People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 269 Ancient Secrets [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun used the technique of shrinking to an inch, almost teleporting, and imprisoned Wan Lao Demon's Nascent Soul in front of him. The Nascent Soul was still twitching.

Bai Zhao refused to be extremely shocked by the strength Zhang Jingyun showed just now, and his bright eyes seemed to still not believe it yet.

"It's too strong. One sword destroyed Wan Lao Demon's physical body, and he easily captured Nascent Soul. This kind of strength is probably not as good as even the peak of Nascent Soul!"

Bai Zhaorui's mood was complicated. Zhang Jingyun was stronger than she imagined, but it also confirmed the fact that she had been unwilling to accept.

The current Zhang Jingyun is no longer the outer disciple who was stuck at the sixth level of Qi training for nearly ten years and was unable to break through.

Most likely the core has been replaced.

In fact, Zhang Jingyun even changed the hardware. He traveled to the world of immortality in a physical body, and neither his soul nor his physical body was his predecessor.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't take into account Bai Zhaorui's shock for the time being. After imprisoning the Nascent Soul of the Supreme Leader of the Demon Cauldron Sect, he originally wanted to use the spirit-binding general and other spells to completely control the Nascent Soul of Wanlao Demon as before.

However, the result turned out to be a failure.

Ju Lingqian can no longer keep up with Zhang Jingyun's level. This spell has miraculous effects in the world of Mr. Zombie or the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

But as the realm of the detained souls becomes higher and higher, and the Nascent Soul is not just a soul, but another life form similar to the soul, it is also expected that the detained souls will fail.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun has other spells.

Using Zhong Kui's Ghost-Eating Technique can slowly devour the Nascent Soul. Even in this world, you don't have to worry about karma when using Zhong Kui's Ghost-Eating Technique.

"Fellow Taoist is very powerful. I fell into your hands, but I am not unjust. I just don't know, will I have a chance? If fellow Taoist is willing to let me go, I will only respect you from now on."

The Eternal Demon Nascent Soul begged.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. If he were in the outside world, he really wouldn't be sure that Wan Lao Demon would end up in such a situation. It would be good to be able to force Wan Lao Demon back.

But what Zhang Jingyun didn't expect was.

In the Yanluo Secret Realm, the laws of the independent space are actually different from the laws of the Immortal Cultivation World. There is no power to seal his cultivation here.

In other words, since Zhang Jingyun entered the secret realm, his cultivation level has been restored, and he has restored his former cultivation level in the earthly immortal realm.

From that point on, Bai Zhao refused to reach the golden elixir stage, and in front of Zhang Jingyun, he was almost the same as Xiao Qing, and he could subdue her with a backhand.

At this point, Zhang Jingyun was completely relieved. Even if the Supreme Leader of the Demon Cauldron Sect broke into the secret realm, he would be there to kill someone.

Zhang Jingyun is even looking forward to this day.

If he hadn't rashly opened the Yanluo Secret Realm passage, it would have aroused Wanlaomo's suspicion. If this guy didn't come in then, there would have been a stalemate.

Fortunately, Wan Lao's magic formation skills were unexpected, and he opened a direct passage to Yan Luo Palace in just seven days.

That's the result.

After being beaten by Zhang Jingyun, only Yuanying was left begging for mercy. It was naturally impossible to spare his life. It was indeed impossible for Zhang Jingyun to stay in the secret realm all his life. He would go out sooner or later. Once he went out, it was hard to say whether he could control the Wan Lao Demon. .

So we should take this opportunity to eliminate future troubles.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head silently, and then used a spell to open his mouth and eat Wan Lao Mo's Nascent Soul directly into his stomach. This scene frightened the two of them.

Devouring Nascent Soul is simply cannibalism.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Bai Zhaorui and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, this is not some secret magic technique, it is a serious fairy technique. A demonic monk like Wan Laomo who destroys people's sects at every turn can only make him more ruthless. "

"You... just control it yourself. Use this kind of secret technique as little as possible in the future." Bai Zhaoji could even hear the cry of the old demon in Zhang Jingyun's stomach.

Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and said, "Gone~"

He burped directly, which is similar to the Taoist story where Zhong Kui burps and there is a ghost in his belly. What Zhang Jingyun had in his belly was Nascent Soul.

Using secret techniques to slowly refine Wan Lao Mo's Nascent Soul, Zhang Jingyun could also indirectly see the other party's memory. It turned out that Wan Lao Mo had been promoted to Nascent Soul a few years ago and became the first Nascent Soul monk of the Demon Cauldron Sect.

I don’t rely on external objects for Wan Lao Mo’s promotion to the Nascent Soul. Although the Demon Cauldron Sect is stronger than any of the Linghua Mountain, Zhen Yang Sect, and Golden Sword Sect, Wan Lao Mo can get a Nascent Soul Pill that can assist his promotion to the Nascent Soul. Very difficult.

It can be said that Wan Lao Mo was promoted to Nascent Soul cultivator all because of his own efforts, which Zhang Jingyun admired very much.

After seven hundred years of practice, he has worked hard and dare not let up. In addition, among the three lines of cultivation talent, two lines can play a mutually reinforcing role. When he is promoted to Nascent Soul, he provides the most critical help. This is the promotion of Wan Lao Demon to Yuan Ying. The process of infancy is worth learning.

Zhang Jingyun paid special attention to the memories related to the Demon Cauldron Sect. Now the strongest Nascent Soul monk of the Demon Cauldron Sect was killed, and the only two remaining Golden Pills were also dead.

Not only did the plan to eliminate the three sects fall apart, but even his hometown could not be saved. The biggest winners were obviously Zhang Jingyun and Jinjianmen.

All the territory of the three righteous sects plus the Demonic Cauldron Sect will be controlled by the Golden Sword Sect. Although there are still two Jindan monks in Linghua Mountain, Linghua Mountain has no choice but to order the closure of the mountain and prepare to fight to the death with the Demonic Cauldron Sect.

Therefore, it is not yet known when Linghua Mountain will be unsealed, and Golden Sword Sect can take advantage of this period to collect all the territory that should be collected.

As for the original territory of Linghua Mountain, Zhang Jingyun would not let the Golden Sword Sect spit it out, because they had snatched it from the Demon Cauldron Sect. Why did Linghua Mountain lose its territory and close the Golden Sword Sect?

The Zhenyang Sect was exterminated, Linghua Mountain suffered heavy losses, and the friendship between the three sects has become a thing of the past. The Golden Sword Sect will at most remember the friendship of the past and let Linghua Mountain, which is no longer what it used to be, continue on its only territory.

"The Supreme Leader of the Demon Cauldron Sect and the two elders have all been killed. Should we hurry up and leave the secret realm to regroup with the sect and completely defeat the Demon Cauldron Sect?" Bai Zhao refused to ask.

Thinking about it, the Demon Cauldron Sect invaded with great fanfare and finally wiped out their own sect. It is incredible to say that Bai Zhao refused.

The changes before and after are too dramatic.

"Senior Brother Zhang killed the top master of the Demon Cauldron Sect. The leader and others will definitely praise him greatly when they find out. From now on, he will probably be called an elder in the sect."

Sheng Jia said sincerely that the Golden Sword Sect has always been like this. If you have contributed enough to the sect, you will be treated accordingly. When Bai Zhao refused the Zi Mansion's Golden Elixir, he was promoted to elder by Tian Song. Now Zhang Jingyun's contribution to the sect is better than Bai Zhao. If you refuse ten times, it would be a bit humiliating to be an elder.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Shengjia and smiled, turned his head, and said to Bai Zhaonui, "Don't rush out of the secret realm. I still have some things to finish, so I'll leave as soon as I'm done."

"What else is there?" Bai Zhao refused.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes always fell on Shengjia: "Before, I just thought that junior brother only followed us into the secret realm out of selfishness. Now it seems that I have underestimated you."

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Shengjia asked blankly.

Bai Zhaoju's eyes narrowed slightly. Although she couldn't quite understand what Zhang Jingyun said, she didn't say anything more and just continued to listen to the conversation.

"Junior brother, you still don't give up? You may not know, senior brother, I have many methods. After the monk dies, as long as it does not exceed an hour.

I can collect part of the monk's soul, and then use a magical power to repair the soul. In the end, it is no different from the complete soul. "

Zhang Jingyun told the truth that he could imprison the soul by detaining the spirit and sending generals, and then use the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa taught to him by Bai Suzhen to repair it.

For this reason, Shengjia also fell silent. After a moment, he sighed and said, "I didn't expect you to have so many secret arts and magical powers. Was it the soul of Li Feng and others that exposed my flaw?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded, then his eyes went dark, and he raised his right hand. Li Feng's spirit appeared out of thin air, and he cursed when he saw Sheng Jia.

"You bastard! You actually killed your own sect!"

Bai Zhao was surprised that Sheng Jia and Zhao Yunlan were actually killed by the direct disciple who was highly valued by the master Tian Song Zhenren.

Comrades fighting each other is a serious crime in the Golden Sword Sect.

Why did Shengjia do this?

Bai Zhaoji's face darkened, she wanted to hear his explanation, but Shengjia changed the topic and looked at Zhang Jingyun, curiously asking: "Senior Brother Zhang, if there is another chance, what do you think I can do to prevent you from finding out? "

"The incomplete soul can only exist for a short period of time. Next time you kill someone and want to avoid being discovered by me, just kill the person and punch them on the spot to break up the incomplete soul. Even I won't be able to recover by then."

Shengjia suddenly realized: "Be taught!"

Then he talked about the reason for killing Li Feng and others, "Senior brother should be able to guess that I returned to the sect for the secret realm, but it's a pity that you beat me to it."

"The secret realm cannot be opened only by the cultivation of Zi Mansion?"

Bai Zhao refused to ask.

Shengjia nodded and said, "That's true. If there was no Demon Cauldron Sect, I would practice step by step until the Zifu stage and then open the secret realm.

But something unexpected happened during this period, and the Demon Cauldron Sect came to attack. I had to use some special means to open the Yanluo Secret Realm in advance. "

"Are you the master of the secret realm of the previous generation?"

Bai Zhaojiu was extremely smart. From Shengjia's words, he could already guess something. Under normal circumstances, only the Zifu Stage could open the secret realm, but Shengjia could open it during the Foundation Establishment Stage.

In addition, he can also kill Li Feng and Zhao Yunlan in the Zifu stage. This kind of strength is not consistent with the Foundation Establishment stage.

Bai Zhaoji suspected that Shengjia was also an old monster. The result of his body-taking and rebirth. Combined with his familiarity with the secret realm, it was not difficult to guess which old monster had taken his body.

"Let's call it that." Shengjia chuckled.

"Disciple of the Seizing Body Golden Sword Sect, you are very courageous." Zhang Jingyun spoke sternly, but his expression was strange when he refused, as if Zhang Jingyun was the original.

"From Wan Lao Mo's memory, I also saw that you secretly helped him enter the secret realm. You want us to both lose and gain an advantage. Doesn't this make sense?"

Zhang Jingyun said to him sadly.

The latter's face was slightly red, and he secretly made a small move, and was discovered by Zhang Jingyun. In fact, he did not expect that the other party was so strong.

Everything caught him off guard.

Zhang Jingyun was about to take action when he saw the old guy waving his hands quickly, "Wait a minute, there is still room for easing this matter, and it won't do you two any good if you and I take action."

"You can try it."

Sheng Jia's face turned bitter, "Fellow Taoist, calm down and calm down. In fact, I can see that you can only exert such strength in the secret realm, and you can't do it outside the secret realm."

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth, "Who do you think can't do it?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I'm not targeting fellow Taoists, I'm just telling the truth. Outside the secret realm, fellow Taoists don't have such strength. You don't want to see anything happen to your other two fellow Taoists, right?"

"Your uncle's..."

Seeing that Zhang Jingyun was about to take action, he hurriedly explained: "Look, you can threaten me, and I can also threaten you, so why go to war in such a big way?

Even in the secret realm, I am not your opponent, but if I want to kill Uncle Bai, I can do it with a high probability. "

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"If you can speak, speak more!" Zhang Jingyun was happy. In fact, he had already worked out dozens of ways to kill this guy.

Shengjia grimaced and explained helplessly: "This is an old problem of mine. If it weren't for this mouth, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation. Tell the truth, Fellow Daoist Zhang, this secret realm actually belongs to me."

"It was yours before, but not necessarily now."

"I mean, the secret realm was mine from the beginning, and the first owner was also me. When you refined the Xuanchen Alchemy Cauldron, you should have known that it was Immortal Yan Luo."

Zhang Jingyun almost thought that his ears heard it wrong, "Wait a minute, what did you just say? Are you Immortal Yan Luo? Did you open up the secret realm?"


Zhang Jingyun looked Sheng Jia up and down, he looked delicate and his words were stifling, but other than that, he couldn't see any immortal temperament.

So when he said that he opened up the Yanluo Secret Realm, Zhang Jingyun didn't believe it at all, because even if Zhang Jingyun was an Earth Immortal, he couldn't open up the secret realm.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

Sheng Jia was almost disgusted by Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and said: "What a weak immortal!"

"That's because my cultivation has not yet recovered!" Shengjia's face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he argued, "When I was in my heyday, you were no match at all. You hadn't even opened up the world inside your body, and you weren't even an immortal. .”

"Oh?" Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. His words were not false. This immortal in the foundation building stage seemed to know a lot of secrets.

"What is the inner world?"

"Ah? You don't even know about the world inside my body? The secret realm of Yanluo is the world inside my body. All the secret realms in the world of immortality are left by the immortals.

So you are actually all outsiders, and I can understand it with a little effort. You don’t want to see a pair of monks with malicious intentions suddenly come to your home, right? "

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me what else you know about immortals. Even you are an immortal. There must be other immortals in the world of immortality. Where have they gone?"

"What do you mean, even I am an immortal?"

Sheng Jia said with a dark look on his face, "I, Immortal Yan Luo, am also a slightly famous seventh-level alchemy master. At that time, there were only a hundred or so immortals in the entire world of immortal cultivation, and I was also the best among hundreds of millions of monks."

Zhang Jingyun's tone softened slightly as he continued, "As for the other immortals you want to ask about, they all happened in the ancient times tens of thousands of years ago.

One day those people joined forces to open a passage and went to other worlds, which they said was the real fairyland. Later they all left. "

"Then why didn't you leave?"

Immortal Yan Luo curled his lips and said casually, "I offended the leader. He thought I had a bad mouth, so he slapped me down."

Zhang Jingyun was not surprised at all.

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