People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 129 Harvesting Lighthouses【Please subscribe】

"From now on, you don't have to carry it anymore. I have healed your injuries. This is my compensation for you over the past few months."

In the golden hall.

Zhang Jingyun said slowly.

In front of him was Vatican, the Light Bearer of the Light and Shadow Society, a cold law enforcer of the lighthouse who was feared by countless ordinary people and even superior people.

When she heard Zhang Jingyun's words, she was obviously stunned. She had been carrying the black cylinder weighing dozens of kilograms on her back for more than ten years, and now she was free.

As the lighthouse's toughest law enforcer.

The Light Bearer should have completely abandoned the emotions of the old world. At this moment, her heart seemed to be freed as the shackles on her body fell away.

But she was still a little confused.

In He Guangzhe's view, with Zhang Jingyun's character, even if he could cure his physical injuries, he would not do it in vain.

There's always something up his sleeve.

In the past few months, she had come here often to fight with Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun repeatedly whipped her without any pity.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?"

The Light Bearer couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Jingyun was speechless for a while. The woman in front of him might have completely lost human emotions. It was really a headache.

The Light Bearer is different from the others in the golden hall. She performed the breeding mission with Zhang Jingyun from the beginning until she became pregnant.

Everyone else is just a passer-by.

He Guangzhe and Jingnan are their own people.

It was not easy for Zhang Jingyun to just want He Guangzhe to recognize this "one of his own". When Zhang Jingyun waited until she was pregnant, He Guangzhe never asked me to treat her physical injuries.

This is like surviving an eagle. The eagle is not defeated, but the hunter falls first. The bearer of light has a much harder time than the eagle.

"If you're pregnant, go back and take good care of the baby. What's in your belly is my son. Also, don't listen to Charles in the future."

Zhang Jingyun ordered.

He Guangzhe was having a heated fight with Zhang Jingyun these days and talked to Zhang Jingyun a lot, but it was still a bit difficult to get her to obey.

"The words of the leader are the arrangements of the Lord of Light and Shadow. I cannot refuse. In addition, the lighthouse has banned family relationships in the old world.

I need to remind you.

On the lighthouse, you must follow the three laws of the lighthouse, otherwise even if you have a relationship with the child in my belly, I will punish you according to the law! "

Hearing her talk about punishment, Zhang Jingyun immediately laughed: "Punishment? Please elaborate, is it candles, handcuffs or a small whip?"

The bearer's face turned slightly red.

Because Zhang Jingyun had punished her for these things, Zhang Jingyun did not control his light and shadow value at all. The light bearer reminded her many times, and finally annoyed Zhang Jingyun, but he punished her in various ways.

"Don't be so unscrupulous!"

The light bearer's chest rose and fell slightly.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "You are too deeply poisoned. If everything Charles said was arranged by the Lord of Light and Shadow, would the Lord of Light and Shadow personally send you to me to perform the mission?

These are just lies he told you to fool you. He sold you to win over me, and you still speak for him? Go back and think carefully about why it is not the Lord of Light and Shadow who heals you but me! "

As soon as the words fell, He Guangzhe's face showed waves, and when she saw that Zhang Jingyun had turned around and left, she returned to her residence with complicated emotions.

The lighthouse population is in great demand.

Of course, what Lighthouse needs is only high-quality people, that is, Shangmin. Only Shangmin are qualified to be trained by Lighthouse.

Therefore, every pregnant woman will receive the best treatment during pregnancy. She does not have to engage in high-intensity work and eats carefully prepared special nutritious meals every day. This is the most enjoyable moment in the life of women on the lighthouse.


Unconsciously it has been half a year.

Zhang Jingyun's attribute points have accumulated more than 600, almost maintaining around 100 points every month, and he is living a happy life.

“This is the life of a breeding pacesetter!”

Zhang Jingyun stretched lazily on the bed, and then started to think about it. Both Jing Nan and He Guangzhe were pregnant one after another. He couldn't spend all day in the golden hall, otherwise others would have no work to do.

Morgan gave Zhang Jingyun ten spots and there were still many more. This was an opportunity he had earned based on his ability, and he immediately began to choose a new dual cultivation goal.

Zhang Jingyun called up the information on women of the right age and only selected women who had not performed breeding tasks. As his eyes swept, he saw two familiar names.

"Feixue, 21 years old, has not yet carried out the breeding mission. Because he is a member of the hunter team and has a heavy workload, he will not be considered for the breeding mission for the time being.

Erica, 18 years old, has not yet carried out the breeding mission. Because she is a member of the hunter team and has just turned 18 and has not yet been a year old, she will not be considered for assignment for the time being. "

Feixue and Erica are both acquaintances of Zhang Jingyun, especially Erica. This little loli has very powerful genes and is burdened with heavy responsibilities at such a young age.

"Forget it, to keep Erica happy for a while, Feixue is a little more mature, and Feixue has a pretty good figure."

Zhang Jingyun soon announced a new breeding mission. In theory, the lighthouse did not need to consider material issues for two years, but the hunter team had to maintain a high level of combat capabilities and prepare for rainy days. Occasionally, they would still go to the ground to collect supplies.

However, the lack of flying snow will not have much impact.

The next morning, Feixue came to the golden hall,

Although Feixue was performing a breeding mission for the first time, she was unusually calm, as if she was facing a sudden collapse without changing her expression.

Until I saw Zhang Jingyun.

Feixue tilted her head slightly, obviously a little surprised. She didn't expect that the person performing the task was Zhang Jingyun, but she was wearing a mechanical mask and her expression could not be seen.

Zhang Jingyun can see clearly, but Feixue is not like the light bearer. His body is damaged and he has to rely on mechanical devices to maintain his life.

She only suffered facial injuries and left scars, so she wore a mechanical mask, not wanting her embarrassing side to be seen.

"Why don't you wear a mask? Isn't this against the rules?" Feixue felt a little strange when she saw Zhang Jingyun's true face was revealed and there was no supervisor nearby.

Zhang Jingyun said, "You and I are performing a special mission. From now on, I will always perform breeding missions with you. It doesn't matter whether I wear a mask or not. You can take off the mask too."

"I...can't do it."

Feixue shook his head, not wanting to show the scars on his face. In fact, Zhang Jingyun knew that Feixue was very beautiful, but the left side of his face was injured for some reason. It hurt the bones. A slightly ferocious scar completely destroyed this beautiful face. Beautiful face.

"Can't Beacon even cure this kind of injury?" Zhang Jingyun said softly, then walked up to Feixue and reached out to touch her mechanical mask.

Feixue thought Zhang Jingyun wanted to take off his mask, and was about to reach out to stop him when he suddenly felt a cool breath on his cheeks.

It's like a gentle hand caressing her all the time.

"Hmm~" Feixue subconsciously made a sound as a tickling feeling hit her heart, and then she realized that it was in front of Zhang Jingyun.

Under the mechanical mask, Feixue's face turned red quickly. She felt something had changed on her cheeks, but Zhang Jingyun's hand was pressed against the mask and she didn't dare to move.

After a few minutes, the itching feeling disappeared. Feixue noticed a purple light flashing in Zhang Jingyun's eyes, and then his face lightened.

It was Zhang Jingyun who took off her mask.

"You...don't look!"

Feixue turned around and said.

Zhang Jingyun said softly: "There is a mirror in front of you, take a look at it yourself first."

Feixue looked up at the mirror in front of her suspiciously, and was suddenly startled. In the mirror, she had red phoenix eyes, thin red lips, a slight pout, revealing a pair of white teeth, a pretty nose and a smooth face. She is white on top and rosy on the inside, and she looks like a beauty at first sight.

"My face..." Feixue stretched out her hand to touch her face, her movements extremely careful, and her cautious look was completely different from her character.

Zhang Jingyun is not surprised.

Appearance is so important to a woman. If it weren't for scars, how could Feixue wear a mechanical mask all year round?

Who doesn’t want to have good looks?

After a while, Feixue's eyes turned slightly red, and the next second she suddenly turned around, picked up Zhang Jingyun's cheek, and kissed him heavily.


Zhang Jingyun could feel the excitement in Feixue's heart. This woman looked as calm as a Light Bearer, but once she exploded, she would be even more ferocious than a Light Bearer!

"Why do you smell so good?"

The two of them were very close to each other, and they could smell each other's breath clearly. Feixue's body had a light daughter's fragrance, but Zhang Jingyun was different.

He has succeeded in cultivation and has entered the realm of heaven and humanity. She has a clean and clear aura without any trace of human fireworks, which makes her feel comfortable from the bottom of her heart, like a fairy spirit, which is as fascinating as a fairy.

"At my level, to put it bluntly, my stools may have a fresh smell. I eat less and less whole grains, and it's almost like eating grains."

Zhang Jingyun said softly that with his current cultivation level and the rich spiritual energy in the spiritual cage world, he could already practice fasting for a long time.

Already embarked on the immortal path.

"The words are rough but the reasoning is not rough."

Feixue thought thoughtfully, Zhang Jingyun was so awesome. If everyone in Lighthouse was like him and could live without eating, the Extreme Devouring Beast would be nothing.

"Haha, you don't think it's easy to reach my level, do you? I'm not looking down on you. I might not be able to reach it even if I give you another hundred years."

Zhang Jingyun saw what she was thinking and said, "What's going on with me? How dare I compare myself with a life that's been messed up by the system?"

However, Zhang Jingyun did not attack Feixue too much: "It is difficult to reach my level, but it is still easy to kill the pole-devouring beast.

You hunters are practicing the Twelve Shaosi Skills, which can avoid the Devouring Beast. I will teach you a close combat skill. If you are talented, your physical fitness will be greatly improved within a year or two. "

Zhang Jingyun taught her a skill.

In this world, the aura of heaven and earth is extremely rich. Both internal skills and national martial arts have advanced rapidly, and the combat power they have developed is even more powerful.

In the world of dragons and snakes, Wang Chao met God in six years.

This kind of talent has been unparalleled for thousands of years. The aura of this world is definitely richer than that of the world of dragons and snakes. Although Feixue and others are not as qualified as Wang Chao, they have been training hard for one or two years under the pressure of survival. There will definitely be obvious results.

It took some time to teach the Zhuang Kung Fu. After it was taught, it was a moment for the two of them to practice together frankly. With a gentle shout, some kind of barrier was broken.

Napoleon once said.

The first soldier to rush in often came out with blood on his head.


[Practice once, attribute points +1]

The voice of the system came from my mind.


Zhang Jingyun added two more attribute points this day. He and Feixue had a lot of exchanges, and both of them gained a lot.

Afterwards, Zhang Jingyun was in high spirits.

The lighthouse is a good place. He likes it more and more, and even has some new ideas. Such a closed city-state, with an unreasonable system and a backlog of contradictions, will one day completely explode.

At that time, he couldn't live this kind of life anymore. After thinking about it, instead of waiting for the lighthouse to fall, he might as well take it under control and become the lord of the city himself!

"Rebellion yourself and become the city lord?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. What a coincidence. He happened to have the destiny to rebel against Tiangang. As long as he did something against Tiangang, there would be a hidden reward.

Hidden rewards are very tempting to Zhang Jingyun. Compared with ordinary task rewards, the quality is higher. Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun instantly knew what to do.

What Charles, what Mark…

No Zhang Jingyun is suitable to be the city lord.

"The lighthouse model is not working and needs to be changed." Zhang Jingyun's way of controlling the lighthouse is not like Morgan's, who uses the three laws to suppress nature and turn people into emotionless machines.

What Zhang Jingyun wants is a beacon that supports him from the bottom of his heart, turning this cage-like place into a real place of hope.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Jingyun gradually came up with a plan. His plan for the lighthouse was to transform it into a model similar to that of a sect in the world of immortality.

Zhang Jingyun is like the sect master, who holds all the power, Shangyin is like the true disciple, and the dustmen are like the outer disciples. The sect is different from the lighthouse. The lighthouse does not give the dustmen any hope, and the dustmen are not even human beings.

Are you still a human being if you don’t even have the right to reproduce?

Zhang Jingyun must first give the common people a hope. This is very simple. The difference between the common people and the common people is just their genes. Cultivation is the process of making up for the genetic defects.

The corners of his mouth curved.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a bold idea.

It’s not about letting ordinary people practice the Sunflower Book.

Although the mortals do not have the right to breed, it is still unrealistic for them to cut them. Of course, there must be some people who are willing to do this. After all, the lives of the mortals are not as good as those of pigs in the old world.

Zhang Jingyun thought of the lighthouse system.

The lighthouse system is widely used. People on both the upper and lower levels receive tasks and purchase supplies here. Everyone is inseparable from the lighthouse system.

Earn contribution points by completing tasks, and spend contribution points by buying supplies, forming a cycle. This is the model of lighthouse resources and supplies.

Zhang Jingyun posted several paid videos on it, all priced at 100 contribution points, and the contents were about several methods of practicing Zhuang Gong.

This is a training video shot by Zhang Jingyun himself. It explains in detail the key points of practicing Zhuang Gong. Although it is not as perfect as teaching it in person, there is absolutely no problem in practicing by watching the video.

This is the true secret.

It's ridiculous. There aren't many people in the lighthouse who know what to buy, especially ordinary people. They can't afford good food. Who would spend a hundred contribution points to buy this thing.

Zhang Jingyun was not surprised. He had expected it. The video was posted on the platform. At the same time, he issued a task to select thirty dustmen.

These thirty ordinary people do not have to work every day. Their task is to watch videos and practice. Zhang Jingyun takes care of the food every day and occasionally makes a few remarks.

All the common people scrambled to do such a task, and finally thirty lucky people were selected and lived a life like the emperor they thought they were.

Until half a year later.

These ordinary people went to the lighthouse for a genetic test. Dr. Carrie was very dissatisfied. She thought Zhang Jingyun was wasting the lighthouse resources.

Until you see the test results.

Out of the thirty common people who had long been diagnosed with genetic defects, three of them turned out to be Shangmin, causing a huge sensation in an instant.

Zhang Jingyun was also amazed.

Sure enough, a world with abundant spiritual energy is powerful. People with a little bit of talent can greatly improve their physical fitness after practicing for half a year, and their genes are comparable to those of ordinary people.

The effect was better than Zhang Jingyun expected.

But others were blinded.

Can ordinary people become ordinary people? How is this going? When everyone was confused, the three parties involved stood up and told the truth.

"Cultivation can make up for genetic defects!"

Zhang Jingyun's few videos instantly became popular, and people rushed to buy them. After buying them, they forgot to eat and sleep while practicing.

They have realized it.

These videos are life-changing.

Zhang Jingyun's contribution points skyrocketed to hundreds of thousands. Some ordinary people had the wrong idea and wanted to make a deal with others. A few people would buy a video together and watch the practice together.

How could Zhang Jingyun fulfill their wishes?

This is stealing his intellectual property!

Zhang Jingyun's friendship with Jiali and Jingnan is very good, and the common people who work hard to practice can make up for their genetic defects. But without purchasing the video records, Dr. Carrie would not have given them genetic testing, and Jingnan would not have given them Shangmin status.

Put an end to this kind of thing at the source!

Support genuine!

Of course, one hundred contribution points is not too much. Common people can save it by saving it for a few months. In order to become a high-ranking citizen, they have to tighten their belts and buy it.

The commotion caused by Zhang Jingyun alarmed Morgan, who personally sent a message to Zhang Jingyun, asking him to come to the central command hall to see him.

Seeing Morgan, Zhang Jingyun frowned.

A year has passed, and Morgan's body has become more and more stooped, and his health is getting worse and worse. Zhang Jingyun used spiritual energy to sort out his body and planned to support him for two years, but now it seems that he will not be able to last two years at all.

"Hey, why did you make such a big fuss and let the common people practice and become the superior people? This is unfair to the superior people and will aggravate the conflicts."

Morgan said with a sigh.

Shangmin was originally dissatisfied with the Chenmin. They believed that the genetic defects of the Chenmin would only waste resources and be of no use to the development of the lighthouse. Morgan was afraid that the lighthouse would be in chaos, so he approached Zhang Jingyun to try to save everything.

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged, "Why is it unfair? Common people can practice, and so can noble people. My skills can be learned with money.

Don't think that everything will be fine if your genes are good. If you don't practice hard, you will be overtaken by the common people. Can the city lord understand? "

Morgan reacted, "Shangmin also wants to practice, oh! This is reasonable and has many benefits for the lighthouse."

Zhang Jingyun had a smile on his face.

This is involution. The superior people are used to being aloof, and the ordinary people have been suppressed all their lives. When they see the opportunity to change their destiny, why don't they practice like crazy?

When all the people of Lighthouse practice, they will find that the practice has come to an abrupt end, and the higher-level practice videos have become 10,000 or 100,000 contribution points!

Zhang Jingyun is harvesting lighthouses.

From now on, all the resources of Lighthouse will be gathered in the hands of Zhang Jingyun, and he will be the real controller of Lighthouse.

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