People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 218 True and False Xu Xian【Please subscribe】

It is a rare opportunity to get two thousand-year inner elixirs. Bai Suzhen is about to survive the Dragon Boat Festival catastrophe, and Zhang Jingyun's staying will only distract her.

Simply, Zhang Jingyun escaped directly into the mountains and forests to practice, absorbing and refining two thousand-year inner elixirs. When Bai Suzhen completed her tribulation, he was almost successful.

Before leaving, Zhang Jingyun looked back.

Through the room, you can see Bai Suzhen's rosy face, and even her skin is fair and pink, which shows the lethality of the Dragon Boat Festival to snakes.

Although Bai Suzhen has turned into a dragon, some snake-like characteristics still remain in her body. However, as long as this disaster is overcome, Bai Suzhen will never be affected by the Dragon Boat Festival catastrophe from now on.

Today can be regarded as Bai Suzhen's last time to overcome the disaster. Zhang Jingyun went out to practice. To be cautious, he still had to make sure that his wife could survive the disaster smoothly.

Zhang Jingyun immediately used his fingers to perform the yin and yang calculation. After getting this spell from Xiao Qing, Zhang Jingyun had the foresight to upgrade it to the highest level.

It can be said that Zhang Jingyun's calculation ability is not much worse than that of Bai Suzhen at his peak, and is even more effective to some extent.

This is because Bai Suzhen is still in a chaotic and vague state about future development, while Zhang Jingyun generally knows the future development trend.

Coupled with the secret technique of yin and yang wheel arithmetic, the effect of predicting the unknown and seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune has reached the extreme. It is difficult for others to surpass Zhang Jingyun.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun's calculation was over.

"Eh? There are still twists and turns?" Frowning slightly, Zhang Jingyun actually deduced that there were some surprises in Bai Suzhen's process of overcoming the tribulation.

It's just that for Bai Suzhen, these accidents have the help of noble people, and there are no dangers. Moreover, Bai Suzhen's escape from the tribulation this time has many benefits for herself.

"My wife's escape from the tribulation will be of benefit to me?" Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised. It was Bai Suzhen who was suffering. What benefit could he gain?

If the yin and yang wheel calculation is performed again, the people involved may have exceeded Zhang Jingyun's ability to calculate. There should be gods involved.

Bai Suzhen has a profound background and has the help of gods, so there is nothing to make a fuss about. After all, the child in her belly is the reincarnation of the astronomical star in the sky.

"Since the final result of overcoming the tribulation is a near miss and it is good for me, it may be counterproductive if I stay here."

Zhang Jingyun felt the calculation results and knew in his heart that it was necessary to go out to practice this time. However, looking at Bai Suzhen's uncomfortable appearance, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but meet her.

"My lord, are you back? If you feel sleepy, go to bed and rest first." Bai Suzhen said when she saw Zhang Jingyun holding back the heat in his body.

"Madam, I got an article a few days ago, which seems to contain Taoist magic. Didn't you and Xiaoqing get some guidance from Master Guanyin? It may be more useful to you."

Zhang Jingyun wrote the improved Bingxin Jue he had deduced in a book and sent it to Bai Suzhen. The latter suppressed his heat and smiled and said: "Xuanmen magic is so easy to obtain. I'm afraid the officials will be deceived. This book Just leave the book here with me first."

"Then lady, please rest early."

Zhang Jingyun said he was about to leave, and Bai Suzhen was curious: "My lord, it's already dark, where are you going?"

"It's the Dragon Boat Festival, so it's time to celebrate. The custom in Hangzhou is to drink realgar wine. It's not advisable for the lady to drink while she's pregnant. My husband is planning to go out for a few drinks. If the lady is proficient in Taoist magic and can drink during pregnancy, then I won't Let’s go out and celebrate by ourselves.”

Zhang Jingyun said with a smile. Upon hearing this, Bai Suzhen immediately felt relieved and said to Zhang Jingyun: "Although I know some Taoist magic, for the safety of the fetus, it is still not suitable to drink. Next time, I will celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with the officials. "

In fact, with Bai Suzhen's cultivation, it is not harmful to drink some wine during pregnancy, but on the Dragon Boat Festival, she drank realgar wine. Even if Bai Suzhen had eighteen hundred years of Taoism, she could not guarantee that she would not show up.

If Zhang Jingyun wholeheartedly persuades him to drink realgar wine, Bai Suzhen has a soft ear, so she might drink a little to make the officials happy because of her advanced cultivation.

Now that Zhang Jingyun proposed to go out for a drink, Bai Suzhen naturally agreed without thinking. Before leaving, she asked Zhang Jingyun not to drink too much.

After Zhang Jingyun left, the heat couldn't be tolerated. Bai Suzhen sometimes walked around, and sometimes sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced Qigong to eliminate the heat.

Bai Suzhen had survived the previous Dragon Boat Festival catastrophes in this way. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be too difficult this time.

This process cannot be described in words. Bai Suzhen's heart was so hot that she couldn't help but read the "Secret Techniques of Xuanmen" left by Zhang Jingyun.

"Bing Xin Jue? If the heart is as clear as ice, you will not be shocked when the sky falls. You will remain calm in all changes. Your spirit will be calm and your spirit will be calm. You will forget yourself and remain one. The six roots of concentration will be deliberate, and you will subdue your thoughts."

Bai Suzhen thought it was quite mysterious when she read it casually. After a while, she read the last few sentences: The spirit is pure and unified, the energy is harmonious and the soul is gone, the water is flowing without being alarmed, the clouds are too late to care, the mind is free of unnecessary things, and the past and present are free!

Bai Suzhen only felt that this secret technique was extremely effective, especially for someone like her who was trying to overcome the calamity. It was a god-given secret technique. Her hot body seemed to be instantly sealed by ice water, and a refreshing feeling came to her heart.

Unknowingly, Bai Suzhen's complexion calmed down, the redness on her face faded like a tide, and her fair and pink skin returned to normal.

However, as soon as Bai Suzhen stopped running the Bingxin Jue, the irresistible heat came again, so that Bai Suzhen could only keep practicing.


Zhang Jingyun escaped into the mountains, raised his head and used the secret technique of Feng Shui to find a treasured place with abundant spiritual energy to practice for a few days.

When he arrived at a feng shui treasure land rich in aura, Zhang Jingyun opened his golden eyes and discovered that this place was still a tomb site. However, the ancient tomb was very old and had sunk into the ground due to geological changes.

Later generations of practitioners came and found that the spiritual energy was rich, so they prepared to build a cave here to practice, but unexpectedly discovered the original owner of this place.

The practitioner also had no taboos.

He simply built a cave on someone's grave to practice cultivation. As time went by, the practitioner didn't know what the outcome would be, and there was nothing left in the cave.

Zhang Jingyun picked up a cave and felt lucky, and even felt happy. If the owner of the tomb was also a practitioner, he might even meet the owner in person to ask for some spiritual aid.

It's a pity that the owner of the tomb was an ordinary rich man, and there seemed to be a few burial objects. Zhang Jingyun had a lot of wealth, so there was no need to take advantage of this.

Occupying the cave, setting up formations, and starting to practice, Zhang Jingyun first absorbed the inner elixir of Mangshan Ghost King, practiced the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa, and tried to break through the eighth level of the technique.

The eighth level of the skill corresponds to the late stage of refining the void. Zhang Jingyun has just broken through the middle stage of refining the void. If he breaks through again in such a short period of time, the energy siphon caused may affect Zhang Jingyun's basic lifespan.

Zhang Jingyun refined it first. One inner elixir was not enough, so he had a second one. The two inner elixirs combined could almost break through the realm.

It's just that during Zhang Jingyun's practice, on the other side, Bai Suzhen also encountered some minor troubles that Zhang Jingyun had calculated before leaving.

"Xu Xian, you ruined my thousand-year cultivation. You deserve to be damned. If I hadn't started practicing life-saving methods a hundred years ago, I would have been in trouble today!" Outside the security hall, a thin figure had a sinister look in his eyes. said sternly.

Zhang Jingyun would definitely be surprised if he were here, because this figure turned out to be the Ghost King of Mangshan who he had just killed and taken away the inner elixir.

Although the cultivation and aura have changed, the unique fluctuation of the soul will not change. Zhang Jingyun saw with his own eyes that after the ghost king of Mangshan was killed, his soul disappeared into the six realms of reincarnation. How could the ghost king of Mangshan come to the security guard now in human form? Near the church?

Moreover, the current human form of Mangshan Ghost King is not like Wang Daoling, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, who transformed into human bodies.

The Mangshan Ghost King is now equivalent to a living person.

It's just that he is less than five feet tall, has an ugly face, a ridiculous mind, a wretched figure, a rough body, a narrow head and face, a huge back, a bearded face, and a mouth full of big yellow teeth. He looks like a ruffian.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there is someone who is so similar to me, and even the year, month and hour of birth and death are exactly the same. Once I use the splitting technique that I have practiced for hundreds of years, I can even hide it from the two gods, Black and White."

Mangshan Ghost King looked at his body at this moment.

This is 80% to 90% similar to his previous form, but this body died a bit grievously, as it was poisoned by his own wife.

"What does it seem to be called Yanggu County Wuda? An ugly man selling sesame cakes has no skills. Naturally, he cannot seduce such a pretty lady.

Hey, it's a pity that this king split up and settled in the body, and the wife of Wuhan University has been chopped down, otherwise, she can still take advantage of the heat. "

The Ghost King of Mangshan felt slightly regretful.

He likes other people's wives. The wife from Wuhan University is so beautiful and charming that she suits his taste at first glance.

"That Wu Er doesn't know how to care about women and they are like a rude man. At first glance, I thought Xu Chu had also been reincarnated." The Ghost King of Mangshan sighed.

The art of body splitting and transformation is essentially the art of dividing the soul. It can separate a part of the soul and save one's life when encountering a strong enemy in the future.

If it weren't for the ability to resurrect the body through the art of splitting into another body, it would be impossible to inherit the cultivation of the original body, otherwise the ghost king of Mangshan would never have watched Zhang Jingyun take away the inner elixir.

Logically speaking, after the ghost king of Mangshan came back to life, he should find a precious place to practice and practice hard. In the future, he will gradually become a good person, whether it is revenge or immortality.

But the strange thing is that after the Ghost King of Mang Mountain came back to life, he not only stayed away from Zhang Jingyun, but he also knew that there were tigers in the mountains and went to the Tiger Mountains.

The reason for this is just because the Ghost King of Mangshan calculated that he might still have another good fortune. Although it is risky, the success rate is not low.

If obtaining this blessing is better than a thousand years of hard work, it can be said that the Ghost King of Mangshan will be able to directly return to his peak cultivation level, or even go one step further. Not to mention Zhang Jingyun, Bai Suzhen will not necessarily let it go.

It is this temptation that cannot be resisted.

Only the Ghost King of Mang Mountain took the risk to come here for a fight.

In addition, Zhang Jingyun beat him until his soul was decomposed and his thousand years of Taoism were scattered. The ghost king of Mangshan was unwilling to accept it. It happened that this opportunity was related to Bai Suzhen.

If successful, all old and new grudges can be resolved together. Rather than taking risks, finding a treasure land and practicing hard for a thousand years before seeking revenge is simply not in line with the character of the Mangshan Ghost King.

"I don't know where that Xu Xian came from. I thought I had a perfect plan, but in the end I didn't even know if he was a cultivator. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle, and this time I lost unjustly.

But there is no such trouble with Bai Suzhen. I have already calculated that Bai Suzhen always thought Xu Xian was just an ordinary person.

It just so happens that I am an ordinary person who can resurrect from a corpse. As long as he casts a spell to change his appearance, Bai Suzhen, who is in the midst of the Dragon Boat Festival catastrophe, has no spare time to see through it.

When I design to induce Bai Suzhen to reveal her true form, pretending that Xu Xian is frightened to death, Bai Suzhen will definitely go to heaven and earth to find a panacea for me.

Xu Xian, Xu Xian, you refined my inner elixir, and now your retribution has come. When I finish using your wife to find the elixir to restore my cultivation, not only will you die, but your wife will also be mine! "

The Ghost King of Mangshan knew that doing this was tantamount to pulling chestnuts from the fire, and he would die if he was not careful, but he himself was very confident.

The first thing I know is that Bai Suzhen has a profound background. Wang Daoling has said before that Zhao Gongming, the founder of Xuantan, was enthusiastic when he saw Bai Suzhen and spoke in an official tone towards him. It seemed that there was someone behind him.

This kind of situation usually happens when a disciple of a god lets the world go through calamity. As long as the disciple doesn't die, the god behind it will not be brought out.

With Bai Suzhen's ability, it shouldn't be a problem to get the panacea. On Zhang Jingyun's side, Mangshan Ghost King could feel that his inner elixir was being refined and he would not be back in a short time.

The key point is whether the ghost king of Mangshan can hide his transformation from Bai Suzhen. This is precisely the ghost king's best skill.

His transformation technique is praised by all the ghost kings even in the underworld. Bai Suzhen is not fiery-eyed, and coupled with the impact of the catastrophe, the theoretical possibility of success is very high.

The plan was decided, and the ghost king of Mangshan used the transformation technique, and Shi Shiran walked into the security hall. Among the five ghosts, Bai Fu was surprised to see Zhang Jingyun leaving and returning so quickly.

But Zhang Jingyun has always been unpredictable.

Bai Fu felt strange and never asked any questions, so Mangshan Ghost King looked at Zhang Jingyun and was about to enter Bai Suzhen's room.

far away.

Zhang Jingyun, who was practicing, suddenly felt something in his heart. Bao'an Tang was his home base. Zhang Jingyun would naturally set up a dragnet and all kinds of mysterious formations, all of which were Zhang Jingyun's inheritance.

Even Bai Suzhen couldn't notice it.

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and used Mirror Flowers and Water Moon. Through the formation, he saw the scene in front of him. A man who looked exactly like himself sneaked into the security hall.

"Is there still this matter?"

If Zhang Jingyun hadn't been sure that he only had a sister, he wouldn't have felt the mana fluctuations at all when he saw the person in the picture, and he would have thought he was his twin brother.

This kind of magic was so powerful that even Zhang Jingyun's golden pupils couldn't see through his true face. Seeing the thief pretending to be himself and entering the room, Zhang Jingyun wished he could use his magic power to return immediately.

But at this moment.

Zhang Jingyun saw a sudden change in the picture. The fake Xu Xian took the wine with realgar added and lied to Bai Suzhen that it was ordinary wine.

Bai Suzhen was originally surprised that Zhang Jingyun went out to drink by himself, why he came back so soon, and also wanted to drink with herself. She guessed that Zhang Jingyun's temperament was not very gregarious with others, and drinking alone made people sad.

So Bai Suzhen drank a cup gently.

It was this realgar wine that caused Bai Suzhen's true energy to become confused and uncontrollably reveal her true form. Bai Suzhen could only send the fake Xu Xian away first.

But after she showed up, the fake Xu Xian came back and opened the bed curtain. What came into view was a white dragon with two horns on its head and four claws on its belly.

Bailong swam on the bed, felt the curtains open, and opened his mouth so violently that he spit out the letter. In this regard, it looked like a dragon, and a snake didn't look like a snake.

This fake Xu Xian is simply a born actor. His eyes widened, and then with a pop, he lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

When Zhang Jingyun saw this scene, his expression was very strange. This impostor came to such a show, so he was not in a hurry to go home, but instead watched the show while practicing.

The next morning.

Bai Suzhen turned into a human form again. When she opened her eyes, she saw the incredible scene in front of her. Her official aura was weak and her soul was unstable.

"How could this be? The officials must have been frightened by my appearance. They were so angry that they were afraid that Bian Que and Hua Tuo would be useless again."

Bai Suzhen was in such a state of chaos that she never thought that the official on the ground was a fake. When Zhang Jingyun saw this, he also realized what would happen next.

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