People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 219 Late Stage of Void Refining【Please subscribe】

Qingcheng Mountain, Qingfeng Cave.

The cave here was originally Bai Suzhen's place of practice, and it was also one of the most treasured places in Qingcheng Mountain. It was after practicing here for more than a thousand years that Bai Suzhen was qualified to end her worldly fate and achieve enlightenment and ascend to immortality.

During the Dragon Boat Festival catastrophe, Bai Suzhen chose to stay in Hangzhou to resist due to her profound cultivation, but Xiaoqing did not have such profound skills and could only return to the cave to avoid the disaster.

Now that the Dragon Boat Festival has passed, Xiaoqing has returned to his original shape and is about to return to Hangzhou Pharmacy to reunite with Bai Suzhen and Zhang Jingyun. However, at this moment, several mortals accidentally broke into Qingfeng Cave.

"Now, it's almost there, in front!"

"Are you sure you're looking for the right place?"

"It's not wrong. It's right here, this hole. Smell it. If the smell is so bad, it's most likely the smell of that snake."

The conversation started, and Xiaoqing's expression darkened. During the Dragon Boat Festival Tribulation, she could not control her human form and could only appear as a green snake.

Unexpectedly, several mortals from the bottom of the mountain broke in unexpectedly. Not only did they see her true form, but they also gathered several hunters to catch snakes in Qingfeng Cave.

"Hey, did you see it wrong?"

One of the experienced hunters took a look and saw no trace of the green snake. For a moment, he couldn't help but suspect that his companion was dazzled.

"It's impossible. The snake is as thick as a water tank, it's green all over, and it's coiled up like a big tree root. The cave is so big, it must be hiding inside."

"Okay, catch it and make soup!"

When Xiao Qing heard that these mortals still wanted to catch her, she suddenly became angry. Then her eyes rolled around, and she became more playful, preparing to scare a few people.

After all, Qingfeng Cave is Bai Suzhen's training cave. Xiaoqing scares them, firstly to vent his anger, and secondly to prevent these people from coming here in the future.

At that moment, Xiao Qing's figure flashed.

Like a ghost, it passed in front of several people. Before they could react, Xiaoqing opened his mouth and spit out the breeze, which made them all flip over.

The next second, Xiao Qing disappeared on the spot.

When these mortals saw such a strange scene, they were immediately scared to death. One of them was so miserable that his three souls ascended to the sky and he fell to the ground.

Xiaoqing left not long ago.

Two figures, one black and one white, appeared in the cave. They held the bag of impermanence and put their souls into it with a wave of their hands.

These two are famous gods in the underworld, and they are even more terrifying to everyone in the human world, that is: black and white are impermanent.

"Man, what do you think we should do today?" Bai Wuchang asked with a long tongue holding the newly dead soul.

The duty of Black and White Wuchang walking in the realms of Yin and Yang is to collect the souls of those who have reached the end of their Yang lives. However, some people die prematurely due to various accidents.

If there are grievances and grudges between mortals, the reasons for each should be judged by the King of Hell. If demons and ghosts cause the accidental death of mortals, black and white and impermanence cannot be ignored since they have seen it.

Just now when Xiao Qing used the Soaring Cloud Technique to leave, Black and White Wuchang had already noticed it. Obviously this person who was scared to death was related to Xiao Qing.

"Since it's a monster that scares mortals to death, we brothers can't ignore her when we see her. We chase her and take her to see Yan Jun." Hei Wuchang said in a deep voice.

The two figures followed him away in a flash.

Naturally, Xiaoqing didn't know that her momentary actions had frightened mortals to death, and that she was also targeted by the black and white impermanence of the underworld.

And the other side.

Zhang Jingyun also returned to the security hall.

This fake Xu Xian is lying on the ground. Will Zhang Jingyun really let him keep an eye on his identity and wait for Bai Suzhen to retrieve the Ganoderma lucidum and restore the ways of the Ghost King of Mangshan in the past?

Zhang Jingyun had already known the Mangshan Ghost King's plan, and was planning to impersonate himself and let Bai Suzhen, who had a profound background, seek a panacea for his own use.

In the original plot, Bai Suzhen did go to the Kunlun Mountains to obtain Ganoderma lucidum from the Antarctic immortal. After Zhang Jingyun came to this world, he tried his best to avoid this happening.

Bai Suzhen's process of obtaining Ganoderma lucidum was not easy. Not only did she have to face difficulties from Our Lady of Yaochi, but she also had to face difficulties from the Crane Boy on Kunlun Mountain.

If Bai Suzhen hadn't been pregnant with Wenquxing, she might have died long ago. However, it was precisely because of this that Bai Suzhen became the so-called Ziweixing.

According to the mortal world, Ziweixing is the Emperor Star, which means the emperor in the world and is the honorific title of the emperor. However, this is not the case in the eyes of the gods in the sky.

Before Bai Suzhen got pregnant, she had nothing to do with Ziweixing. She was just a snake demon with quite a background, but it was different after becoming pregnant with Wenquxing.

Wenquxing is the fourth star of the Big Dipper, which governs literary fortune. The seven stars of the Big Dipper all revolve around the North Star, and the North Star is Ziwei.

Therefore, when Bai Suzhen became pregnant with Wenquxing, she naturally became Ziweixing, and when she gave birth to Xu Shilin, she was no longer Ziweixing.

However, at the stage when Bai Suzhen became Ziweixing, due to the protection of Wenquxing, basically no one inside or outside the Three Realms could harm Bai Suzhen.

Equivalent to multiple temporary protection periods.

During this process, Bai Suzhen might have been injured a little at most, but her life was absolutely safe, so getting the Ganoderma lucidum was all about face.

Zhang Jingyun must also return to Baoan Tang at this time, and it is also time to fully understand the grudge between him and the Mangshan Ghost King.

With a flash of divine light, Zhang Jingyun's true body appeared. The fake Xu Xian, who was lying motionless on the bed, suddenly felt something and seemed to open his eyes.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the bedside. Bai Fu was dozing off. There was an oil lamp beside him, which was used by Bai Suzhen to protect the fake Xu Xian's soul before leaving.

The Ghost King of Mangshan showed his acting skills to the fullest. He did not pretend to be dead, but actually let the spirit of split form leave the body and leave the body.

At this moment, the soul sensed that it was in danger and seemed to be about to return to its position. However, Zhang Jingyun pierced his chest directly with a sword.

"Xu Xian, you can't die easily!"

The ghost king of Mangshan cursed crazily with his incomplete spirit. When Zhang Jingyun saw this scene, he curled up his lips and said, "Send the general to the spirit!"

In the dark, a force acted on him. The remaining soul of Mangshan Ghost King was directly detained and controlled by Zhang Jingyun. With a thought, Zhang Jingyun could browse his memory. All the spells of Mangshan Ghost King were now used by Zhang Jingyun. .

Not only that, the Ghost King of Mangshan tried so hard to impersonate himself, but Zhang Jingyun, a good man, went to the end and graciously allowed him to become a part of him.

"Zhong Kui's ghost-eating technique! Xu Xian, please spare me. I can make cows and horses for you, but don't eat me!" The ghost king's desperate voice continued for a long time.

Zhang Jingyun used Zhong Kui's secret technique of eating ghosts for the first time. Although the Ghost King of Mangshan was a powerful hero in his previous life, he turned into a ghost queen. Apart from similar hobbies, he basically had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, Zhang Jingyun saw in his memory that he had done all kinds of bad things, which can be said to be extremely suitable for the use of the ghost-eating secret technique.

Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth fiercely and sucked the Ghost King into his belly. You could hear the Ghost King of Mangshan still talking in Zhang Jingyun's belly, exactly in line with the words describing Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui burped and felt something strange in his stomach.

Zhang Jingyun had just eaten the spirit of Mangshan Ghost King, and the fairy sword was still stuck in his body. He was about to pull it out when he heard a sharp shout from behind.

"Don't hurt my officials!"

The visitor was Xiao Qing who came back from Qingfeng Cave. As soon as he arrived at the security hall, he saw this scene in front of him. Someone wanted to kill Xu Xian!

Zhang Jingyun suddenly turned around, and when Xiao Qing saw it, holding the demon-slaying sword, his figure came to an abrupt halt because there were two identical officials in front of him.


Zhang Jingyun drew out the fairy sword, and the fake Xu Xian on the bed suddenly revealed his true appearance. He was an ugly-looking man with a short stature of five feet.

"Officer, what's going on?"

Xiaoqing looked puzzled.

"It's a long story. The night you went to escape the tribulation, Wang Daoling communicated with the Ghost King of Mang Mountain to harm your sister. I killed them both..."

Zhang Jingyun briefly explained the matter to Xiaoqing. The latter could not have imagined that so many things had happened in just one night.

"Officer, will my sister be okay?"

Xiaoqing looked worried. Bai Suzhen must have gone to heaven to find the elixir. Even though Bai Suzhen is a thousand-year-old snake demon who has been successful in cultivation, she is still an unpopular alien in the heavenly palace. What if something happens to her?

Zhang Jingyun counted with his fingers, frowned and said, "My wife went to Yaochi first, hoping to get an elixir from the White Ape Immortal."

"Did sister succeed?"

"No, the White Ape Immortal is responsible for managing the elixir. How could he give the elixir to the lady without the permission of Our Lady of Yaochi? Hiss!"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly took a breath of air.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoqing asked.

"My wife was so fierce that she couldn't get the elixir, so she beat up the White Ape Immortal Official. The bottle containing the elixir was sealed by the White Ape Immortal Official, and I was actually planning to take the bottle away too!" Zhang Jingyun said.

Xiaoqing also had a dark look on his face after hearing this.

"It is a serious crime to break into the heaven without authorization and snatch the elixir. If the Holy Mother of Yaochi becomes angry, won't my sister be sent to the demon-slaying platform?"

Zhang Jingyun relaxed his brows and said: "It's okay. Madam made too much noise. After she got in front of Our Lady of Yaochi, she even grabbed the elixir in front of Our Lady. She was trapped by Our Lady of Yaochi with a dragnet. Fortunately, Master Guanyin arrived in time and resolved the crisis. .”

Just as Xiao Qing breathed a sigh of relief, Zhang Jingyun said again, "After being instructed by Master Guanyin, I went to Kunlun to ask for Ganoderma lucidum and fairy grass. Xiaoqing, please go and pick me up for me. You don't have to force the fairy grass. Just tell her that I Already safe and sound.”

Zhang Jingyun didn't need this fairy grass very much, so he deliberately avoided this plot to save Bai Suzhen from the experience of stealing the fairy grass.

Unexpectedly, a strange combination of circumstances still happened.

However, during this process, Zhang Jingyun also discovered that even powerful masters such as Master Guanyin and even Our Lady of Yaochi could not account for his situation.

Otherwise, if Bai Suzhen went to great lengths to steal elixirs and seek immortal grass, Master Guanyin would only have to say, Xu Xian is fine, so why bother?

So the fact is that in Zhang Jingyun, there is a power that is messing up the secrets of heaven, making it impossible for all the powerful powers in the world to calculate.

As for this power, Zhang Jingyun could also imagine that it must be due to the system. After all, the system didn't want him to die casually in the world, right?

Xiaoqing had just left for a while.

Zhang Jingyun was thinking, but at this moment, he vaguely noticed two powerful auras flashing outside the room. It was obvious that the visitor was evil.

"The green snake left shortly after arriving here. Do you still want to chase it?" Bai Wuchang asked after glancing into the room.

"Chase!" Hei Wuchang said in a deep voice.

The two were about to leave but were blocked by a figure. It was Zhang Jingyun who had just listened to a few words. The two famous gods Black and White Wuchang were actually following Xiao Qing.

"What did this girl commit?"

Zhang Jingyun felt a chill in his heart, hoping it was nothing serious, "Xu Xian has met these two divine kings, why are they following Xiao Qing?"

"Xu Xian? What our brothers are chasing is the Green Snake. It has nothing to do with you, and there is no need to explain this to you." Hei Wuchang said coldly.

"Shenjun has misunderstood, Xiaoqing is my sister, if she makes any mistakes, I will make up for it if I can.

I think the two gods of the underworld also have heavy responsibilities, so it’s not easy to waste a lot of time, right? "Zhang Jingyun said with sincerity.

Bai Wuchang thought for a while: "It's okay to tell you. The appearance of the Green Snake scares mortals to death. Our brothers want to capture her to see Lord Yan."

"Is the matter of catching monsters under the jurisdiction of Emperor Zhong Kui?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but ask. Black and white looked at each other and nodded.

"Emperor Zhong Kui works harder than our brothers, so we don't bother him with trivial matters." Bai Wuchang said enthusiastically.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "Then I won't bother the two gods. I am Zhong Kui's Dharma lineage. I will go and apologize to the emperor if I catch Xiao Qing someday."

"Are you a disciple of the Emperor?"

Black and white looked at each other in confusion.

Zhang Jingyun immediately opened his mouth and burped. The two of them could vaguely hear the ghost king of Mangshan screaming in his stomach.

"The secret technique of eating ghosts turned out to be the real power of the emperor. It doesn't matter, I'll let the green snake go for once today!" Black and White Wuchang left decisively after confirming.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two leaving. At this moment, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing also returned to the security hall safe and sound.

"Guanren, are you really okay?"

When Bai Suzhen saw Zhang Jingyun standing well, she didn't believe Xiao Qing's words at first, but she had to believe it now.

"Officer, when I went there, my sister had already asked for the fairy grass. Even though the crane boy made things difficult for him, my sister didn't make it easy for him. She shaved off half of his crane feathers."

Xiaoqing also said at the right time.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing and said slowly: "I'm fine, I just didn't check for a while, and the bad guys took advantage of the loophole, causing my wife to go through all the hardships to get a useless fairy grass."

"I don't know when officials have achieved cultivation." Bai Suzhen looked Zhang Jingyun up and down with a rather unkind look.

After sleeping together for such a long time, she didn't know that the person beside her was a master of Lianxu who was successful in cultivation, and was at the lowest stage of Lianxu.

"Don't blame me, madam. I have practiced a secret technique. Only people with three realms higher than me can see through my realm." Zhang Jingyun explained.

"Why did the officials hide it from me?"

Zhang Jingyun chuckled: "My wife's cultivation is higher than mine, so why show off this little skill? Isn't it because I want to give you a surprise when I catch up with you?"

"It's absolutely shocking!"

Bai Suzhen said resentfully: "The official doesn't want to disclose it, does it mean that I am a monster, the official is a human, and monsters have a different path?"

Zhang Jingyun said seriously: "What are you talking about! I even gave the Thousand-Year Dragon Ball to my wife, is it possible that I still have second thoughts?"

Bai Suzhen touched her belly, and she naturally knew that Zhang Jingyun was very good to her, and the two of them already had the same flesh and blood.

"But what should I do with the grass jelly?"

Bai Suzhen looked at the Ganoderma lucidum in her hand and asked.

"This Ganoderma lucidum grass is the treasure of Kunlun Mountain. It is also regarded as a treasure by the Antarctic Immortal. Take it within twelve hours after picking it. Madam, please eat it quickly."

This Ganoderma lucidum grass was obtained by Bai Suzhen on an adventure. If Zhang Jingyun had not broken through to the late stage of refining the void, he might still take it.

It's completely unnecessary now.

On the other hand, Bai Suzhen's magic power is weakened during pregnancy, so she should take Ganoderma lucidum grass to stabilize her cultivation and become an immortal more smoothly.

"It was originally a catastrophe, but it ended like this!" Bai Suzhen followed Zhang Jingyun's suggestion and took Ganoderma lucidum, and her body was filled with fairy energy.

It seems like it can fly away at any time.

Zhang Jingyun was smiling, happy for Bai Suzhen, but the noise outside the security hall broke the calm. After a while, a group of people carrying an old man and a young child were seen pouring into the security hall.

"Doctor Xu, please save them both!"

"What poor grandparents!"

"Miracle doctor Xu will be able to save them, right?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at a large group of people pouring into the security hall and felt a little strange. Wang Daoling's selling of counterfeit medicines really made the security hall famous.

But he won't be regarded as a miracle doctor.

In the city of Hangzhou, there is also the Three Emperors Patriarch Association, which is full of talents and famous doctors. How could it be Zhang Jingyun's turn to be named the miracle doctor?

Zhang Jingyun was so strange that he had no time on his hands, but was checking the pulse of the dying old woman and her granddaughter in front of him.

Zhang Jingyun frowned the next second.

"He was actually poisoned by the red crane crown!"

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