

“If you take the escape stairs to the 60th floor, you can go to Building B next door through the connecting bridge, and then take the elevator to leave the building!”

Hidehiko Kazema said.

There was no accident in the B building next door, and I fled to Building B, which was basically safe

Officer Megumi immediately turned and looked at all the guests in the banquet hall.

“Old man! Woman! And kids! Take the sightseeing elevator down and the others take the escape stairs to evacuate!! ”

Officer Megumi said loudly.

The rooftop of Building A.

Guan Zu began to move, tearing off all the disguises on Bey’s body.

Although Belmode’s face had reverted to her own, this ‘fat’ body still made him look very uncomfortable.

Tearing off the fake skin on Belmode’s arm, the original fleshy thick arm suddenly turned into a slim jade arm.

The visual effect is completely different, and it is more pleasing to the eye to see. Guan Zu tore off all the fake skin of Belmode where it was not covered by clothes.

She was about to undress her and tear off her ‘big belly’. The sound of helicopters was heard very close.

Looking up at the helicopter in the sky, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. This is not a police helicopter from the Metropolitan Police Department!

Under the belly of this helicopter, a heavy machine gun was installed. In addition, on both sides of the fuselage, there are even rocket nests! This is equipment that police helicopters will never install!

At the very least, the police helicopters of Sakura Kingdom would never be able to install such an offensive weapon!

After all, police helicopters are basically used for rescue and patrol, not for war.

Guan Zu fixed his eyes on it.

Sitting in the main passenger seat of the helicopter is not vodka and gin!!

Guan Zu was stunned.

Gin was not in the opposite building and flew the plane instead!?? And vodka actually flies? Does that make sense?

This plot has also become too outrageous!!

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