People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 130 Charles’ breeding mission [Please subscribe]

[Attribute points: 1024]

Zhang Jingyun looked at his gains in more than a year. The soaring of attribute points can be described as riding a rocket. It still feels incredible when he thinks about it.

That is to say, the lighthouse has unique conditions. This system is simply designed for Zhang Jingyun, a breeding pacesetter, and it is perfect.

After more than a year of hard work, Zhang Jingyun felt that the current attribute points were enough for him to practice any technique.

This time he came to the spirit cage world.

There are two tasks in total. The first is to breed the pacesetter. Zhang Jingyun has already exceeded the limit because he is still the breeding pacesetter this year.

Zhang Jingyun stayed at the lighthouse for more than a year.

In the first half of the year, he won last year's breeding pacesetter. In the second half of the year, as expected, he will win this year's breeding pacesetter, because the tasks he completed are unmatched.

Therefore, this can be considered as the top spot for two consecutive years. The supervisors in the golden hall have long admired him and admired him greatly.

There are a few older supervisors who are well-informed. What kind of people have not seen them? But Zhang Jingyun is really unheard of.

Who can perform an average of at least five tasks a day without stopping for a year? This has exceeded the limits of men.

Of course, these people don't know.

In addition to the normal matching breeding tasks, Zhang Jingyun also privately increased his quota, excluding Jingnan, Feixue, Heguangzhe, etc.

With the attribute points exceeding one thousand.

Zhang Jingyun went to the Golden Hall less often, and gradually began to focus on quality rather than quantity. In addition, he also started preparing to complete the second task.

The second system task is to kill the pole-devouring beast.

The mission description is that the more pole-devouring beasts you kill, the higher the quality of the reward will be. If you kill a king-level pole-devouring beast, you will definitely win the big prize!

Zhang Jingyun was not sure of killing the king-level pole-devouring beast. If it were the giant-toothed double-jawed beast last time, with its extraordinary speed and no interference from other pole-devouring beasts, it might be possible to kill the king-level pole-devouring beast.

However, the Devouring Beast summons its companions very quickly, let alone the King-level Devouring Beast, so it is unlikely to create a one-on-one battle.


The Devouring Beast can form gangs, and so can Zhang Jingyun. If he finds some people to block the ordinary Devouring Beast, he might be able to take advantage of this time to kill the King-level Devouring Beast.

However, the requirements for the strength of the companions are very high. With the current strength of the Lighthouse Hunters team, they will definitely not be able to stop them.

Bai Yuekui's team might be able to.

And this involves the second question.

A year has passed since he came into contact with the ground forces. Zhang Jingyun has never left the lighthouse, let alone contact Bai Yuekui and others.

In fact, Zhang Jingyun wanted to wait for his breakthrough to see the gods and reach the highest level of martial arts before contacting Bai Yuekui and others.

Zhang Jingyun's current strength is slightly inferior to that of Bai Yuekui. Back then, Bai Yuekui could easily cut through the body of the king-level pole-devouring beast, but he couldn't do it.

Although Zhang Jingyun's strength has improved greatly now, he can still cut through the body of a king-level pole-devouring beast as elegantly as Bai Yuekui did back then!

But who knows how much effort Bai Yuekui used?

Only when he reaches the highest level of martial arts, can he be sure of defeating Bai Yuekui. He doesn't like women who are better than him.

"If you want to kill the Devouring Beast, you have to leave the lighthouse. The good days of the lighthouse are coming to an end. You just need to deal with the hidden dangers before leaving."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes sparkled.

Morgan couldn't hold it anymore and announced the new city lord. In just a few days, after Charles knew the result, the lighthouse would definitely be disrupted by this magician.

The past three days have been leisurely.

As expected, Morgan informed everyone to go to the command hall for a meeting, and all the lighthouse senior officials, including Zhang Jingyun, gathered in the central command hall.

Zhang Jingyun is responsible for everything in the Golden Hall and is considered a new senior manager. Others, like Dr. Carrie, Elon, Jessica... are all old people.

Wait until everyone arrives.

With the support of Victor, the commander-in-chief of the city defense army, Morgan staggered into the central command hall and sat down in the city lord's seat with some difficulty.

Everyone could tell at this moment that his situation was not good. He suddenly called everyone here this time, fearing that something big was going to happen.

Sure enough, after Morgan considered it, he slowly said, "I called you here today not to report on work, but to announce a resolution."

Morgan's words made everyone feel shocked.

The people who can appear here are all elites. You don't have to think about it to know what the decision will be. The lighthouse is about to change.

"The lighthouse still has a long way to go, and it's time to hand it over to young people at the helm. This person needs to have noble character and tenacity!"

Morgan said in a deep voice, his eyes were very clear, scanning everyone in turn, and paused slightly when scanning Charles.

Charles understood, with a smile on his face. He subconsciously took a half step forward, held his head high, and seemed to be ready to succeed the city lord.

However, Morgan's eyes quickly turned to others. Under Charles's stunned gaze, they landed on Mark and never moved away.

"I am here to officially announce that the new city lord will be succeeded by...Mark!" Morgan's clear voice echoed in the central command hall for a long time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Morse suddenly burst out, "Why should he be the city lord? How can a reckless man who only knows how to fight and kill become the last guardian of mankind?"

Don't say Charles broke the defense.

Others were also quite surprised by Morgan's decision. Before this, the Light and Shadow Society was so powerful. It was the most powerful force in the Lighthouse. How could people like the Hunter Team compare with the Light and Shadow Society?

And Charles' status is already there, he is the supreme leader under the city lord, and he has much greater power than Mark.

It's not normal for Charles not to inherit the position of city lord. Just now, even Mark thought that Morgan would choose Charles as city lord, but he didn't expect that the city lord would be myself.

Faced with Charles's doubts, Morgan was very calm: "Mark brings so many survival supplies for the lighthouse every time, how can he not be the city lord?"

"That's because he was able to bring back various supplies with the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow. How could he return smoothly without the believers of the Light and Shadow Society praying day and night?"

Even Zhang Jingyun was dumbfounded by Charles' words. He really believed in the Lord of Light and Shadow. He actually believed such nonsense.

"Master Charles, not only believers of the Light and Shadow Society can pray to the Lord of Light and Shadow. How do you know that Mark doesn't pray devoutly?"

Instructor Elon said on the side.

He is Mark's teacher, and he must be towards Mark. If Charles becomes the city lord, the hunter team will be in a difficult situation. After all, everyone knows that the Light and Shadow Society will not deal with the hunter.

"Hmph, I pray to the Lord of Light and Shadow in the Hall of Light and Shadow. I have never seen Captain Mark go there. Instructor Elon, do you mean that his prayer is more useful than ours?"


Instructor Elon was stunned by Charles' words. The Lord of Light and Shadow is the god that everyone believes in. Charles has been praying day and night for all these years.

In terms of piety, Mark is indeed inferior to him.

Charles is very confident. When it comes to the Lord of Light and Shadow, no one can argue with him. He has long considered himself to be the spokesperson of the Lord of Light and Shadow.

It’s just that ginger is still spicy.

The only thing that can defeat magic is magic.

I just heard City Lord Morgan suddenly say: "Charles, Mark returns safely every time. Isn't it the arrangement of the Lord of Light and Shadow for him to be the Lord of the City? The Lord of Light and Shadow must have heard your prayers."

Charles almost vomited blood.

He didn't expect Morgan to turn towards Mark at this time, so in front of Zhang Jingyun and others, Charles blurted out: "Father!!"

In an instant, you could hear a pin drop in the hall of light and shadow.

This is too much information.

The Lighthouse has long banned old world family relationships, prohibiting everyone from discussing parent-child relationships, love and all other old world emotions.

Over the years, the Light and Shadow Association has resolutely enforced the rules. Anyone who openly talks about parent-child relationships will be severely punished, ranging from flogging to burning.

Charles was responsible for these tasks.

But now, he took the lead in breaking the rules and called Lord Morgan his father, but no one in the room dared to say so due to his identity.

Morgan also realized that something was wrong and reminded him: "Charles, I have told you a long time ago that you must address your duties when working! Call me City Lord! And there is no father on the lighthouse!"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

Charles lowered his head and said.

Everyone thought that this incident would just go away, but unexpectedly, a burst of untimely laughter resounded clearly in the central command hall.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw that it was Zhang Jingyun.

"Hey, you calm down!"

Beside Zhang Jingyun, Jing Nan reminded him in a low voice and secretly hit Zhang Jingyun with his elbow. At this time, everyone was holding back, how dare he laugh.

"Zhang Jingyun, why are you laughing!"

Charles growled with a sullen face.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I thought of something funny. There was a person in the old world who wrote an essay titled My Father, the District Chief, and won the first prize in the district.

I'm not targeting you.

Just say something funny. "

"Pfft!" Dr. Carrie, Elon, and Jessica all couldn't help laughing. They couldn't hold it back. It was okay if Zhang Jingyun didn't explain, but it was even harder to explain once he did.

"Okay, it's settled that Mark will be the next city lord of the lighthouse. The succession ceremony of the city lord will be held in seven days. The meeting is adjourned!"

Morgan spoke in a high-pitched voice, but as soon as he finished speaking, he coughed twice. Everyone no longer suppressed laughter, but felt a little sad.

The development of the Lighthouse for more than fifty years is inseparable from Morgan. He single-handedly established the system of the Lighthouse and left hope to mankind. His contribution to the Lighthouse is obvious to all!

However, time is not forgiving, and Morgan is getting old. He cannot withstand the ravages of time. Looking at this slightly vicissitudes of life, everyone has complicated hearts.


Charles glanced at Mark and looked at Zhang Jingyun with an evil look in his eyes. He snorted lightly and strode away from the central command center.

"Well done!"

Instructor Elon passed by Zhang Jingyun and admired him. After all these years, Zhang Jingyun is the only one who dares to make Charles unable to get off stage like this.

There was a trace of gratitude in Mark's eyes. Zhang Jingyun said these words to block Charles' firepower for him, otherwise Morgan would not have ended the meeting so quickly.

"You talk too much. What good will it do to you if you offend Charles?" Jing Nan said helplessly next to Zhang Jingyun.

"Offend Charles? You are overestimating him. He doesn't deserve to be offended by me. But you, if you don't feel at ease to raise a baby, why are you holding a meeting?"

Zhang Jingyun said that he stretched out his hand to touch Jing Nan's belly, feeling the rhythm of the baby inside, like a kind old father.

"Pay attention, this is outside!"

Jing Nan's face turned red, and he patted Zhang Jingyun's hand away. Although the child was Zhang Jingyun's, according to Beacon's rules, all babies were educated uniformly after birth. In theory, Jing Nan didn't even have the chance to see the child.

Ten months into pregnancy, the baby cannot be seen.

This is very cruel for a mother. Zhang Jingyun could see the disappointment in her eyes and held Jing Nan's hand, "Don't worry, we must raise our children by ourselves!"

"You...what do you want to do?"

Jing Nan was slightly stunned. What Zhang Jingyun said violated the three laws of the lighthouse. Is he planning to do something?

"What can I do? It's the leader. He doesn't look like he will wait for Mark to succeed the city leader." Zhang Jingyun said casually.

"It is an established fact that Mark will succeed the city lord. What else can Charles do?" Jing Nan asked. Compared to some politicians, she was still a little immature.

Zhang Jingyun soon knew what Charles wanted to do. Not long after he returned to the Golden Hall, Charles found him.

"Zhang Jingyun, have you forgotten our original agreement!" Charles's face was ashen, and he actually came to ask for help.

"What agreement?"

Charles: “…”

Snapped! Charles slapped the table and said angrily: "You bastard, I gave you all the Light Bearers to carry out breeding tasks, and the child is about to be born. Now you ask me what the agreement is?"

Zhang Jingyun "suddenly realized" and said: "Oh ~ you are talking about that thing, you want me to help you, and then let the light bearer follow me?"

Charles hummed: "Just remember."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jingyun's attitude changed, "It's okay not to mention this. But if you mention it today, I really want to tell you about it."

"What?" Charles didn't know why.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I am in charge of the Golden Hall, who do you need to arrange the breeding mission with? Even if you don't tell me, I will let the Light Bearer carry out the mission. You are a white wolf with nothing!"

"Do you want to deny it?"

Charles was furious, wasn't this a joke on him?

Zhang Jingyun sneered, "If there's anything else, let's finish it together quickly, or else I'll ask Mr. Hui to return to your light and shadow hall."

Charles didn't expect him to hold up his pants and refuse to admit his fault. He only heard him hold back his anger and said: "Arrange a breeding mission for me!"

Zhang Jingyun was happy, "I didn't expect that Mr. Shu would be so kind. I'm very happy that you came to me, but I don't like your attitude of asking for help."

Charles's face darkened, "I'm not going to do it. I want you to make arrangements and let Ran Bing and my people carry out the breeding mission."

Charles' abacus was very good. From the beginning, he wanted to take advantage of Zhang Jingyun, so he sent the Light Bearer to be tactically penetrated inside.

The purpose is to let Ran Bing perform the breeding mission through Zhang Jingyun for today, and Ran Bing and Mark are childhood sweethearts.

Mark may break the lighthouse law for Ran Bing, and it's hard to say who will be the city master at that time. This is Charles' plan.

"Ran Bing? You are really insidious."

Zhang Jingyun said bluntly.

"I even gave you the Light Bearer!"

Charles couldn't help but said.

"Okay, let's go back and wait for news."

Charles didn't expect Zhang Jingyun to be so happy and agreed to his request directly, which saved him a lot of trouble.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news!"

Charles left satisfied.

Soon, Charles received the mission message, "Shangmin Charles, if you have a breeding mission, please go to the Golden Hall to carry it out tomorrow morning.

Warm reminder: It is the responsibility of every citizen to perform breeding tasks. Refusing to perform breeding tasks is equivalent to betraying the lighthouse! "

Zhang Jingyun directly arranged a heavyweight breeding task for Charles. The target of the task was a strong woman weighing more than 200 kilograms.

She is a devout believer.

For more than ten years, she has listened to the teachings of the Lord of Light and Shadow and regarded Charles as a role model. She never dared to imagine that she could carry out the breeding mission with the Lord Huishou. She was so happy!

Not only that, this woman has bred five times, and every time she gave birth to a child, the children were genetically tested and had good genes.

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