Chapter 245 Vodka, Launch Rockets!!

The speed of the helicopter was very fast, from Guan Zu hearing the sound of the helicopter to the helicopter flying near the skyscraper of the twin towers, not even a minute was enough

Instead of flying directly to the Twin Towers skyscraper, they flew over the building opposite the Twin Towers skyscraper.

Through the searchlights on the plane, see Shirley and Akimi Miyano who were supposed to be ambushed here and might appear with sniping.

Then they found the body of Ka you Vados.

Through the screen of the camera, several people in the plane clearly saw Calvados lying on the roof, his head had exploded.


Chianti was shocked. Calvados is dead!

As snipers, they are naturally the most familiar with what they look like when they are sniped. Calvados was apparently shot in the head with a sniper~gun!

As a hunter, Calvados became a prey! Who killed him?

Basically, don’t think about it, except for the gangster 9527, there may be someone else

What is just incomprehensible to Gin and others is why 9527 found Calvados?


Gin coldly called out the code name.

Once again, he planted a heel on the 9527 again!

But the good news is that it’s safe to say that the Bandit 9527 is definitely inside this twin towers skyscraper!

This time, 9527 can never escape!

“Kill him! I’m going to kill him!! ”

“Gin! Must kill 9527!! ”

Chianti said with a sinister expression

The same sniper in the organization, Chianti has a good relationship with Cohen and Calvados.

Now that her friend is dead, she is naturally furious.

“Vodka, fly over!”

Gin command said.

“Got it, big brother.”

Vodka took control of the plane and flew towards the twin towers skyscraper.

Soon, the helicopter came to the building.

Fortunately, the searchlights on the helicopter did not shine on the roof.

Therefore, Guan Zu and Belmode on the roof were not found.

The searchlights of the helicopter illuminated the banquet hall on the seventy-fifth floor.

Apparently, they wanted to see if their target, the Hummer 9527, was still in the banquet hall.

But gin they found through the lights, still in the banquet hall, basically women and children.

The people who took the sightseeing elevator down were also women and children.

“Chianti, destroy the elevator!”

Gin command said.

The reason why they didn’t blow up the sightseeing elevator was to check them one by one to see if Shirley and Miyano Akimi would take this sightseeing elevator to leave.

To this end, Calvados was specially arranged to guard the sightseeing elevator on the roof of the building opposite.

The number of people in the elevator is nine, so it’s easy to tell who is riding inside.

But now, Calvados is dead.

No one can continue to screen the passengers inside the elevator!

Then simply destroy this elevator, don’t even think about leaving here.


Chianti opened the sniper window, stretched out the sniper rifle equipped with a silencer, and aimed at the elevator control panel that was rising from below.


A bullet hit the elevator panel, which quickly slowed down and then stopped at the forty-first floor position.

As for those who were still in the banquet hall, they did not realize that the elevator was broken.

After all, they couldn’t see clearly under the searchlights of the plane, the helicopter was not a police helicopter, but a gunship.

Even Conan didn’t see anything wrong with the helicopter. As for Officer Megumi and others.

Already with all the men, they ran into the escape staircase and were running down the stairs toward the sixtieth floor.

I’m about to run to the sixtieth floor.

Once on the 60th floor, they could go through the connecting bridge and run to the next building B.

At this time, Officer Mu Twilight and the others did not know that a helicopter had arrived outside the skyscraper of the Twin Towers.

Inside the banquet hall.

People waiting outside the sightseeing elevator door to take the elevator to leave are illuminated by the searchlights of the helicopter and cannot look directly at the helicopter.

“What’s going on with this helicopter?”

“Did the police rescue arrive?”

“Why do you keep shining light on us?”

“Wouldn’t it be a news helicopter?”

“Those bastards in the Metropolitan Police Department just know how to waste our taxpayers’ money!” News helicopters have arrived, rescue helicopters have not yet come!! ”

No one could see the helicopter clearly, nor could they see the moment Chianti fired.

Although Conan could not see the helicopter clearly because of the searchlight. However, he sensed something was wrong.

Whether it’s a rescue helicopter or a news helicopter, it’s too fast!

The building had only exploded a few moments later.

So far, only a group of people have gone down the elevator.

Is the Metropolitan Police Department or the news media so fast? Suddenly, the helicopter’s searchlight moved away.

Conan saw the helicopter outside this time.

Where is the rescue helicopter or the news helicopter, that is a gunship!

This kind of helicopter is only available to the Self-Defense Forces!

But why did the SDF fly such a helicopter? No! This is not a self-defense force helicopter!

This is a helicopter piloted by the gangsters who caused the building explosion!!

Conan adjusts the zoom function of the glasses to see if the person flying the plane is a Self-Defense Force.

Then I found out that the person who piloted the plane was actually the two guys who had attacked themselves and fed themselves poison to make their bodies smaller!

Gin and vodka!!

“Run, everyone! This is not a rescue helicopter at all! This is a helicopter piloted by gangsters!!! ”

Conan shouted loudly.

At this time, others also saw the appearance of the helicopter. Machine guns in the belly, and rocket nests on both sides!

This is clearly not a rescue helicopter!

The wiser man hurried toward the escape stairs. People who are slower to react are still unclear about the situation.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t take the elevator anymore?”

“Eh? The elevator seems to have stopped! ”

“Xiaolan! Garden! Let’s get out of here! The elevator can’t be done, take the escape stairs! ”

Xiao Wei pulled Xiao Lan and the garden and was about to leave.

Xiao Wei belongs to a relatively intelligent type of person.

Explosions, power outages, and only one sightseeing elevator remains. Now there’s another gunship here!

Although it was not clear what the gangsters were going to do for the time being, Xiao Ai was keenly aware that it would be dangerous to continue to stay here!

“Well, let’s take the stairs!”

“Conan, and everyone, let’s hurry up the escape stairs and leave!”

Xiao Lan hurriedly shouted at Conan and the others. On the helicopter.


Chianti put the sniper rifle back.

Gin takes out a remote control button and amines the button on top. But no movement was heard.

“Big Brother?”

Vodka looked questioningly at the gin beside him.

Didn’t this detonator detonate the bomb on the connecting bridge between the two buildings of AB?

Why didn’t the explosion happen? Gin’s face grew colder.

“Vodka, blew up the contact bridge three with rockets!”

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