Chapter 234 Losing money

Ye Han was stunned for a moment when he was asked. He couldn't say that it was just because of his own bad taste, so he had to think of a high-sounding reason to prevaricate Benjamin.

"So it turns out, Dage is Dage, think long-term!" The former Bullseye, now 47, stretched out his fingers and gave a thumbs up. So the question is, does Bullseye actually compliment others like this?

So it seems that the own program still has a big problem. In addition to changing people's memory, it can actually change people's characters?

Ye Han thought for a while, and suddenly realized, he thought it was possible. Because a person's character is developed, a big reason lies in his memory. What he has experienced in his life will change his character to a great extent. Psychological trauma or something has a long-lasting impact on a person.

Maybe Bullseye was stimulated as a child, and now the subconscious implant has accidentally become a replacement.

This guy forgot his past memories, and instead he became a lot more cheerful.

So what kind of software did the system give me? When I bought it in the mall, it was written that subconscious implantation became a memory replacement.

Although it seems that the results may be better. That's right, the software program that turns Bullseye into 47 comes from the system.

Ye Han also doesn't know which program the system picked up from a previous life's film and television work, and it's working well now.

It's just that it wasn't written by Ye Han after all, so naturally he couldn't find any problems in it. He is definitely just trying to save trouble. Bullseye is better than nothing to him, and this experiment is just to provide him with a feasibility.

If it is to subconsciously implant or replace memory on some important people, he will not use the software provided by the system.

This kind of thing beyond his control could easily make some mistakes like this time. Even if it's a good mistake for him because of system limitations, sometimes some of his plans are wrong.

As for whether he can write it?

Just a joke, why did the Osborn Group invite him to study? He has attainments in biology. Medically it definitely does.

The Jinbing incident went around in a circle and ended with Ye Han accepting a younger brother. Overall, the gains are not great. Definitely Matthew's friendship that's another matter.

Ye Han thought about it and found that the latest incident was that Toni went to the hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

After all, it's still a HYDRA conspiracy.

It's just because of my own plan that I don't want to expose HYDRA prematurely, so I will use this method to suppress Toni through social theory.

It's a pity that Toni wouldn't be Toni if ​​she cared about society and theory.

Think about it, as a girl Toni, the cover girls around her have changed one after another. This is different from the boy Tony in the original plot. Girls and girls are very problematic even in the open western world. .

In this case, he doesn't care what the people say.

If HYDRA tried to bring Tony into submission through social theory, it would be wishful thinking. But this is all about next April, Ye Han is not in a hurry. In the past few months, he could just sort out the problems in his industry.

?space-gms has developed a return rocket, and the most important thing is definitely the set of calculation programs given by Ye Han.

From the launch of the rocket to the return to the ground, the whole process is controlled by the program written by Ye Han, and the ground personnel are responsible for the manufacture of the hardware and the maintenance of the whole process. 0 · Ask for flowers ·

The returnable rocket is secretly operated by the outside world, and the outside world is completely unknown. Definitely HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D know it is another story. Ye Han felt that they should have known, but there was nothing he could do to himself. There is no way, only he can do the program, and the excerpt can't go away. The calculation program is all yu in his basement.

At least this technology, which is 20 years ahead of the earth, Ye Han doesn't want to "go out in the open.

This is a money-losing business, and if the original plot is completely followed, when Vision appears, the plan will be over.

But not necessarily for Ye Han, what if he secretly made one?

In fact, he let gms bioengineering participate in this project is just a pretense, he has already figured out the complete body of the regenerative cradle project and put it in his basement.

There is yu to provide computing, and it will never let you grow arms and legs and hands.

Just like the complete body that he had already made out of menopause. In this way, even if he accidentally exposes it one day, he is completely reasonable. He has investments in two heaven-defying gray technologies, and he is also preparing to file for patents.

What's more, Ye Han participated in the optimization of the menopause, and even if he applied for a patent, he must have his name.

Even if the Marvel world is talking about big fists, but it is legal and reasonable to hit people. It is not more comfortable to beat people, and it is just like riding on the face, hitting the wind, and hitting the gravity.

Although the financial environment of country m is completely different from that of the indescribable country in the future, but don't forget who Ye Han has guaranteed.

Even if the stock fell because of his own tossing, Toni Stark is still the world leader and his guarantee is still legally valid. what.

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