People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 268 Suppressing Nascent Soul【Please subscribe】

The three of them entered Yanluo Hall, and what they saw were several treasures floating and hovering in the air. Among them, a purple-gold dragon-patterned alchemy cauldron was the most conspicuous, more than one foot high.

The dragon pattern on the body of the tripod coincides with some mysterious formation, and it shines with purple-gold light from time to time. Even though it has not been practiced for so many years, it is still full of spirituality.

Seeing this alchemy cauldron, Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly. With his eyesight, he couldn't tell what grade this one-foot-tall alchemy cauldron was.

Just from a distance, he could feel the astonishing spirituality of the purple gold dragon-patterned elixir cauldron, and he knew that the grade of this cauldron would not be low.

In addition to this cauldron, there is also a three-color treasure fan. Zhang Jingyun can easily sense that this three-color treasure fan is tailor-made for the owner of the secret realm. It is a magic weapon of wind, fire and wood. The magic weapon of the three systems is integrated during cultivation. It is extremely rare in the fairy world.

Turning his eyes, he saw another piece of azure armor, made entirely of Yunlan divine gold, with various protective formations and light-weight speed formations engraved on it.

Yunlan Divine Gold, Zhang Jingyun had seen in the Rare Treasures Record, was a rare metal extracted from fifth-level ores and ranked among the top-grade fifth-level metals.

The protective armor made entirely of Yunlan Divine Gold is considered the best among fifth-level armors. In the world of immortality, I don’t know how many people would break their heads to fight for it.

The purple gold dragon-patterned cauldron, the three-color treasure fan, and the Yunlan Divine Armor. These three magic weapons alone can show how wealthy the owner of the Yanluo Secret Realm is.

Thinking about it, there are very few fifth-level alchemists, and they have a high status in the world of immortality. The previous owners of Yanluo Secret Realm were all alchemists, specializing in alchemy.

The previous owner of the secret realm was a fifth-level high-grade alchemist. It can be said that any sect in the southern region, no matter how big or small, would treat him as an honored guest.

Such monks must be among the richest among the monks of the same level. They will obviously have no shortage of spiritual stones and the like. After years of accumulation, the magic weapons they use must be the best.

The level of the Purple Gold Dragon Pattern Cauldron is even higher than level five, and the other two magic weapons are both top level five. The collection of the previous generation of secret realm masters alone is equivalent to that of a medium-sized sect with Nascent Soul monks in charge.

As expected, all the alchemists were flowing with oil.

"Senior Brother Zhang, you are so lucky!" The voice beside him sounded. It was Sheng Jia who spoke. The three high-level magic weapons in front of him were extremely tempting for any cultivator. However, Sheng Jia's eyes were clear, his words were sincere, and there was no trace of anything in his eyes. The meaning of coveting.

Next to him, Bai Zhaojiu also saw all this and nodded slightly. The head senior brother made an exception and accepted Shengjia as his apprentice. It was quite good. He was a talented person.

"Junior brother is also an alchemy master. This Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron is the key to the control of the secret realm by past masters of the secret realm. I can only refine it myself. The Alchemy Cauldron in Xuanchen Palace just now is a fourth-level magic weapon, so I will give it to my junior brother."

Zhang Jingyun said in time, and Shengjia did not refuse. He thanked him happily with a smile on his face: "Thank you, senior brother, and thank you, senior uncle Bai."

Bai Zhaohe subconsciously looked at Zhang Jingyun after hearing this, feeling a little guilty for some reason, but Zhang Jingyun didn't react at all, and she calmed down, "You don't have to thank me, it's all thanks to him that you and I can enter this secret realm."

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said nothing. This Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron, the purple-gold dragon-patterned Alchemy Cauldron in front of him, is not only a top-grade Alchemy Cauldron that carries the sixth-grade Xuanchen Alchemy Fire, but also a token for entering and leaving Yanluo Secret Realm in the future.

Refining the Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron can control the Yanluo Secret Realm. Zhang Jingyun just poured a spiritual power into the cauldron and got this information.

What surprised him was that the Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron contained fire of up to sixth level, indicating that the cauldron itself was at least a sixth-level magic weapon.

The fifth-level magic weapon is more than enough for Yuanying monks, and the sixth-level magic weapon is generally used by the gods. However, the Xuanchen Danding was not built by the previous generation of the master of the secret realm, but was passed down by the first-generation master of the secret realm, Immortal Yan Luo.

Theoretically, this cauldron can be called an immortal weapon.

However, Zhang Jingyun felt that this Xuanchen Danding was far inferior to the spiritual treasure in his hand, which was at the same level as the realgar sword used by Bai Suzhen.

The Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron was passed down from Immortal Yan Luo to Zhang Jingyun. The masters of the secret realms of all dynasties have used this cauldron to make elixirs. Perhaps it is because the alchemy cauldron has spirituality. Even the Yuanying period alchemy masters cannot use this cauldron, which is at least a sixth-level magic weapon, to refine elixirs. It will feel difficult.

On the contrary, this tripod is quite special.

When Zhang Jingyun tried to refine the Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron, he could feel that as long as he refined the cauldron, he could use it to refine elixirs regardless of his level of cultivation.

This is different from the mainstream magic weapons in the world of immortality. Taking flying swords as an example, it is most convenient to use flying swords of a grade that matches your cultivation level, but it is difficult to use high-level flying swords. It is not that the higher the grade, the better. The flying sword is too high grade. The user cannot use it, let alone fight against the enemy.

Look at this Xuanchen Danding again.

Nascent Soul can be used, Golden Pill can be used, and Zifu can be used. The realms are different, but the results are good, and each realm can be used as desired.

This is worthy of being called an immortal weapon.

While refining the Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron, a magic formula poured into Zhang Jingyun's mind at the same time. It was the fire control magic formula for controlling the sixth-grade Xuanchen Danhuo in the alchemy cauldron.

This method is needed for daily alchemy.

If one's cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul stage, with this method, one can even completely refine the Xuan Chen Dan Fire in it, and use it to have miraculous effects on the enemy.

Zhang Jingyun felt it slightly.

The power of Xuanchen Dan Fire is almost the same as that of Samadhi True Fire. Of course, Zhang Jingyun’s cultivation in the fairyland is still unable to exert the power of Samadhi True Fire. In Journey to the West, the Samadhi True Fire in Taishang Laojun’s Bagua Furnace, That's awesome.

Zhang Jingyun uses this three-color treasure fan for himself. Shengjia fits it very well, but why give it to him?

"Leave this Yunlan Divine Armor made of Yunlan Divine Gold for Master's use." Zhang Jingyun turned around and gave the fifth-level high-grade armor to Bai Zhaorui.

Bai Zhaoju's heart trembled. Such a precious armor, a fifth-level high-grade one, a golden elixir cultivator could only dream of, a Nascent Soul cultivator could break his head, so Zhang Jingyun gave it to him so lightly?

I originally thought that this apprentice would only know how to ride a horse, but I didn't expect that he would be willing to give gifts sometimes. However, Bai Zhaore refused and felt that he deserved it.

"Forget it. I understand your thoughts. I have condensed the golden elixir. Ordinary golden elixir monks can't do anything to me. You are still low in cultivation and need it."

Bai Zhao refused.

Sheng Jia stood aside, his eyes moving back and forth. He didn't say a word, he just listened with his ears straightened. Just listening was very exciting.

"I don't need it." Zhang Jingyun said casually, then turned around and took the two of them to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, which contained the secret techniques and techniques collected by past masters of the secret realm.

"You can read the spells here as you like." Zhang Jingyun used the Xuanchen Danding to open the ban on the Scripture Pavilion, allowing the two of them to enter at will.

The Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron was originally more than one foot tall, but after being refined, it could change its size at will. Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but wonder, couldn't this really be an immortal weapon?

Bai Zhao refused the Yunlan Divine Armor presented by Zhang Jingyun and was very happy. The secrets of the techniques in the Sutra Pavilion were not that attractive to her.

Because of his special qualifications in the third system, Bai Zhao refused to major in the ancient immortal technique Ice Emperor Technique. This three-system technique inherited from the same line is extremely powerful, and it is not a problem to fight across levels. There is no need to consider other techniques before the Nascent Soul stage. .

The secret technique is also the icing on the cake.

Shengjia found the Nascent Soul Kung Fu in the Sutra Pavilion, and the three systems of wind, fire, and wood. He had the same qualifications as the masters of the secret realm in the past. It was extremely lucky for Shengjia.

Yanluo Hall, Sutra Pavilion, and then the Utensil Hall. Zhang Jingyun entered it alone, but it turned out to be empty. It turned out that one of the masters of the secret realm in the past was a master of both alchemy and weapons.

With talents in the three systems of wind, fire, and wood, he was not only good at refining alchemy, but also had advantages in refining weapons. The monk who mastered both weapons transformed a cultivation island into a weapon hall.

Xuanchen Palace refines elixirs, and the Utensil Hall refines weapons.

The last island is also the largest floating island. It is the medicine field opened by the first owner of the Yanluo Secret Realm, Immortal Yanluo, to grow elixirs. Because of the secret realm, the elixirs grow very fast.

Zhang Jingyun looked around and saw that there were at least dozens of fifth-grade elixirs in the floating island medicine field. It has been more than four hundred years since the previous owner of Yanluo Secret Realm passed away. During this period, more than a dozen elixirs have been promoted to fifth-grade. .

"What a great place, the alchemist's dream place!" Even Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh, Yan Luo Secret Realm is really great.

The three of them stayed in the Yanluo Secret Realm for seven days. During this period, Shengjia completely confirmed his suspicions because he saw that Zhang Jingyun and Bai Zhaojui always went in and out of the Yanluo Palace together in the morning and evening.

Already sleeping together?

Inexplicably, Sheng Jia admired Zhang Jingyun very much. Zifu's cultivation counterattacked and caught up with the elders of the Golden Core stage, and even owned a secret realm.

This damn thing makes people... very envious.

Zhang Jingyun practices dual cultivation with Bai Zhaojun every night. Since she broke through the Golden Core stage, she has three attribute points each time, which is the same level as Liu Lixia.

Although Baizhaojie is not as charming as Baizhaojie, but she has a stunning appearance, like a fairy coming to earth, and has the blessing of status, so don't be too happy about being a master and a disciple.

For seven consecutive days, the attribute points increased by no less than 100. Bai Zhaoji also used the daytime to refine the Yunlan Divine Armor. On weekdays, the Yunlan Divine Armor would turn into a sky-blue Yunlan robe, which had the effect of concealing his cultivation.

"What should we do next, continue to hide here? The Demon Cauldron Sect will not remain indifferent. This is not an option after all." Bai Zhao refused.

She was not only worried about her and Zhang Jingyun's situation, but also worried about everyone in the Golden Sword Sect. Tiansong, Taoist Huo Chi, and Wu Changkong were the senior brothers who had watched her grow up. The sect could be said to be Bai Zhaorei's home.

"There are Nascent Soul cultivators in the Demon Cauldron Sect. Even if they go, they are no match. If they stay in the secret realm and wait for Master Bai to break through the Nascent Soul, what will the Demon Cauldron Sect do then?"

The one who spoke was Sheng Jia, while Bai Zhaoju couldn't help but laugh: "You are too naive. I even condensed the golden elixir by chance. We are only in the early stage of the golden elixir, and I don't know how many years it will take to advance to the Nascent Soul."

"I think it's not impossible to stay here until you are promoted to Nascent Soul. At this rate, there is a lot of hope within a hundred years." Zhang Jingyun said.

Bai Zhaoji's face turned slightly red. Dual cultivation was indeed a wonderful process for her. The speed of her cultivation could even be described as a thousand miles a day.

It's just that a hundred years is not a long time for the Golden Core cultivator, but the Demon Cauldron Sect will not watch helplessly, and the Yuanying cultivator's patience also has its limit.

"Let's find a way to get out. What if one day, the Nascent Soul monk from the Demon Cauldron Sect jumps over the wall and uses brute force to break through the secret realm?"

As soon as Bai Zhaoji finished speaking, he could only hear the roaring sound. It turned out that a corner of the secret realm was opened in the southeast, and the outside world could be vaguely seen.

"Master, have you ever opened your mouth?"

Zhang Jingyun joked, but Bai Zhao refused but panicked. It was not Zhang Jingyun who opened a corner of the secret realm, so it could only be the Nascent Soul monk of the Demon Cauldron Sect.

"Wan Lao Demon, he is going to break into the secret realm."

Bai Zhaoji frowned and said, Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "Don't worry, just come in if he tried his best to come in, leave it to me."

"You don't want to blow up the secret realm, do you?"

Bai Zhaoji remembered the method Zhang Jingyun used to blow up the three golden elixir monks from the Demon Cauldron Sect in the cave, leaving no bones or residue left.

However, that kind of harsh method not only targeted the monks, but also destroyed the surrounding environment, and the huge cave was directly leveled.

If you repeat your old tricks in a secret realm.

It is estimated that the Yanluo Secret Realm will be gone immediately, and even those of them hiding in the secret realm will have to die. They will simply kill a thousand enemies and lose ten thousand themselves!

"Master, do you want me to be a dead couple?"

Zhang Jingyun rolled his eyes and threw a nuclear bomb in a secret realm. Wasn't that looking for death? He and Bai Zhao refuse to live together and die together.

Bai Zhao refused and trembled, arguing subconsciously: "You are the dead ghost!" Then he realized that this was not quite right.

Shengjia took a step back quietly, as if he didn't hear anything. At the same time, a passage was opened in the southeast corner of the secret realm.

"Hahahaha, ancestor, my seven days of hard work finally paid off. It really opened a passage for me to enter the secret realm."

Wan Lao Mo appeared in the secret realm in a flash. Behind him, wearing gold and silver robes, was the only Golden Core Elder of the Demon Cauldron Sect.

"Wanlaomo, I didn't expect him to be proficient in formations!" Bai Zhaoju knew how he got in when he saw the passage was covered with runes.

"I originally thought it would take dozens of days to open it, but I didn't expect that my ancestor, my blessed soul, would save me many days of hard work and save you two little couples a few days."

Wan Lao Mo was in high spirits and looked around while talking. When he saw dozens of fifth-level elixir plants in the medicine field, his eyes almost went straight.

The mouths of the two elders behind him couldn't be suppressed at all. What a profit! This time, the Supreme Leader really saved the two of them hundreds of years of practice by slipping through the cracks of their fingers.

"Master, please fight to capture this girl!" The elder in gold robe was eager to give it a try, and the elder in silver robe next to him echoed: "Me too!"

"This woman is capable of killing golden elixir cultivators in her Zifu period. Now that she has condensed the golden elixir, she should not be underestimated. You two will go together." Wan Lao Mo said calmly.

Nascent Soul was building a looting formation, and was surrounded by two golden elixirs. There was no embarrassment on his face, and his cautious character was clearly revealed.

"Master, let me do it."

Just as Bai Zhaoji was about to draw his sword, a voice rang out. It was not Zhang Jingyun. He was not afraid of the two Jindanqi. Even if he faced the Wan Lao Demon, Zhang Jingyun didn't have to be afraid of him now.

"Early stage of the Purple Mansion? Hahahaha, Senior Brother Li, is this silly boy here to make a joke?" The silver-robed elders were stunned, and the golden-robed elders were also quite confused.

Do you really think anyone can kill the Zifu Golden Pill?

Zhang Jingyun didn't say a word, but slowly raised his two fingers to make sword pointing, and a golden flying sword appeared in front of him out of thin air. It was the Xuanyuan Sword that had not been used for a long time.

"I didn't expect that my cultivation was not suppressed in the secret realm. I am in the Nascent Soul stage, right? Do you know that I have been waiting for you for seven days? Why did you come here!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed and he fired Xuanyuan Sword.

The divine sword subdues the demon!

The two elders were stunned by the sword energy and remained motionless, watching helplessly as the flying sword struck at them. At this moment, Wan Lao Mo moved: "What a flying sword!"

Wan Lao Mo stood in front of the two of them as if he was changing his appearance: "But even if you hide your cultivation, I may not be afraid of you. Look at my Sky-Breaking Cone!"

"Bring it to you!"

Zhang Jingyun was now able to display all his cultivation skills. He turned his wrist and revealed a purple-gold alms bowl. It was Fahai's golden bowl. With a flash of golden light, he snatched away the sky-shattering awl offered by Wan Lao Demon.


Wan Laomo was shocked, and then turned around and left without any hesitation. Zhang Jingyun's strength had exceeded his expectations.

"Stabilize!" Zhang Jingyun shouted fiercely and used the Immobilization Technique. Although he did not completely immobilize Wan Lao Mo, it still slowed him down. The flying sword flew through the air and pierced his heart.

The next second, a Nascent Soul flew out.

It's actually faster than a flying sword.

Zhang Jingyun recited the incantation, and the thunder flashed continuously from his hands, and the thunder rumbled loudly. He even used the Qing Dynasty Thunder Technique to blast towards the Wanlao Demon.

"Destroy my body, don't you..."

Wan Lao Demon's Nascent Soul twitched and fell.

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