But compared to the fear of Guan Hu and Furuya, Murayama's face was more excited.

For a fighting maniac like him, the stronger his opponent is, the more excited he becomes.

"This sense of oppression is really no joke. Even the instructors in the school cannot compare with it. No wonder he is called a monster."

Murayama clenched his fists, looking very excited.

"Landshendahl? Come and fight with me!"

Murayama shouted excitedly, and then he didn't care whether Lanzi agreed or not. He directly raised his right fist, like a meteor hammer, and blasted straight towards Lanzi's face.

"Murayama calm down."

Seeing this scene, Guan Hu and Guan Hu just wanted to say something to stop it, but it was too late.

Lanz looked at Murayama who was charging straight at him, his expression was indifferent, even a little disdainful.

Murayama's fist contained terrifying power, It was already in front of him.

And Lanz stood there, motionless, with a casual look on his face. When Murayama's fist was about to hit him,

Lanz finally moved!

The right claw covered with 800 scales clenched tightly. into a fist, then suddenly blasted out


The fists of the two hit each other instantly, and there was a dull collision sound!

Within less than a second of the stalemate, Murayama showed a painful expression on his face, and the whole person actually took a few steps back involuntarily!

From Lanz The power from his fist made Murayama's arm numb from the shock.

He subconsciously exclaimed:"What a strong force!"

However, before he could sigh too much, Lanz had already launched another offensive.

Taking advantage of Murayama's daze, he kicked him hard in the abdomen!


Murayama's eyes widened, his expression in pain, and his body flew out uncontrollably like a cannonball.

Murayama fell to the ground, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Murayama took a big breath of air, and after the pain eased slightly, He held his stomach and stood up again.

"It hurts so much!"

Suffering such a heavy blow, Murayama's face never showed any intention of retreating, and he still looked at Lanz with excitement.

"Come again!"

After that, Murayama's figure quickly disappeared from the spot, and he quickly rushed towards Lanz again, this time with stronger power.

Seeing that Murayama dared to rush forward, Lanz's expression showed a hint of surprise. But most of them are still disdainful.

It is indeed difficult to make him take seriously an opponent of this level.

"Ah, go to hell!"

Although Murayama's momentum seems to be quite fierce.

However, in Lanz's view, his movements are pitifully slow.

Although the kick just now did not make Murayama lose his fighting spirit, it also caused him A huge impact.

Neither speed nor strength could be exerted.

So, when Murayama's fist was about to hit Lanz, Lanzi just turned sideways to avoid Murayama's fist!

And while changing his body, , punched Murayama in the cheek!

It was so fast that Murayama still didn’t even react.



With a muffled sound, Murayama spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

That powerful punch almost caused Murayama to faint.

He staggered back a few steps, then fell straight to the ground. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A bump as big as a watermelon appeared on your cheek!

At this time, Murayama was lying straight on the ground, as if he didn't even have the strength to struggle!

If it weren't for his chest that was rising and falling violently while breathing heavily, one would almost have thought he had died.

Seeing this scene, Guan Hu and Furuya couldn't stand it any longer, so they rushed over and helped Murayama up.

"Hey, Murayama, stop insisting, you will die if you keep fighting! Guan Hu asked with a concerned look on his face.[]

"Yes, don't be stupid. You are no match for him. Hurry up and admit defeat. Your life will be in danger if you continue like this."

Furuya also hurriedly persuaded him.

Murayama's face was extremely painful. Lanz's kick just now made him feel like he had been hit hard by a hammer, and his internal organs seemed to be broken.

Before he could recover, he fell again. He was punched in the face, almost making him faint!

He knew that he was no match for Lanz, but he was unwilling to give in!

He didn't believe that he had been practicing hard day after day, only to be defeated so easily.

"Leave me alone."

Murayama pushed hard and pushed away Guan Hu and the two people next to him.

"ah! I won't give in easily."

Murayama struggled to stand up again. Unfortunately, his shaky body indicated that he had reached his limit.

Even so, his eyes were still looking at Lanz with determination.

"ah~~~I won’t admit defeat! Even if you are a monster, don't try to make me surrender!!!!"

Murayama, who was filled with unwillingness, suddenly let out an unyielding roar.

A terrifying aura erupted from all over his body, as if he had broken through the limits of his body.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Furuya, Guan Hu, or the onlookers Moser, Gill, and the others. , couldn't help but look surprised.

They really didn't expect that facing the invincible Lanz, that village could burst out with such great fighting spirit.

Even Moser couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

A roar After that, Murayama seemed to have regained some strength, clenched his fists again, and rushed towards Lanz.

And Lanz saw that Murayama was able to stand up after enduring his heavy blow. Not only was he not hit, but The fighting spirit became even higher.

This made Lanz couldn't help but show a little surprise on his face.

"Feeling good, but......"

Facing Murayama who was charging straight towards him, and being infected by his fighting spirit, Lanz gave a shout of approval.

Then, his right foot, like a steel whip, hit Murayama's head hard.

This time, Murayama finally saw Lanz's move clearly and switched from offense to defense.

Immediately raise your left hand and block it in front of your head



There was a muffled sound, followed by a crisp sound of bone breaking.


The severe pain on his arm made Murayama unable to bear it any longer, and he let out a scream. The expression on his face was distorted by pain.

But this time, he finally blocked Lanz's attack, although the cost was high.

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