Thor was the first to challenge Moser, but ended up miserable!

This also made all the students in the school who were gearing up feel like a bucket of cold water had been poured on them, and they did not dare to act rashly again.

They have seen that even if they provoke Moser in front of him, Moser will not agree to their challenge.

Instead, he will only let his subordinate Lanzi come out to deal with the challenger.

Therefore, the above-board challenge will definitely not work.

If you want to defeat Moser, you can only get rid of his Qibukai first, or find a way to lure the Qibukai away.

To achieve this, it is impossible to rely on the strength of one person alone.

So, in the following time, the student who couldn't think of anything came to challenge Moser anymore.

They used the dormitory as a unit to form small teams and discuss countermeasures together.

There are even three or five dormitories, and dozens of students join together to form a considerable force.

The Suzuran group is such a small group......

They were organized and united by the strongest people from the three dormitories, and then formed a team.There were twenty-four people in total.

In order to make this group more cohesive, they imitated Moser's evil army and called themselves the Suzuran Group!

At this time, they were gathering in a dormitory, gathering around with cautious faces, and seemed to be discussing some plan.

I saw a student with long flowing hair and a leadership temperament. He looked around at everyone present, and then said in a deep voice:"Everyone knows, it is impossible to challenge Monkey D Moser directly.

Now many people in the school have begun to unite, so we must defeat Moser before others take action!"

At this time, a short but strong student said disapprovingly:" To put it lightly, that Moser will not accept our challenge at all.

If we want to defeat him, we must first defeat his Shichibukai.

We can't win just one Lanz, let alone others."


The other students looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

At this time, a student suggested:"Perhaps, we can think of a way to distract (chag) Lanz and the others, so that Moser will be alone."

The other students agreed:"That makes sense, as long as the Shichibukai If we lead him away and only one Moser is left, it will be easy to handle.………"

"That's right, that's it......."

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, a yellow-haired young man with a slicked back hair shouted to everyone.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to the yellow-haired young man.

The long-haired young man was a little surprised and asked doubtfully:"Isaki, are you still here? Have something to say?"

Izaki smiled, and then said:"Put Monkey.D.It's okay to lure away all the Shichibukai under Moser.

However, I want to ask, who will take action to defeat Monchi after luring Lanz and the others away?.D.Moser?

After all, there is only one reward, and I believe everyone wants to get this reward!"

Izaki's words immediately caused the whole dormitory to start talking again.

"That’s right! Who will defeat Monchi then?.D.Moser?"

"That is, we can’t work hard for a long time and get nothing, so we can all make wedding dresses for others!"

Looking at the group that had just reached an agreement, it was now noisy again. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The long-haired young man frowned and said in a deep voice:"In that case, then it all depends on Let’s talk about strength.

The strongest of our three dormitories, as a team.

After the others lure Lanz and the others away, we can attack Monchi together..D.Moser took action.

Everyone depends on their ability to see who can kill Meng Qi first.D.If Moser is defeated, then who will receive this reward? Hearing Changfa's suggestion ,

Izaki did not object, but asked the little man:"Haha, Serizawa, what do you say?""[]

The little man nodded and said:"It's fair, I agree!"

Seeing this, Izaki smiled and said:"That's it, I, Serizawa, and Genji will attack Moser together. Who can Defeat Moser first, who gets the reward!"

The other boys looked at each other, but didn't say anything against it.

The next day, the people from the Suzuran group began to implement the plan they had discussed.

They had already figured out that at noon every day, Moser would go to the cafeteria with his subordinate Shichibukai to cook.

So they had been waiting on Moser's only path for a long time.

Sure enough, before they waited long, they saw Monkey D Moser, known as the King of Evil, appearing with his Shichibukai.

Everyone in the Suzuran group suddenly became energetic, and some people were trembling in their hearts.

It was really the evil reputation of the Evil Legion that made them all involuntarily fearful.

Genji, a long-haired man, immediately ordered a student next to him:"They are here, Chuta, you go first. After provoking that Lanzi, run immediately, run as far as you can!""


The student named Chutai seemed a little scared, but he still took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He nodded to

Yuanji, then turned around with a firm face and rushed towards the team of the Extremely Evil Legion.

After talking to Mo Zhongtai suddenly stopped a hundred meters away from them.

Then he took a deep breath and shouted loudly to Moser and others in the distance:"Monkey D Moser, you are just a person who can only hide behind others." The trash behind you is not worthy of being a navy at all. If you have the ability to challenge me in a duel!"

Suddenly, some students who didn't know what was going on looked at Zhongta in shock.

They were all a little surprised that someone dared to provoke the Extremely Evil King like this. This was no different from seeking death. Sure enough

, someone dared to humiliate Moser. , the faces of the three Hendal brothers suddenly turned gloomy.

Lanz couldn't help the rage in his heart, and his eyes turned into golden beast pupils in an instant.

"court death!"

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