Chapter 233 Return to normal

Killian thought that theoretically, if he had done the same thing, he wouldn't have brought him over, and he wouldn't be afraid of what he would think of?

But from another angle, this is actually a test for him?

If you think about it, it will be discarded, and you will continue to use it if you think about it, and prove that the experiment is successful?

Killian thinks about it for himself, that's why his hands are shaking.

"I didn't do these things to you. Bullseye is a thug, but you are different. You are a partner." Ye Han wondered, why is he so scary.

"I am open and honest with my partners, and I will show you the bottom line. Definitely this kind of surgery is a technology reserve, and I am not ready to put it into practical use."

Although he took Killian to see the experimental process this time, Ye Han also had the idea of ​​shocking him. "I understand, I'm just too shocked to have this kind of surgery." Killian tried to hide himself by inserting his shaking hands into the Kabuto in his white coat.

In fact, this kind of mental brainwashing has been researched by HYDRA in World War II, but not many people know it.

Many of the first batch of HYDRA agents in 923 were kidnapped and brainwashed from special agencies in various countries. HYDRA would definitely not be able to hand over this useful technology to others. Ye Han could only study it himself.

In fact, Ye Han's things are much easier to use than HYDRA, and the system products must be excellent. But now Killian, who has turned his back on evil, is indeed a good researcher. "Well, it's almost there."

Killian glanced at the computer screen, Ye Han's operation with the computer and the manipulator really surprised him.

This is what surgery should look like in the future.

How many years is the technology in Ye Han's head leading the world? Killian was scared, could it be that this is an alien? "What kind of eyes are you looking at!"

Ye Han turned his head to see Killian's alien expression.

"No, I have no expression." Killian instantly returned to normal.

The crisp bell chimes after the microwave has warmed something up.

At this time, Ye Han designed the prompt sound for this system to remind the user that your heated brain is already cooked, please check it.

The robotic arm in the lab over there also completely stopped moving and stepped aside. Ye Han opened the door and walked in. The shaved bullseye was lying on the operating table, and there were still traces of welding on his head.

It just doesn't look very conspicuous anymore, just like melon seeds that have never been opened.

"Hey, wake up." Ye Han shook the bullseye.

(,,1.,?0;;?) Bullseye's eyes swiped away with a swipe, but he would slam against the ceiling without making any movement or saying a word." What's the matter, do you still make a fool after an operation? "

Ye Han stretched out his hand and swayed in front of Bullseye, but Bullseye still didn't move. Do not blink.

Ye Han withdrew his hand and retreated a step. Is there something wrong with the programming? Just when Ye Han was about to go back to the proofreading process again, Bullseye suddenly sat up like a zombie!

Ay Ya I gi!

This straight action startled Ye Han.

Then Bullseye's head turned around, his eyes staring straight at Ye Han who made a sound.


Bullseye kindly calls.


"...I have a hammer in my throat! Who are you calling Dage!" Ye Han subconsciously agreed, but he felt that something was wrong. You seem to be a woman, don't you?

Looking down, I really can't see my toes, that's fine.

The shock Ye Han received was no less than seeing someone with a head turned into an avocado greet him.

"You'd better move your feet first, and then go down. You were injured before, and I gave you a repair operation."

Ye Han stopped Benjamin who was about to get out of bed and worship the mountain. Dage is just Dage, so you can protect yourself from the outside world. No one would have thought that a 17-year-old girl would be called Dage and not the Prince of Wales. "Okay, listen to Dage."

Benjamin began to move his toes in a serious manner, then his hands and legs.

That's it... it's done!

Killian stared blankly at Benjamin. It's amazing to be so obedient.

It's done.

Ye Han came to the control room outside and took out the USB flash drive inserted into the computer, which contained the procedure of the operation.

Killian looked eagerly at the USB flash drive in Ye Han's hand.

Ye Han didn't see it at all.

Don't make trouble, no one can give this thing, and it will cause problems for everyone.


After Benjamin massaged his legs, he fell to the ground and jumped up and down, nothing happened. Then he bowed to Ye Han. "Thank you Dage for saving my life." The sincere tone and rich emotions made people almost cry.

However, Ye Han is not an ordinary person.

"Just be able to move, put on the suit." Ye Han pointed to the gray suit and red collar lying beside him.

Benjamin took off his hospital gown.

Killian's eyes went back and forth on Ye Han and Benjamin.

Generally, girls like Ye Han who are more literate, quality and cultivated should not avoid this situation?

Why does Ye Han act so naturally?

It must be because Ye Han is watching his own experimental props. Experimental props are gender neutral, Killian himself thought. Seeing that Benjamin changed into his suit, Ye Han nodded. .

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