181 Happy Smile

Think of a gunpla that can move as high as one person, how much anime fans yearn for it. Anyway, Ye Han thinks that if he can really move, walk, run, jump, kick keys, and still scream, someone will buy it if it sells for tens of millions, and the technology content is there.

Hearing Ye Han's answer, Obadiah finally showed a relieved smile.

Sure enough, the little girl and Toni are not in the same mind, and even the chairman of the group company with amazing income is still an upstart who has never seen the market. I feel very sad in my heart, this is an old man who has lost his footing.

A photo is exchanged for 800,000 US dollars, even if 800,000 US dollars is equal to a penny, it is money, and it is not to ask you to do anything, just give it for nothing.

If you don't want him to let your men sneak in, you won't get more information than this photo of you, and the old bald head is not stupid.

Just like the "Woo Wo Shi" player, if you don't see the enemy hiding behind the island, just wait for your head to hit the fish.

It's the kind of picture where as soon as she crosses the island, she sees Shimakaze-chan on the opposite side shouting "Shimakaze is the fastest Ulla in the world!" rushing over and laying down a row of torpedoes like laying eggs, turning around and running, and the flying above her head. A pair of black rabbit ears swayed in the wind.

There is definitely Ye Han in this world. It is uncertain whether this item will be used in the end, but it is always better to have double insurance. What if Ye Han is restricted by the will of the universe at that time?

So Ye Han co-branded Pepper and made a glass display box for Toni's old 'Ark reactor' as a souvenir for Toni.

Um... ah, what?

Toni pretended to be stupid, she couldn't say that she turned off the volume of the intercom. "Ye Han and Obadiah are in the living room" for a long time. Pepper put the coffee in front of Toni. "Oh, good." "

"What should I tell them? You're busy making toys and don't want to go up there?"

Seeing that Toni was distracted by what she called the 'Flight stabilizer', Pepper asked, "Okay, no problem, I'll go right away." Toni tried to squirt into the empty space.


The injector in Toni's palm was obviously still not adjusted properly. "Okay, I'll go up."

Toni tried to remove the injector from her hand.

But it hit the switch by mistake. "Oh ah!"

This time it wasn't such a fart, Toni flew out and knocked over the stainless steel table behind. "Ah I'm fine, I'm fine."

Toni, who got up from the ground, tore off the injector in her hand, covered the nosebleed from her nose, and walked to the living room.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?"

With the pizza stuffed in Ye Han's mouth, he stared at Toni who was covering his nose with a black line! "I slipped."

Toni carelessly stuffed a piece of paper, picked up the pizza and put it in her mouth! "How about it?"

Toni looked at Obadiah, the old bald man was playing the piano.

It's kind of like the 'I'm playing Chopin's Nocturne in memory of my dead love' kind of non-mainstream feeling.

However, in fact, the old bald head was not playing a Chopin Nocturne, but the piano music pianoconcertoincmajor created by Antonio Salieri, who was at the same time as Mozart.

Beethoven, Schubert and List were all students of Antonio Salieri, but legend has it that he poisoned Mozart.

Definitely this is just a rumor that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and some people say that if Mozart hadn't died, then Beethoven, Schubert and List would all be Mozart's students, and they would be even more powerful.

Now look at the relationship between Obadiah and Toni, Ye Han is chewing on the pizza and eating it, and sure enough, there is something. "It doesn't look like it's going well? "

Toni looked at Ye Han who was only eating pizza there. "It's okay." " Ye Han shrugged.

"Just because we brought pizza back from New York doesn't mean it's not going well," Obadiah replied at the piano. "yes?"

Toni shoved the pizza into her mouth, letting the beef juices and cheese melt in her mouth. "Oh ho ho, this tastes great."

"It would be easier if you went."

Obadiah got up from the piano and walked to the sofa.

"I agreed to keep quiet and keep a low profile, that's what I did." Toni looked back at Ye Han.

(King Qian's) Ye Han blinked to make his eyes more moist, and then tried to show cute things. "Uh, I'm keeping a low profile, you'll handle things."

The corners of Toni's mouth twitched, and with her thumb, she wiped away the crumbs from the corner of Ye Han's mouth, and stuffed it into her own mouth. "Please, I just let you do that in front of reporters, not to let you not go to the board meeting." Obadiah sat down on the round stool next to Toni.

"What? Today is a board meeting? Which board meeting? Is that that?"

Toni's surprised look made Obadiah grit her teeth. "Don't tell me you don't know, Ye Han is here!" Obadiah pointed to Ye Han who didn't say a word. .

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