Seeing Moser's joking expression, Gion certainly knew that his explanation had been seen through.

I felt a little embarrassed in my heart, but I still couldn't bear to let go of Jin Pilao.

In the end, I couldn't stand Moser's gaze anymore, so I hurriedly turned my head away from him, trying to avoid seeing him!

Seeing Gion's arrogant look, Moser smiled helplessly.

After that, Moser and Gion stopped wandering around and returned to the warship in the port.

The sailors and other students who had gone ashore for supplies had already returned to the team.

So after Moser and Gion returned, the warship continued to return.

Almost another week passed, and all the students and instructors who had gone on missions returned to the Naval Academy.

This time the trial ended successfully. Except for a few students who were injured, no one died!

The next day, the college held a commendation meeting.

After that, in the days that followed, the school returned to normal, and Moser still led his little brothers to run rampant every day.

Since the last fight with Moser, Zefa has completely let him go and ignored him.

The trainees of the 27th Marine Military Academy are still in dire straits, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Time flies by, day after day, one year later.......

Moser has been at school for three years and finally graduated!

Zefa and the school instructors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because, the scourge that made them gnash their teeth with hatred was finally leaving.

Some instructors were even moved to tears in private.

All trainees are assigned to various naval headquarters generals or naval branches on standby based on their performance at the Naval Academy.

Even Gion was taken away by her sister, Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Only Moser and the Qibuhai under his command gave Zefa, who had already breathed a sigh of relief, another headache.

Unlike other students who were obedient, Moser was unwilling to accept the school's arrangements.

He and his Shichibukai still stayed in the dormitory and did not leave the school.

The instructor at the school has come to talk to me several times, but still can't handle the matter.

As a last resort, Zefa had no choice but to go out in person again and talk to Moser!

On this day, as soon as Zefa entered Moser's dormitory, he immediately realized that these guys were absolutely outrageous.

People were smoking, people were drinking, and there were a few people gathered around, shouting and playing cards.

The entire dormitory was smoky. If you didn't know better, you would have thought you had entered an underground casino.

As for Moser, he was lying on the bed with a leisurely expression, not to mention too much salty fish.

After Zefa entered the dormitory, everyone glanced at him subconsciously, but quickly went back to doing what they were supposed to do and stopped paying attention to him.

Seeing this scene, Zefa was immediately furious, but when he thought of the purpose of his visit today, he could only suppress the anger in his heart.

With a gloomy face, Zefa walked to Moser's bed and shouted in a deep voice:"Assholes, what on earth do you want to do? Now that you have graduated, don't stay in school!"

Hearing Zefa's words Scolding, Moser opened his eyes leisurely and glanced at him.

Then he said calmly:"I have made it very clear, I will never go under the command of that major general. You can leave if you want me to, but I have to take care of my own people!"

"This is impossible. No matter what student you are, after graduation, you must go through some experience before you can be promoted.

Which major general should you go to first and stay for a year or two to gain seniority and accumulate military merit?

At that time, you can naturally get promoted.

Zefa simply rejected Moser and explained to him.

However, Moser didn't listen at all and said in a very angry tone:"How can I, the son of a great lieutenant general, lower his status and be inferior to others?"

What's more, the one you mentioned is a major general. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lanz can kill him with one hand, does that make him qualified to be my boss?"

Moser showed disdain and his attitude was very firm.

Seeing Moser's lack of food and salt, Zefa couldn't bear it anymore, because in his eyes, obeying orders is the bounden duty of a soldier.

"Boy, don't go too far. You have to remember that you are just an ordinary naval cadet, and the navy will not give you special treatment because of your status.

I've already given you face by letting you mess around in school, so don't be ungrateful!"[]

Zefa suppressed the anger in his heart and said gloomily

"I don't care, anyway, I have to take care of my own people, and I will never work as someone else's subordinate. If you don't agree, I won't leave. The worst I can do is stay for another term!"

Moser didn't give Zefa any face. He refused directly and even threatened him.

"Impossible, I know that you are very strong, but strength does not mean that you have the ability to lead an army.

You have just graduated and have no experience or qualifications at all. It is absolutely impossible for you to lead the team alone. Zefa forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and showed that there was no room for negotiation.

"That means there is no point in talking about it, so please leave. I want to take a nap."

Moser shrugged, made a helpless expression, then turned around and climbed back onto the bed, ignoring Zefa.

"Damn thing!"

Facing Moser who didn't obey orders at all and who in turn threatened him.

Zefa couldn't bear it any longer. His fist contained terrifying power and he swung it straight at Moser.

Faced with such a terrifying Moser seemed to have anticipated the punch.

As if on conditioned reflex, he suddenly turned around and punched him as well!


In an instant, the two fists collided like comets, forming circles of terrifying air waves that spread out. With the powerful impact, Zefa was knocked back a few steps, but Moser still stood there, his face red and angry. Without breathing.

Looking at this situation, Zefa also knew that he could not use force to force Moser

"Okay, you are great and I can’t control you, so let others take care of you! Zefa waited for Moser fiercely, gritted his teeth and said a word, then turned and left the dormitory.

Seeing this, Moser didn't take it to heart. Anyway, it would be the same no matter who came. If he didn't agree to his conditions, he would He won't leave.

After Zefa left, Moser continued to climb back into bed, and then enjoyed a leisurely nap.

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