129. The Destruction of Asgard!

The Nine Realms rely on the World Tree, and the Nine Realms are where countless lives depend for their survival.

When Nidhogg bit the World Tree, the powerhouses in the Nine Realms tried to stop them one after another, but they all lost in the battle and were swallowed by the opponent.

Bifrost gleamed in the Asgard, Thor and Loki and the warriors they led fell to the ground in dismay.

They also lost their battle against Nidhogg, but they were back here thanks to Bifrost.

Although Loki has gained the power of Asgard, he is still not good at fighting compared to other Asgards, and there is a big gap with Nidhogg. "Odin chose the wrong person, if it were you, you would be able to stop him!"

Loki was a little frustrated. He sat on the throne that he had been thinking about before, but he couldn't be stable.

Thor struggled to be tired and gave Loki a smile.

"August 20" Odin died too suddenly, and the world became too fast. Before he was just hanging out with S.H.I.E.L.D, he was already preparing to save the Nine Realms.

But the powerlessness not only haunts Loki, he feels the same.

"Take a rest first, Odin chose you, you are the most suitable person!"

Although Thor is not smart, he knows the wisdom of Odin. He will not choose the wrong person, but he also needs the power of Ascension to save Asgard!

And Loki also began to think about what he should do. He has not been relying on strength, but wisdom!

Ragnarök is definitely more than that, if it's true to the prophecy, he needs to hurry up and get the Asgard to go to Earth.

Loki and Thor both had their own ideas and left Asgard one after another to find a solution.

But as soon as he left Nine Heavens, Asgard fell into emptiness.

Before they could return, their Big sis Hela stepped out of Bifrost without Heimdall's consent!

As long as she wants to enter Asgard, no one can stop her!

A sharp blade passed through and pinned Heimdall directly to the wall, her eyes set on the Asgard treasure house.

Killing Shinigami is not an easy task, there is no need to waste time, there are treasures that can awaken her people!

A few hours later, Ye Han, who was watching the microscopic universe data, suddenly raised his head.

The temperature of the earth began to rise, ascending by more than 20 degrees in just a few seconds, and there were no pedestrians in the street for a while.

The sky was also fiery red, as if the sky was on fire.

With such a vision, perhaps some experts will contact the explosion of Fixed Stars tens of billions of light-years away, and conduct popular science to the public.

But Ye Han had already seen the truth. A Flame Giant was raging above Asgard, slashing the space there.

I'm afraid that in a short while, Asgard will be completely destroyed.

This kind of thing had nothing to do with Ye Han at first, but now he has to go there.

The treasure room there, which Odin had mortgaged to his own property, is still in Asgard's custody.

If Asgard is destroyed, all his profits will be lost.

That raging Flame Giant, the same Sirte destined to end Asgard, is carrying the Twilight Greatsword and slashing recklessly.

Each time it wreaks havoc on Asgard's space and terrain.

But what stood in its way was Hela, who came for revenge!

She's going to be the queen of Asgard, and if this place is ruined, what else is she going to do?

Loki, on the other hand, was already teleporting the Asgard to Earth with the rescued Heimdall.

Sirte was put in by him. He negotiated and reached a strategic alliance with the other party. As long as the Asgard people were not harmed, Asgard could destroy Sirte.

Sirte has to stop Nidhogg after this, and can't let the World Tree fall.

After being captured the Eternal Fire, Sirte's strength fell to the lowest point, even in Muspelheim, it was no longer ranked.

(1!:0!) The position of ruler has long been occupied by the Queen of Ashes, and if it hadn't coexisted with Muspelheim, it might have been eliminated.

Now that he has the opportunity to regain his strength and complete his mission, Sirte will not miss it.

And, even if Loki didn't say it, he'd stop Nidhogg's bite.

He just wants to destroy Asgard, but he doesn't want to see the nine worlds destroyed together. His Muspelheim is also one of the nine worlds!

After finding the Eternal Fire, Sirte's strength really satisfied Loki.

Although I don't know where this black-clothed woman came from, why did she attack Asgard, and why she turned to protect 0..

But the strength of this woman is really strong, and Loki feels that after he goes up, he may not be able to last five rounds.

But even such a strong man can do nothing in front of Sirte.

The twilight sword was swung, and Hela was instantly swept away.

"You can't stop me, you will be destroyed with Asgard!" Sirte naturally knew Hela's identity, but was not worried.

Odin can beat him, but Hela definitely can't!

Hela has already taken out the Tesseract found in the treasure house. As the treasure of Asgard, she is no stranger to it, and she uses it very skillfully.

But even so, it can't stop Sirte's destruction.

Half of Asgard has been destroyed, Hela's life and Asgard coexist, Asgard is destroyed, and she will come to an end.

Sirte inserted the Twilight Greatsword into the ground, and the molten flames began to spread around from here.

Among the Bifrost where people kept leaving, Thor's figure appeared.

When he saw Sirte, he stepped forward to stop him.

Thor has completely changed from before, one eye has become hollow, but the other eye is full of wisdom.

That eye was not taken away, but he chose to sacrifice it to the Fountain of Mimir!

His father Odin, who sacrificed an eye for the wisdom to read the Ruhr rune, has now done the same.

The rune 5.3 flashed on his body. Although the wisdom that one eye can exchange is limited, it also allowed him to master a few Ruer runes.

In this way, his strength has also increased dozens of times, and now Thor has the confidence to end this Ragnarök!

"Wait a minute, Sirte is my own, we don't need Asgard anymore, Nidhogg is what we need to care about!" Seeing Thor about to make a move, Loki hurriedly stopped him.

Thor's wisdom grew, and after thinking about it, he knew that Loki was right.

He turned his attention to Hela again. If Sirte is not an opponent, then the opponent must be her.

Those undead who fought against Asgard warriors, I am afraid it is also because of her.

Because the dark elf didn't come, Frigga never died, she coughed lightly.

"That's you...sister!".

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