Murayama breathed in a lot of air to relieve the pain in his body, but the effect was minimal!

Whether it was the injuries on his arms, cheeks or abdomen, they all made him sweat profusely in pain.

After a brief period of relief, Murayama finally adapted to the current pain.

The smile returned to his face, first he laughed at himself, and then looked at Lanz with renewed fighting spirit.

"really......I'm still too weak! However, I won't give up easily"

"Still not giving up?"

Lanz couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration when he looked at Murayama like this.

At the same time, he saw that Murayama, who had been seriously injured, actually wanted to take action again.

Guan Hu and Furuya rushed over and stood in his way. In front, separate him from Lanz-

"As brothers, we can't let you do it again. If you fight again - go to hell and you will die!"

Guan Hu and Gu Wu looked at him with determination.

"Hahaha, I know you are doing it for my own good, but being able to fight such a strong man is my lifelong wish. Even if I die, I will have no complaints!"

Murayama's eyes were still firm. Even if he was seriously injured, his fighting spirit did not weaken at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, Murayama was ready to rush over again.

But even if he still wanted to fight, his body would not allow him.

He just ran out. After a few steps, he lost his footing and stumbled, finally falling to the ground.

But this time, he never got up again.

Seeing this, Guan Hu and the others rushed forward, helped Murayama up, and He asked with a worried look:"Hey, Murayama, how are you?"


Hearing Furuya's call, Murayama coughed a few times, and Guan Hu quickly patted his back.

After regaining his breath, Murayama showed a bitter smile on his face and said self-deprecatingly:"Damn it, this body is still too weak. It's so embarrassing!"

Furuya immediately persuaded:"That's enough, you've already done it. He is strong enough, there is no need to compare with monsters!"

"No......not enough.....Not enough......"

Murayama shook his head, and said with an extremely firm tone and expression:"I still want to become stronger, and I will never allow myself to look so embarrassed again!!!"

"you guy......"

Facing Murayama's declaration, Furuya and Guan Hu were completely impressed by the charm of this man.

They are determined to follow in this man's footsteps and create their own era!

At this time, Lanz had returned to his original appearance from his half-animal state.

His previous anger had long since dissipated.

Looking at Murayama who has lost his strength but is still full of fighting spirit.

Lanz's expression changed from indifference and disdain at the beginning to recognition now.

With a smile on his lips, Lanz walked up to Murayama and asked casually:"Hey, tell me, your name.""


And Murayama looked at Lanz in front of him, smiled as well, and then said his name.

"Haha, I remember it!"

Lanz nodded without saying anything else, then turned and walked in the direction of Moser and the others.

Murayama looked at Lanz's back, and a surge of strength surged out of his body, and he struggled to stand up.

Then he faced Lanz Zi shouted:"I will never give up, and I will continue to get stronger until one day, I will definitely defeat you!""

Lands paused, but did not look back. He just waved his hand and responded:"I'm waiting!"

Passing by a few guys from the Fengxian group, Lanz just glanced at them casually and ignored them. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He was in a good mood now and didn't want to do anything.

And the Fengxian Three After being glanced at by Lanz, the group of people subconsciously tensed up their bodies and looked wary. It wasn't until Lanz left that they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in their hearts. The other party completely ignored them. Ah.

Genji from the Suzuran group and Murayama from the Oniye group both left a deep impression on each other.[]

Only their Phoenix group seems to have been completely reduced to supporting roles, and they are not even taken seriously.

This made them feel a little bit shocked.

After Lanz left, Furuya and Guan Hu lifted Murayama up, one on the left and the other on the right, and then left.

Murayama was seriously injured in the battle with Lanz, and they had to send Murayama to the infirmary for treatment as soon as possible.

And when they saw the people from the Guixian group leaving, the Fengxian group were very self-aware and did not stay to be an eyesore.

Under Narumi's greeting, the members of the Hosen group helped each other support their injured brothers and left the place.

Lanz walked all the way to Moser and said with a shy smile:"I'm sorry, boss, I wasted a little time!"

"If there's nothing left to do, then let's go!"

Moser yawned, looking a little bored.

This time, he originally thought he would do it himself, but he didn't expect Lanz to come back in time.

This is not bad. Not only does it save some energy, but it also allows for a good viewing. The play actually killed a lot of boring time!

After saying hello, Moser took the lead and left, followed naturally by Lanz and others.

And the students who were knocked down by Lanz before were also at this time. He was helped to leave.

The road that was originally crowded with people returned to its former peace.

The school's medical office is expected to be overcrowded today!

Soon, the news of the three major forces encircling and suppressing the extremely evil legion spread throughout the school. , immediately caused a sensation in the school!

All of a sudden, many students in the Naval Academy were discussing this matter.

After all, the three major forces, Suzulan Group, Guixian Group, and Fengxian Group, are still somewhat famous in the school. As a result, the three parties united and dispatched hundreds of people to deal with the extremely evil legion, but they were defeated by Lanzi alone. The wounded in the infirmary could be said to be overcrowded

, which also made the students clearly aware of Lanzi's ferocity. Violent.

All students are even more jealous and afraid of the extremely evil legion!

Dear readers, please beg for flowers and monthly votes!!! Inch!.

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