The next day, with the scorching sun shining brightly, Moser went to the cafeteria to cook as usual with a few horses.

What was different from the past was that every time they went out, all the students would stay away.

Worried about being targeted by them and then being repaired miserably!

But today, the students they met along the way did not retreat. Instead, they all looked at them with strange eyes, as if they were thinking of something.

"Damn it, I'll dig out your eyes again!"

Having been stared at by those guys, Yaozi was a little irritated, and with a sullen face, he shouted unhappily at the students around him.

If it had been in the past, those students would have been scared away.

But today, they just He subconsciously took a few steps back, but then left.

Suddenly, a student with a pockmarked face rushed out and stood in front of Moser.

Lanz's face darkened, and he immediately stepped forward to punish the guy who had collided with their boss. A lesson.

However, Moser looked at this guy who suddenly appeared with great interest.

He thought to himself: It seems that someone can't help it., I want to be a standout!

So Moser patted Lanz who was blocking him in front and signaled him to retreat.

Without Lanz's obstruction, the student walked up to Moser excitedly and shouted:"The Evil King Monkey D Moser, my name is Thor, and I want to challenge you. As a naval hero, Garp Son of a general, you won't dare to accept my challenge, will you?"

The student named Thor looked directly at Moser with excitement in his eyes.

He deliberately called out Moser's surname because he felt that as the son of Garp, Moser must be very proud of his identity.

He challenged Mercer in public and moved out Lieutenant Garp to stimulate Mercer.

If he didn't want Lieutenant General Garp's honor to be damaged, then Moser had to accept his own challenge.

He felt that he was very smart, and he could not help but envision himself being awarded the rank of colonel after defeating Moser.

Then he boarded his exclusive battleship and led his sailors to the majestic scene of sailing into the sea.


Moser looked joking, sneered and taunted him, and then passed him directly.

He naturally dismissed this kind of minor role.

In his eyes, if any little person can challenge him, then how much does he have to do? Annoying

"Stop, the son of a naval hero, you dare not accept the challenge?"

Seeing Moser about to leave, Thor immediately became anxious and wanted to rush forward and stop Moser.

But as soon as he walked next to Moser, Lanz grabbed his collar with one hand and stared at him viciously. ,"Who gave you the confidence to dare to hinder our boss? After saying that

, Lanz punched Thor directly in the face.

He had no time to dodge, and his expression was so panicked that Thor was punched hard.


Thor, who had been punched, suddenly let out a scream.

This was not over yet. Lanz seemed to be upset, and his fists hit Thor's body like raindrops.

A few seconds later, Thor looked at the bruised nose and face.

"Pooh! With this little ability, you still dare to cause trouble for our boss, and you don’t know whether to live or die!"

Spitting at Thor, who had no power to resist, Lanz clapped his hands, looking satisfied.

He thought Thor would just give up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lanz turned around, Thor stood up tremblingly. He stood up and shouted at Moser,"Moser, you are a coward. As the son of Lieutenant General Garp, you only dare to hide behind your younger brother.

If you have the ability, let’s fight one-on-one!"

"It's so noisy!

Lenz, shut him up and beat him until he's speechless."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moser still looked at Thor impatiently, and casually ordered Lanz

"Got it, boss."

That Thor's provocative behavior has completely angered Lanz.

Even if Moser hadn't ordered him, he would have beaten that Thor until he didn't even recognize his mother.

"You want to challenge our boss, right? Then let me be your opponent first!"[]

Lanz turned around with a gloomy face and stared at Thor with cold eyes.

"What do you want? I challenge Moser, not you. I don’t want to fight you........Help!"

Thor looked at Lanz with a somewhat frightened expression. He kept retreating. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to run away. However, before he could run away, Lanz rushed towards him with a"shaver" From behind, he grabbed his collar and lifted him into the air.

Thor wanted to struggle, but how could his strength be as strong as Lanz's.

Then, in Thor's horrified eyes, Lanz Yang He slapped Thor's face repeatedly

"Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!"

"Ah, help, ah!"

Thor screamed. The cries for help kept ringing.

Before long, his face was completely swollen like a pig's head, and he really couldn't even recognize his own mother.

Until Thor could only say"ho ho ho." gasping, unable to utter a complete sentence. Only then did Lanz shake it off with satisfaction, and then left with Moser.

He saw Thor lying on the ground, almost unconscious, and the man who had already left. Moser and the others were far away.

Among the crowd watching the excitement, a few students walked out and quickly sent Thor to the infirmary.

"This Lanzi is so cruel (King Qian)!"

"It seems that directly challenging Moser is not an option!"

"Indeed, that Moser is a coward and does not dare to accept our challenge."

"If you want to defeat Moser, it seems you have to take a long-term approach!"

The students who have not dispersed are still discussing.

After this incident, the students know that Moser will not accept their challenge at all.

If they want to defeat Moser, they must first deal with his pawns. But the key point is that they can't beat Lanz.

Dear readers, please beg me for your monthly evaluation votes for Flowers!!! Thing!.

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