People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 71 The end of return [5k please subscribe]

In 1905, Qing rule came to an end.

A full seven years ahead of history.

The early end of the Qing court had a lot to do with the assassination of the Queen Mother of the West. Due to internal and external troubles, the Qing court really did not have more energy to suppress the uprising forces.

To a certain extent, Zhang Jingyun has indeed advanced the historical process, which is no small achievement.

But what disappoints Zhang Jingyun is that there is no indication of such a large achievement system, and he still only completes the special task of assassinating the Queen Mother of the West.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun was satisfied.

This is the longest mission world he has ever experienced. It has been nearly six years in total. It has been full of changes and thrilling experiences.

From the Boxer Rebellion, to the assassination of the Queen Mother of the West, to the withdrawal of the Qing court from the stage of history, Zhang Jingyun was either directly involved or indirectly involved.

There has never been any rebellion.

With the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China was born.

Zhang Jingyun didn't know how long the new ship of the Republic of China could last. Although Mr. Sun became the interim president, there still seemed to be people who dreamed of being emperor.

Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be martyred.

This is a truth that has not changed since ancient times, but if that day really happens, Zhang Jingyun will definitely make another move against Tiangang.

Change this principle.

Let those who steal the country be punished!


The first year of the Republic of China.

Jingwu guilds are blooming everywhere. With the support of the upper class, the spirit of martial arts is carried forward. Jinmen and Foshan are still the holy places of martial arts, and countless people come here.

At the invitation of Nong Jinsun!

Zhang Jingyun moved the Jingwu Association to Shanghai.

At first Zhang Jingyun didn't understand why Nong Jinsun wanted him to move the Jingwu Association to Shanghai. Wouldn't it be better to move to Jinmen, the holy land of martial arts in the north?

It wasn't until Zhang Jingyun arrived in Shanghai that he understood.

Shanghai was the largest city in the Republic of China, and it was also the area where most foreigners gathered. There were tall buildings, tall chimneys, and large ships on the Huangpu River, either flying the Union Jack, the plaster flag, or the Stars and Stripes.

Most of the people walking up and down the high-rise buildings on the river bank are foreigners wearing top hats and tuxedos, holding civilized sticks in their hands, strutting with their heads held high and their leather shoes clicking.

Nong Jinsun took Zhang Jingyun to the entrance of a park. The interior of the park was uniquely decorated, with beautiful pavilions, Western-style fountains, graceful sculptures, lawn green chairs, and palm flower paths. It was unique and elegant, completely different from the Chinese garden style. .


It would be nice if there wasn't that sign.

Zhang Jingyun also understood that this was Nong Jinsun's intention in bringing him here. He saw an iron sign standing at the entrance of the park with eight characters engraved on it.

Chinese people and dogs are not allowed inside.

Although the abdication of the Qing court was of far-reaching significance to China, it seemed to have little bearing on the foreigners in these concessions.

No change of ruler can control them.

"Junqing, to be honest, I felt an indescribable sense of depression as soon as I arrived in Shanghai, which made me breathless.

What I saw and heard was unbearable!

In Shanghai, Chinese people can feel the gap with foreigners even more. This world of feasting and feasting is incompatible with our world, making people feel inferior.

This is why I asked you to move the General Assembly to Shanghai. Although martial arts cannot directly change the country, it can make people confident, and the martial spirit is more suitable to be carried forward in a place like this. "

Zhang Jingyun nodded.

He walked to the side of the park and stretched out his hand to take off the iron plaque engraved with eight characters. At the same time, several island warriors in samurai uniforms saw this and swarmed over.

One of them yelled: "Get out of here!"

Zhang Jingyun seemed not to have heard anything. He stretched out his hand and took off the hundreds of kilograms of iron signs with a flick of his hand. In fact, the park originally erected wooden signs, but even though the Chinese people did not dare to destroy them openly, they dared to act at night and smashed this broken sign.

Later, the foreigners changed to iron brands.

They also sent samurai from the nearby island country's dojo to guard the iron sign. In fact, the sign itself was of little value, it was the words on it that were important.

It symbolizes the status of foreigners.

When these island warriors saw Zhang Jingyun easily taking off the iron plate weighing hundreds of kilograms, they did not dare to act rashly. They just said: "We can report it to the police for stealing!"

Zhang Jingyun didn't want to steal this bad brand.

I saw him practicing his magical skills in a circular motion, without kicking or smashing. He bowed his body, stretched out a finger, and smoothed the Chinese characters on the iron plate with a few strokes.

"Hiss! What kind of finger is this?"

Many people have already gathered around to watch the excitement.

After seeing Zhang Jingyun stretch out his hand to smooth out the words on the iron plate, there was a gasp, and several foreign women looked at Zhang Jingyun's fingers with bright eyes.

As if it were some kind of treasure.


Zhang Jingyun also suppressed the island warriors with this skill. Several people secretly thought about it, but fortunately they did not conflict with Zhang Jingyun rashly.

Just poke it with this finger, wouldn't it be a bloody hole?

But that's not all.

Zhang Jingyun kept moving, his face glowing with golden light, he stretched out his fingers again, and inserted his fingers into the cards with the help of horizontal training skills and the power of eagle claws.

Half of the fingertips were embedded in the iron plate. With a few strokes horizontally and horizontally with strong finger strength, a foreign character was engraved on the iron plate in an instant.

After all, the characters of the islanders all evolved from Chinese characters. They recognized the foreign characters at once. Although everyone looked ugly, most of them were shocked.

Even some foreign policemen who came because of the crowd were stunned when they saw Zhang Jingyun writing Chinese characters on the iron plate with his fingers and did not dare to step forward to stop him.


Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and suddenly there was a burst of warm applause. After Zhang Jingyun finished carving foreign characters, he flicked the iron plate weighing more than a hundred kilograms and inserted it back into its original position without missing a beat, which showed his profound skills.

Several island warriors looked at each other, looked at each other, disappeared and ran to report the news. Zhang Jingyun also followed Nong Jinsun and left the park.

Two days later.

The flag of the Jingwu Association is flying high over Wangjiazhai in Zhabei District, Shanghai. The flag of the Jingwu Association is composed of a yellow, blue and red three-star flag falling from the top to the lower left, representing the three sports of morality, intelligence and physical education.

The flag is fluttering, especially enchanting.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun entered Shanghai, he displayed his magical skills and caused quite a sensation. Now that the Jingwu Association has been established, it is even more exciting.

Even when the Chinese in Shanghai learned that the person in charge of the Jingwu Association was Huo Yuanjia, they all wanted to get a shot of chicken blood and signed up enthusiastically.

Suddenly, martial arts flourished in Shanghai.

Also on this night.

In a small building with a plaque of "Tokyo Club" in the island concession in Shanghai, several islanders were having secret discussions.

Two of the island nation's warriors were the ones who witnessed Zhang Jingyun's magical power of iron fingers in the park. In the past two days, they had tried every means to investigate Zhang Jingyun's origins.

Now that the investigation was clear, he came to report to an islander wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"Teacher Kurosaburo..."

"I've told you so many times that you are an official when you work, why can't you remember it!" The islander wearing gold-rimmed glasses said sternly in Japanese.

The warrior quickly changed his words, "Yes, Your Majesty Colonel, we have investigated clearly and that person is Huo Yuanjia, the president of the Jingwu Association who came from Jinmen!

He came to Shanghai this time to establish the Jingwu Association, with the intention of carrying forward the martial arts spirit of the Jingwu Association in Shanghai. Currently, hundreds of people have signed up, and they are extremely enthusiastic. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Heisaburo frowned and said: "Martial spirit, hum! The Chinese are not worthy of this noble spirit, we want to destroy it!"

"Your Excellency Colonel, I heard that Huo Yuanjia is the most powerful warrior in China with his martial arts skills. I'm afraid it will be difficult to destroy the martial spirit he advocates!"

"The island nation's warriors are not bad!"

Kurosaburo stood up, his smiling face suddenly turned sinister and ferocious, and a murderous aura suddenly appeared in his gentle eyes.

"Hundreds of people signed up on the first day Huo Yuanjia opened the Jingwu Association in Shanghai. If this continues, do you know how many Huo Yuanjia will breed?

We must kill this huge hidden danger in the cradle in advance and never allow it to become bigger and stronger and affect the interests of the empire! Yoshino, do you understand? "

The samurai named Yoshino replied: "Understood!"

Kurosaburo nodded, "I will send you to carry out this difficult task, you must be prepared..."

Before Kurosaburo finished speaking, Yoshino couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency, Colonel, you are not going to ask me to challenge Huo Yuanjia, are you? I can't even hold up a finger of his iron finger power!"

Heisaburo shook his head: "No, no, no, you misunderstood me. I want you to go back to the island country and invite the most brave and fierce Kuwata warrior from the island country."

"The famous Sakura Warrior Kuwata-kun, he is proficient in imperial karate, judo, and various Chinese martial arts. If he takes action, Huo Yuanjia will be defeated!"

The island country has held five national martial arts competitions. The samurai named Kuwata won the championship five times during his martial arts practice. He became the most famous Sakura samurai in the island country and the most powerful samurai in the hearts of all island people.

Two and a half months later.

Sakura Samurai Kuwata from the island country arrives in Shanghai.

In the afternoon of the same day, Sangtian sent someone to the Jingwu Association to deliver a letter of challenge. The letter of challenge said:

Mr. Wen Ting is a contemporary Chinese martial arts hero, a world-class hero, and indeed the best in China's diseased country. Now the imperial warrior Sang Tian has arrived in Shanghai. Hearing the name of Mr. Wen Ting, he is willing to give it a try. A hero like Mr. Wen Ting will not refuse...

Zhang Jingyun turned the gauntlet into powder with one palm. The gauntlet seemed modest, and the words in the gauntlet were full of praise for Zhang Jingyun's heroism, but the ridicule and contempt in it could not be concealed.

The date of the battle is three days later, and the location will be notified by the islanders on the same day to prevent an ambush.

Zhang Jingyun took up the challenge.

Three days later, the Tokyo Club sent the address, and Kuwata actually set the location of the battle on an armored ship docked in the Huangpu River.

Zhang Jingyun looked gloomy.

He knows what tricks the islanders are playing.

Taking up the battle on an armored ship and repeating the shame of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1899 let the people of the two countries know which one was stronger and which one was weaker, completely defeating the martial spirit that arose in Shanghai.

On the eve of the decisive battle.

Kurosaburo and Kuwata were talking in the room.

"How is Kuwata-kun's martial arts status?"

Sakura Samurai Kuwata said: "Energetic as an ox, brave as a tiger, eating three kilograms of meat per meal, recharging your energy is to prepare for this battle."

"What are the odds?"

"Huo Yuanjia, I think he has a yellow face, he looks like a sick man, or he may have hurt his heart from practicing boxing. Is there any reason to be invincible against a sick man?"

"I heard that the Huo family's secret sect boxing is unique in the world. If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. I wonder if Mr. Sangtian knows the secret sect boxing? How are you going to defeat him?"

"I know the Secret Boxing, also known as Mi Zong Yi. The characteristics of the martial arts are throwing, shooting, stroking, etc. for the upper limbs, and jumping, cutting, hanging, and wrapping for the lower limbs.

I am going to defeat him with my own homemade shrimp boxing. The secret boxing is more hard and softer, and my homemade shrimp boxing is both hard and soft. It combines the Chinese golden bell cover, iron cloth shirt and other horizontal and external skills, knife and slash. No damage was caused by an ax blow. I once killed a big bear with my palm in the mountains of Kyushu, and I had no chance of missing a fight with Huo Yuanjia! "

"Kuwata-kun is worthy of being a Sakura Samurai."

"Your Excellency, Colonel, thank you very much."

"Don't call me an official, just call me Heisaburo."

"Mr. Kurosaburo is really approachable."


On the shore, Zhang Jingyun and Nong Jinsun were walking side by side. When they looked up, they saw an armored ship standing in front of their eyes, standing on the Huangpu River, like a thorn in their hearts.

"Junqing, it all depends on you."

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand, "I have mastered martial arts, so arrogant people like this are not qualified to die in my hands, so what's the point?"

The Jingwu Association was established nearly three years ago.

Education is integrated into the body, disciples are recruited, and talents are abundant. If the great masters are not scattered all over the world and the provincial branches are unable to escape, Zhang Jingyun, the president, will not be able to deal with a small role like Sang Tian personally.

Of course, Sang Tian is not a small player.

Being able to take the first place in martial arts for five consecutive years in the island country is considered a figure. With his status, it doesn't hurt that Zhang Jingyun takes action.

Arriving under the armored ship.

All the Chinese people in Shanghai gathered here and shouted loudly: "Master Huo, give us some vent! We lost during the Sino-Japanese War, and we can't lose again this time!"

Zhang Jingyun said: "I will live up to everyone's expectations!"

At this moment, an old man in a gray silk robe held a gold plate with a bowl of wine in his hands. He bowed and said: "Thirteen rows of people from Shanghai come together to propose a toast to Hero Huo, and I wish you victory in the battle." !”

Zhang Jingyun drained a bowl of wine.

The old man took the wine bowl: "Don't worry, Mr. Huo, the island country is treacherous. If a killer is secretly killed during the martial arts competition, we, the Thirteenth Line in Shanghai, will make sure that his blood stains the Huangpu River! We are the backing of Mr. Huo!"

Zhang Jingyun said in an excited mood: "Don't worry, old man, I still have one breath left, and I will never let up in this ambition!"

The next second, Zhang Jingyun jumped into the air, flying like a swallow, kicked off the side, and in two or two times, he climbed onto the armor plate three to four feet high and stood on the deck.

Zhang Jingyun's unique skill in Qinggong inspired countless people. On the bank of the river, several newspaper offices were wandering around, taking pictures non-stop.

"You strike first!"

Zhang Jingyun stood with his hands behind his back and said.

When Sang Tian saw Zhang Jingyun performing Qing Gong, he immediately became calm. He lost his previous arrogance and regarded Zhang Jingyun as an opponent of the same level.

I saw him jumping up and down, his body hanging up, his palms in the shape of eagle claws, sucking his belly and arching his waist, grabbing Zhang Jingyun's shoulders with both claws, shrinking and spreading, it really looked like a bird swimming in the sea. Lobster, weird but no less ferocious.

Zhang Jingyun responded with ease with the secret divine fist. His palms raised up to bring wind, and his fists landed with thunderous force. He used the horizontal kung fu and internal strength behind him to kill or injure him whenever he was hit.

That Sangtian was also a genius. He tossed and turned in the air and even twisted his body, arching his back in a round shape, to meet Zhang Jingyun's fist. Zhang Jingyun punched him to the deck, and then stretched out like a lobster. With a flick, he attacked Zhang Jingyun again. .

Zhang Jingyun felt that he was not fighting with a human, but fighting with a humanoid lobster, and suddenly Zhang Jingyun woke up.

Divine transformation is not burdened by form, but by intention.

The God of divine transformation refers to the spirit in the spirit, energy, and spirit. When the kung fu is practiced to the deepest level, it undergoes essential changes, and its external manifestations are natural changes in the spirit.

For example, if you perform a tiger-shaped boxing, people will feel that there is a tiger in front of you, and once the breath is restrained, everyone will disappear.

This Sangtian is almost going to undergo a divine transformation.

Still using lobster as a ginseng, the back and arms were made of steel, so that he could withstand Zhang Jingyun's heavy hammer without being seriously injured.

But even so, the shrimp boxing he created still has some weaknesses compared to Chinese boxing. Zhang Jingyun responded with Xingyiquan, and his boxing style changed.

One moment, it is like a tiger leaping into a stream, another moment, it is like a white ape climbing a branch, and another moment, it is like a green dragon exploring the sea. It is unpredictable, hard and soft, and well-proportioned.

In an instant, Zhang Jingyun had the upper hand.

Sangtian himself thought that he understood Chinese martial arts after learning about Chinese golden bells and iron cloth shirts. However, in the past few decades, Chinese martial arts have blossomed everywhere, including Tai Chi, Xingyi, Bagua, Baji, Pao Zhui, and Pi Gua, each leading the way. , the heritage is far from comparable to that of island countries.

Zhang Jingyun used Tai Chi's silk-winding power to shake Sang Tian's whole body balance. He grabbed Sang Tian's right foot and pushed it up. Sang Tian was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Sang Tian rolled like a lobster and was about to get up, but Zhang Jingyun tapped the Jianjing acupoint, using the acupuncture techniques taught by Master Fa Kong to break his golden bell and iron shirt.

Zhang Jingyun flew up with his right foot.

A flick of the leg, bang!

He actually kicked Kuang Tian and other divine warriors up to a height of ten feet, and then accurately hit the falling Kuang Tian on the head with a hammer, causing his head and neck to fall heavily.

There was a loud bang on the deck!

Sangtian's head was embedded in the deck. His body was still tumbling, and his feet bounced up from time to time, like a lobster with its head stuck.

On both sides of the river bank, cheers soared into the sky.

Zhang Jingyun lifted his toes and touched the Tanzhong acupoint a little, and Sangtian could no longer flutter. If there were another ten years, Sangtian might undergo a magical transformation, but he had no chance.

After this battle, Zhang Jingyun shocked Shanghai.

Because he was born with a yellow complexion, and after practicing Heng Lian Sheng Gong, his face was filled with a faint golden light when he performed the skills, and he gradually got the nickname "Yellow Face Tiger".

Yellow-faced tiger on the beach in Shanghai.

Jinmen hero Huo Yuanjia.

The best assassin in the world...

Zhang Jingyun had more and more titles, and within a few months, the Jingwu Association was booming in Shanghai. Thousands of people traveled thousands of miles just to witness a generation of heroic warriors.

Zhang Jingyun could not bear the disturbance, so he returned to Jinmen and transferred Li Shuwen, the president of the Jingwu branch in Jinmen, to Shanghai to head the general association.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's departure and the arrival of a new president, major venues in the island country's concession thought it was a good opportunity to regain their place, so they all came to challenge him.

Until Li Shuwen killed dozens of people with a big gun.

All major venues have ceased operations.

The Chamber of Commerce of the island country even paid 200,000 taels of silver to invite Zhang Jingyun and Li Shuwen to the island country to spread their martial arts skills and increase the friendship between China and the island.

The respectful attitude makes people uncomfortable.

Zhang Jingyun liked the unruly look of the island nation and flatly refused, and Li Shuwen also didn't want to go. Unexpectedly, this would win the support of the island nation even more.

They even respected the two as Gods of War and Divine Spears.

Zhang Jingyun returned to his hometown in Jinmen and lived in seclusion for nearly a year, adding nearly a hundred attribute points. He did not stop until Han Yujie became pregnant again.

The Jingwu Association also opened all over the country.

"Ding! The mission has been completed and the return has begun..."

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