Chamber 182

"Okay, what do you say?"

Toni picked up the vegetable juice she had prepared herself, like wheatgrass juice, and took a sip into her mouth.

"The board decided you were 'PTSD' and filed a 'restraining order' against you. They're going to stop you.

Obadiah glanced at Ye Han and said to Toni. "What? Why? Just because the stock fell 40 points?"

Toni Void gestured her little hand.

"Hey! We knew this was going to happen!" Pepper reminded Toni on the side. "what?"

Toni turned her head in astonishment.

"That's right, that's why I'm on the board." Ye Han said it was great.

(;?1,!0.) Obadiah raised her hand and motioned to Toni, 'Look, that's how this girl came in'. "But it doesn't matter, we have a controlling stake in the company."

"Toni, you have a controlling stake, and the board of directors has rights. From the very beginning, the members of the board of directors must be able to compete with you at least." Obadiah shook his head.

The 860 board believes that you and your clean energy direction are not the most powerful for the company, and that stuff can be handed over to those who make big windmills. "Hey, me and my new direction is social responsibility!" After saying this, Toni took a hard bite of the pizza.

"Yes, I will take responsibility on behalf of the company and make amends for the past." Toni picked up the remaining half box of pizza. "Forget it, I'm back in the garage."

"Stop! I'm trying to salvage the situation, but you have to give me something before I can use it to gag those guys' mouths. If you don't believe me, ask Ye Han, it's not my 'injunction', nor is it I'm against you Dissatisfied. However, it's useless if I maintain that you can't come up with something."

Obadiah stood up and walked in front of Toni, who stood firm.

"Let the engineer examine and analyze this thing, draw a parametric drawing (acfd), and let me throw a bone to the gang in New York." "No, absolutely not, this thing is left on me, there is nothing to say. Bye Obi ." Toni threw the pizza box to Obadiah.

"Okay, this is for me..."

Obadiah watched Toni go to the basement with the box in hand. "Can I go down and see what you're doing?" Obadiah asked, stretching his neck. "Good night, Obi."

Toni ignored him and walked down the basement quickly.

So, I can't do anything about it. She doesn't let go, the board members don't see anything, they don't see rabbits or eagles. It's hard for me to be caught in the middle. Obadiah sat down on the sofa, shrugged at Ye Han, and picked up a piece of pizza. He didn't eat much just now. "Mr. Obadiah, I can't persuade her." "

Ye Han shook his head decisively. Although she could persuade her, how could she tell the truth at such a time.

"And you see, she won't let me go into the basement, why don't you go and help me see what she's doing? Is there anything I can use to fool those other shareholders?" Obadiah looked hopeful To Ye Han. "It's... well."

Ye Han responded, picked up another box of seafood pizza, and walked downstairs.

Anyway, Toni's basement is soundproof, she and Toni said Obadiah didn't know.

"He's waiting for my news. The old guy gave me two iyamahayzf-r1s today, just to get some useful information about your armor from me." Ye Han sat on the chair and replied Toni! "Then what did you exchange with him?" Toni suddenly became interested.

"Well, I'll use the photo of the Gundam I gave you."

Ye Han pointed to the Gundam in the corner of the garage. Although it was made by Ye Han, it was very precious, but to put it bluntly, it was just a decoration. It was born to be placed there to eat ashes. It has no practical value at all. practical. "Pfft...hahaha! Hurry up, hurry up, what's his response? What's his expression?" Toni sat on the stainless steel table, and the parts on the laughing table were shaking.

"Didn't you guess it? He doesn't understand this, so he definitely believed it. He was so dignified as if he didn't show up when he met him." "Hahaha, I knew it, and I really expected his expression to know the truth."

Toni laughed out loud, and seemed to have thought of Obadiah's expression. It seemed that she had also done something to deflate Obadiah. "He asked me to come down and see what you're doing now, and see if there's anything that can be exchanged for money." Ye Han raised his head and began to look around pretendingly. "Ha, this guy, is he the one behind the scenes?" Toni stroked her chin and said to herself.

"I don't know. In fact, I am in his position. I also need you to come up with something useful to stop the mouths of the board members. The most important thing is, the things you caused." Ye Han shook his head, this kind of Even if she knew that the old bald head was a bad person, she couldn't tell Toni directly!

It's really annoying, obviously it's my own company!

Toni paced back and forth angrily.

Find an excuse to put him off.

Ye Han shook his head, pulled a handwriting screen from the side, and called up the cracking program that Toni was working on. .

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