People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 70 The Qing Dynasty is dead [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun used a ton of explosives.

Although it was just ordinary black powder and its power was slightly weaker, it was still enough to raze those shops to the ground. This was Zhang Jingyun's disincentive to Yan Xiaoguo.

"Traitors! They are all traitors!"

Yan Xiaoguo roared angrily, his iron-black face became even more terrifyingly gloomy. You know, half of his men were in these rooms!

In order to kill the Sun thief, the imperial court sent Yan Xiaoguo. Yan Xiaoguo had been a high-ranking official in the imperial court for three generations and was absolutely loyal to the Qing court.

Yan Xiaoguo was a patriotic person, but as times changed, he saw China being bullied, and his strong patriotism went to the other extreme.

This person rejects everything related to the West and hates Western ideas. In his view, patriotism means loyalty to the imperial court.

Therefore, in Yan Xiaoguo's eyes, this action is a manifestation of loyalty and loyalty to protect his family and the country. Anyone who stands in his way is a traitor and traitor.

Since Yan Xiaoguo came to Victoria Harbor a few days ago, he led 12 Dauchi masters and 300 Qing court elites, preparing to assassinate Mr. Sun.

Now, four great masters and nearly 170 elites were lost in an instant. This was a catastrophic blow to Yan Xiaoguo.

He was thoroughly outraged.

"No matter who he is, I must let him die!" Yan Xiaoguo held the sword, like a hungry tiger, with a man-eating gaze.

Zhang Jingyun is not a person who follows the rules.

There are many masters in the Qing court. If you just defend yourself, even if you have martial arts skills and are not afraid of life and death, others will not have this ability.

If he lost these people to protect Mr. Sun, he would look down on Zhang Jingyun's abilities, so he took the initiative to attack.

"Sir, I did what you asked me to do." At the corner of Queen Street, a man who looked exactly like Donnie Yen said to Zhang Jingyun.

His name is Chong Yang, and he is a gambler.

It’s funny to say that Liu Yubai is also a big smoker. Gambling, drugs, and Zhang Jingyun... Well, Zhang Jingyun has sworn that gambling and drug abuse will be life-and-death!

But cooperation is still necessary.

Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to make explosives on his own, but he didn't expect to notice that Zhongyang was sneaking into Li's house that night.

Li Yutang's fourth concubine was Chong Yang's ex-wife. She couldn't stand Chong Yang's bad gambling, so she remarried Li Yutang.

Chongyang was a nostalgic person. That night, Chongyang was going to come over to take a look at her, but unexpectedly, he was caught by Zhang Jingyun before he saw her.

He still can't forget what Zhang Jingyun said, "You don't want Li Yutang to know about your secret meeting with your ex-wife tonight, right?"

Zhong Yang: "..."

Zhang Jingyun still admired him very much.

After all, he was responsible for killing half of the assassins in the Qing court. Zhong Yang left with a complicated mood. He felt that he had boarded a pirate ship and would never be able to get off in this life.


As the ship arrives at the port.

Queen Street is bustling again.

Although there was a sudden explosion, various patrol policemen were busy rescuing people and evacuating people.

the other side.

More than a hundred people with big braids took to the streets. From Queen Street to Furen Literary Society, the roofs and walls were all filled with people from the Qing court.

Commander Yan Xiaoguo endured his grief and anger, arranged a killer, and then waited quietly from the dock for Mr. Sun to disembark, like a patient and experienced hunter.

"Mr. Sun is here!"

I don't know who shouted, and in an instant, the pier was boiling with hundreds of progressive people waiting for this day.

Even if it’s just a glance.

Zhang Jingyun twisted his body and squeezed into the crowd easily. He controlled his strength with great ferocity, and he went in before the people who were squeezed away could react.

Sun Wen got off the boat.

Looking at the long-lost Hong Kong Island, I feel very emotional.

"Sir, I feel that there are many hidden hands around me. I'm afraid they are not malicious. Can the people here on Hong Kong Island really be trusted?"

Next to Mr. Sun, a man said in a deep voice. The man had thick eyebrows and a broad nose, a green face, a finger-long beard, and fierce eyes.

It was Du Xinwu, the hero of the North and South.

Du Xinwu is the sole disciple of Xu Aoshi, the founder of the Natural Sect, and the second generation leader of the Natural Sect. He later joined the Tongmenghui and served as Mr. Sun's bodyguard.

"Jin Sun said that he hired the best martial artist in the world to protect me. If someone can still assassinate me, that will be the fate of my fate."

Du Xinwu chuckled and said, "The best in the world. Since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts. The best martial artist in the world is not afraid of flashing his tongue..."

It's too late, but it's soon.

Before Du Xinwu finished speaking, he noticed a blur in front of his eyes, and felt a strong wind blowing on his face. By the time he realized it, someone was already standing in front of Mr. Sun.

The strength of this person is terrifying and unbelievable!

Du Xinwu's expression changed drastically: "Sir, be careful!"

In many years of traveling across the world, he had never seen such a magical skill. At this moment, even Du Xinwu was in awe, but Mr. Sun's face was calm.

"Junqing, it is indeed you."

Not long ago, the Jingwu Association was established and opened to the public. Sun Wen wrote a preface for the Jingwu Association, and also sent someone to send a plaque of martial arts spirit, and he had contact with Zhang Jingyun.

"Sir, we meet again."

Zhang Jingyun's voice was ethereal, and to Du Xinwu's ears, it sounded like a clear spring under the forest, refreshing and happy. If he hadn't revealed his amazing strength, Du Xinwu would have thought that he was an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

"Return to nature! Take care of yourself!"

Du Xinwu was secretly surprised. He was born in the Natural Sect. His movement and stillness had no beginning, his changes were unprovoked, and he was the highest state of the Natural Sect.

Zhang Jingyun seems to have stepped into a higher level.

Let him not dare to speculate.

And this is the charm of Kung Fu.

Normally, he is aloof, but when it comes to showing off, he respects people as much as he respects gods. In Du Xinwu's heart, Zhang Jingyun is already a god-like figure.

"Du Xinwu, meet Huo Daxia!"

Du Xinwu bowed his head and worshiped. Under the influence of Mr. Sun, the ideas of democracy and freedom had been deeply rooted in his mind, but he still paid his respects according to the rules of the martial arts, as if this was the only way to express his respect for Zhang Jingyun.

"Du Xinwu, the hero of the North and South, I have heard that you assassinated the Queen Mother of the West. You are a man. You and I are both martial arts people. There is no need for such a thing."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he extended his hand to guide Mr. Sun, "First go to Furen Literary Society from Queen Street. There will be twists and turns on the way, so don't panic."

"With you by my side, I feel at peace."

Mr. Sun walked forward, as fast as a shooting star, then got into Deng Asi's rickshaw and headed towards Furen Literary Society at a rapid speed.

"There are ambushes on the rooftops on the left and right streets!"

Du Xinwu reminded.

Zhang Jingyun said, "There are people ambushing not only the rooftops of the streets, but also the windows. I have killed hundreds of people before you came, and there are about half left."

Du Xinwu: "???"

Only then did he realize how determined the Qing government was. If he were the only one to protect Mr. Sun, he might not even be able to reach the Furen Literary Society.

As the rickshaw appeared in the killer's sight, people appeared in front of and behind the house in an instant, and the surrounding windows were all opened one by one.

It's a crossbow!

The strong bows and crossbows were aimed at the vehicles one after another. The hair on Du Xinwu's vest exploded, and he instinctively felt a strong sense of crisis.

If it weren't for Zhang Jingyun who was still calm and composed here, he would have wanted to carry Mr. Sun and crawl into the alley. Who could stop so many powerful crossbows?

Snapped! Bang bang! Bang bang bang!

The crossbow arrows were not fired, but gunshots suddenly rang out. Du Xinwu felt that guns were being fired from all directions, crackling like a New Year's Eve.

Wait for him to look up again.

I saw strong bows and powerful crossbows falling to the ground one after another, and then the Qing court killers died violently one after another, either on the roof or behind the windows.

This was Zhang Jingyun's second wave of gifts to the Qing court. Yan Xiaoguo was too extreme and refused to accept advanced Western ideas or muskets.

He would rather shoot Mr. Sun on the road with a crossbow. However, one of his subordinates was enlightened and took the initiative to contact a gambling thief and threatened him to go to the police station to steal a gun and shoot Mr. Sun.

The snitch was none other than Chong Yang.

Zhongyang happily reported to Zhang Jingyun that Zhang Jingyun instructed Zhongyang to ask for more money, and then lied about stealing the gun and asked the person to meet to deliver the gun.

Zhang Jingyun buried the man.

Yan Xiaoguo's men wanted someone to steal a gun and assassinate him.

Zhang Jingyun got what he wanted.

Yan Xiaoguo brought twelve masters from the Qing court, four of them were killed by explosives, one was buried alive by him, and now there are seven left.

In this round, there were thirty or forty elites of the Qing court who were killed by muskets. The loss was nearly two hundred. Yan Xiaoguo only had about a hundred people left.

At this time, Deng Asi slowed down.

There were several people standing at each alley entrance ahead, looking at Deng Asi's rickshaw with indifferent expressions, as if they were looking at a dead person.

"Are we finally going to take action?"

Zhang Jingyun saw a person, Yan Xiaoguo.

Yan Xiaoguo never expected that his carefully planned and perfect Duolun assassination plan would end up being the gourd boy saving his grandfather, but it would be defeated one by one by the other party.

More and more people died, and Yan Xiaoguo couldn't bear it any longer. Following his order, the remaining 130 or so elites of the Qing court appeared on the streets.

Surround the rickshaw tightly.

The showdown begins in an unexpected place.

"I thought you could make it to Furen Literary Society, but I didn't expect you to be worse than I thought. So you can't help but jump over the wall?"

Zhang Jingyun stood in front of Yan Xiaoguo.

Yan Xiaoguo has a dark face and a sword in his arms. When the sword is unsheathed, he will drink the enemy's blood. He regards this sword as equally precious as the money braid on the back of his head.

"Which of you blew up the shops on Queen Street?" Yan Xiaoguo looked at Zhang Jingyun and then at Du Xinwu.

"It's me!" Zhang Jingyun said honestly.

"Then you go and bury them with them!"

Yan Xiao's national treasure sword was unsheathed. The sword technique he used was the Shaolin sword technique Five Tigers Broken Door Sword. It was strong and powerful and had the courage that ten thousand men could not match.

The Five Tigers' Door-Breaking Knife is not a popular weapon in novels. It is a profound Shaolin sword technique, just like the iron ox plowing move used by Yan Xiaoguo.

It's even crazier than a mad cow.

"Is this the limit? You have already used your full strength, and I have just exerted my strength!" Zhang Jingyun instantly activated the Thirteen Taibao Henglian Golden Bell.

Yan Xiaoguo's sword, which cut iron like clay, left only a golden mark on his body. The shocking scene shocked Yan Xiaoguo's iron face.

"Have you actually reached that level?"

Yan Xiaoguo was a well-informed master in the Qing Dynasty, so he naturally knew that Zhang Jingyun's kung fu had exceeded the ordinary category, and he was capable of magical transformation and mysticism.

You must not deal with such a person alone. He waved his hand, and dozens of people gathered around him, holding strange weapons with unknown names.

At this time he suddenly reacted.

"Two and a half years ago, you were the one who killed the Queen Mother of the West in Huai County and then crossed the river in front of thousands of officers and soldiers. Who are you?"

"My surname is Huo and my first name is Yuanjia!"

"Huo Yuanjia? It turns out to be you! God is so pitiful that he asked me to find the traitor who killed the Queen Mother of the West. My subordinates will avenge the Queen Mother and the Emperor today!

Give up assassinating Sun Wen.

Join forces to surround and kill the traitor Huo Yuanjia! "

The Qing court had been searching for the culprit for two years. Now standing in front of him, Yan Xiaoguo determined that killing Zhang Jingyun was more important than killing Sun Wen!

Hundreds of elites from the Qing court and seven internal masters formed a rivalry with Yan Xiaoguo, vowing to surround and kill Zhang Jingyun on the spot.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Du Xinwu, "Time is running out, leave this to us. You can take Mr. Sun as planned."

Du Xinwu nodded and followed Deng Asi away. At the same time, the elites of the Qing court were finally ready to attack Zhang Jingyun.

"Want to kill the president? Do you think we don't exist?" Several figures fell down, including Cheng Tinghua and other northern masters and Fang Tian and other Hong Kong masters.

"I see you have some Baguazhang skills, let me give you some pointers!" Cheng Tinghua met an Ouchi master who was good at Baguazhang.

This person's Baguazhang originated from King Duan. His origin can be traced back to Mr. Dong Haichuan, the master of Baguazhang. He taught Baguazhang to many people in the palace.

But the only true biography is Yin Fu and Cheng Tinghua.

Cheng Tinghua took action, and the others were also busy. Li Shuwen, Sun Lutang, and Li Cunyi all used thunderous methods to fight against the powerful masters.

"When did so many martial arts masters come to Hong Kong Island?" Yan Xiaoguo's expression changed. Zhang Jingyun actually had so many helpers.

The moves are all in the northern martial arts style. How come the northern masters gathered in Hong Kong Island? Not only the northern martial arts masters, but also those ordinary men and a giant, they all had their own merits.

Fang Tian took the remaining thirty veterans of the troupe and entangled with the elites of the Qing court. The giant Wang Fuming appeared in the crowd like the god of war.

With one push and one sweep, several killers fell down.

Several assassins from the Qing court looked at each other and dispersed, holding short daggers and taking advantage of their short stature to assassinate Wang Fuming from a hidden corner.

Or the waist, or the spine...

However, everyone's daggers were inserted into Wang Fuming's body, and there was only a clanging sound. The giant was actually wearing armor under his clothes.

Qing court killer: "..."

Wang Fuming was holding a five-foot-long broadsword. It was Zhang Jingyun who lent him the cleaver knife. Wang Fuming held it in his hand like a watermelon knife, killing everyone in all directions.

As for Zhang Jingyun, he spent a lot of money to redeem the heirloom iron fan, take care of his hair, put on a robe, and arranged Liu Yubai to the most dangerous place.

Zheng was squatting alone at the door of Sun's mansion.

Because the substitute will eventually go to the Sun Mansion. In theory, it is indeed the most dangerous place, but if the Qing court killer cannot get there, there will be no way to recruit him.

Look back at Zhang Jingyun.

The seven top officials of the Qing court were not enough to give Li Shuwen and others enough points, and nearly half of the more than 130 elites of the Qing court were pulled down by Fang Tian, ​​Wang Fuming and others.

At this point, Yan Xiaoguo could only mobilize more than fifty people to surround and kill Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun didn't even think of using a gun and could deal with these people with his hands.

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward.

He struck out with the force of thunder, his feet felt like stepping on the wind, as if a fairy had arrived, and he started fighting with Yan Xiaoguo and others in an instant.

Fists and palms intertwined, swords and swords flashed.

During the stalemate, no one could intervene. The Qing court used all its elite methods, but Zhang Jingyun remained calm and there was already a blood mist around him.

Half of the dozens of Qing elites were beaten to death by Zhang Jingyun in just one round, and even the commander Yan Xiaoguo was hit with a palm.


There was a clear palm print on Yan Xiaoguo's chest. The depression of the palm print had already shattered his heart. Yan Xiaoguo roared and raised his breath - a sword to kill a horse!

He wanted to kill Zhang Jingyun with his sword.

Attacking fiercely, rushing forward and backward, suddenly advancing and retreating, the sunken palm prints on Yan Xiaoguo's chest slowly swelled and recovered, like a living dragon or a living tiger.

Cut off the door with a knife, and seize the silver flowers in an emergency!

Zhang Jingyun's face was flushed, and he was practicing his magical skills. He actually felt a trace of pressure. Yan Xiaoguo didn't know what secret technique he used, as if his life force was burning.

Seeing Yan Xiaoguo's desperate efforts, the remaining elites of the Qing court used unknown strange weapons one after another, using sharp iron hooks at the top to break his horizontal training skills.

Qimen weapons can defeat masters.

In the world of martial arts, it's not that the weirder the weapon, the faster you die. Some strange weapons are specially developed to deal with masters.

This strange weapon with iron ropes and silver hooks is a kind of weapon that is designed to break down the body and consume its energy and blood. No matter how strong the master is, he will still feel resentful after being tortured like this.

It's a pity that Zhang Jingyun is a miracle worker!

The gods have transformed into the mysterious, and have incredible power. Zhang Jingyun's body is covered with iron ropes, and the silver hooks cannot break his body. Zhang Jingyun is shaking with strength.

The iron ropes and silver hooks collapsed one after another!

Zhang Jingyun's clothes were swaying, his black hair was dancing, and his eyes were as calm as ever. He took one step forward and came to Yan Xiaoguo.

A gentle palm print.

Yan Xiaoguo's generous chest made a rumbling sound, but he was still alive. Zhang Jingyun printed several palms in a row, making a thumping sound like a hammer and a war drum.

Looking at the exploded chest, Yan Xiaoguo was very calm and said, "Traitor, God has no eyes to allow you to reach such a state of divine transformation.

It's a pity that you still missed it. There are still fifty people who were ordered to hide near Sun Mansion. At this moment, over there... it should be over..."

Zhang Jingyun remained silent.

"My emperor is in the north, so don't let me die facing the south. I have...repaid...the emperor's favor!" Yan Xiaoguo kowtowed to the north, and then he bled to death from his seven orifices.

"Liu Yubai..."

Zhang Jingyun whispered that he was not worried about Mr. Sun, because the real Mr. Sun would not go to the Sun Mansion, only the fake one would go to the Sun Mansion to visit relatives as planned.

The only thing he was worried about was Liu Yubai.

"I gonna go see…"

There are Li Shuwen, Sun Lutang and others on the Queen Street side. Even if I, the King of Heaven, come over, I can't turn the tables. Liu Yubai is a bit surprised.

An unplanned battle occurred.

Zhang Jingyun used Qinggong and quickly arrived in front of Sun's mansion. He saw Liu Yu dancing with a white iron fan, as elegant as he was eighteen years ago, with a free and easy smile on his slightly sad face.

Liu Yubai stood proudly on the bridge pillar.

One fan per person, and the magnanimity of being the best in the world, the deep eyes, and the unruly and unrepentant attitude made dozens of killers stand in awe and did not dare to step forward.

Zhang Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Yubai was slightly injured, but not dead. After this battle, he seemed to have undergone certain changes.

Just as he was about to step forward, a slovenly beggar suddenly came in from afar and approached at an alarming speed. He stood in front of Liu Yubai with a penetrating gaze.

"Master!" Liu Yubai had tears in his eyes.

"Su Can?" Zhang Jingyun whispered.

The sloppy beggar suddenly turned back to look at Zhang Jingyun and smiled. He was the old beggar Zhang Jingyun had just met when he arrived in Yangcheng.

Two beggars, two generations of martial arts champions.

Liu Yubai followed Su Can away. Once he leaves, he will surely soar into the sky when he comes back. There may be another divine transformation in the world.

Zhang Jingyun underestimated the world.

He is not the only magical transformation, at least Su Can is. Perhaps in the future, Sun Lutang, Li Shuwen, Cheng Tinghua and others can also reach this level.

Another two and a half years passed.

It was already 1905, and the Qing Dynasty fell.

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