People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

130. Door To Door Collection, Nine Out Of Thirteen Return!

130. Door to door collection, nine out of thirteen return!

Just when Thor and Loki were asking about this Big sis, Hela went completely mad!

The enemy is stealing the house, and the teammates are watching.

Don't care how you fight at home, can the enemy come and go out together!

Unfortunately, in the end, it was just her crazy output. Countless sharp blades sank into Sirte's body, but did not produce much effect.

Just when Hela thought that Asgard was doomed to death, and was going to change the target to Thor and others, ready to take revenge before Death, another figure appeared in Bifrost. "Boss, why are you here?"

Loki hurried over and guarded Ye Han's side. Although the other party didn't need his protection, how could he miss this chance of Ascension's favor.

Thor looked at the other side a little embarrassed.

With wisdom, he has dug out the power of Ye Han, the disappearance of dark particles, the death of the cursed warrior, and the destruction of 02 to the destroyer.

Even the dragon shadow that he has been looking for can be related to the other party.

Thor was fearless when he was ignorant, but after seeing the wider world, he began to fear the unforeseen.

Wisdom made him look farther, but Ye Han still made him see no end!

Frigga was also looking at Ye Han, is this the person Odin thinks he can entrust to Asgard?

As an Asgard who is going to settle down on Earth, she also has concerns about the future.

Ye Han is like an ordinary person, and it is difficult for her to trust him.

And it was this "ordinary person" that changed Frigga's definition of ordinary in the next second!

Ye Han flicked Loki away, he came to get his own belongings, and if you wait any longer, the Odin treasury will be burned up by Sirte!

Sirte is the king of the Flame Giant, the purest flame creature, and Ye Han mobilized the authority of Poseidon.

Using space magic, the sea water was drawn directly into Asgard.

Observing the mysteries of the Quantum Realm and the Microscopic Universe really helped Ye Han's space magic.

Although it was just ordinary sea water, it contained the divine power of the Sea God!

Countless space gates appeared in the sky above Asgard, and the sea rushed down and flooded the entire Asgard.

It is like a giant flood that destroys the world, sweeping all the creatures on the ground into it.

Except for Odin's treasury, the sea did not bypass any place.

Water is the softest thing, but it can carry more power. Ye Han has brought Poseidon's authority to the ultimate.

Every drop of water carries a devastating force, and every wave hits Sirte a lot of damage.

The molten flames on the ground had already been extinguished by the sea and turned into stones with residual heat.

The people of Asgard are about to be sent, but there are still hundreds of people who have not made it.

Loki and Thor work together to hold up a barrier, but only a fraction of what is in front of Bifrost.

And this range is constantly shrinking, even if Ye Han is not targeting them, the sea water is just flowing normally, and the force it carries makes the barrier difficult to support.

Those who were involved in it were even more unbearable, and the undead awakened by Hela had been completely crushed into powder.

The immortal steel weapons were all eroded inside, and finally disappeared, let alone these bones.

Only Hela and Sirte are still struggling.

The size of the two is hugely different, but they both behave the same in the vast ocean.

When a huge wave hit, they were engulfed in it, and after the wave passed, they stuck their heads out of the sea.

It's not like the top powerhouses of the two Nine Realms at all, just two drowning ordinary people!

They also want to get rid of these seawater, but there is an amazing Adsorbent force in the seawater, every droplet is dragging, and there are submarine Uzumaki, ocean currents as traps, binding them.

Even the divine body and the elemental creatures suffered considerable damage under such scouring and beating.

These seawater were all compressed, and it seemed that there was only the amount of seawater in the Caspian Sea, but after Ye Han summoned the seawater, the sea level of the four oceans dropped by fifteen meters.

That's how it can cause damage to Sirte and Hela.

Sirte let out a loud roar, and his whole body was still burning with amazing flames and wanted to struggle for a while. His size was too large and he received more power.

But surrounded by sea water, there is absolutely nothing to grab and borrow, and it is pulled into the bottom of the sea.

In the sea, he still did not go out, still beating completely.

Ye Han looked at this group of firelight, and condensed a crystal clear hand with water.

He still remembered that the Eternal Fire inside Sirte was also the property of Odin's treasury!

Under the urging of Ye Han, the hand of water purification condensed by the magic of water pierced the sea water and headed towards Sirte.

Although it was all water, the hand of water purification was not confused with sea water. With a sharpness that was rare in water, it pierced into Sirte's body and penetrated from his back.

In the palm of the hand, there was a throbbing flame, not burning very slowly, but showing a hint of eternity.

The 823 source of power that Sirte had just recovered was once again taken away.

Without the Eternal Fire, his power fades rapidly, the flame is constantly extinguished, and he no longer has the power to even pick up the Twilight Greatsword.

In the end, only one skull helmet was left drifting in the sea with the current.

The Devil of Fire that never dies?

Ye Han mobilized a few ocean currents and collided with Sirte's skull helmet, which was instantly smashed into pieces.

A divinity coexisting with Muspelheim emerged from the skull helmet, and was about to pass through the space and go away, but was controlled by the infinite suction.

Kratos's god-killing power absorbed this divinity, Ye Han immediately established a connection with Muspelheim, and the endless flame power also grew in his body.

The immortal Sirte is finally going to perish!

The Twilight Greatsword was also lifted by the sea to Ye Han's side, which was also Ye Han's trophy.

Seeing this scene before, Hela's struggle increased a bit, but it was only more helpless.

Sirte, like her, is an indestructible existence, but this law was broken just last moment, and the threat of Death surrounded her, the Goddess of Death, for the first time.

Ye Han threw the Twilight Greatsword into the Golden Capital and looked at Hela, as if the Tesseract was in her hands! .


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