The furious Zefa immediately picked up the phone as soon as he returned to the office, intending to call Garp.

But when I think about that bastard Garp, he is just a piece of shit, and he doesn’t care about Moser’s affairs at all.

Sighing, now Zefa has no choice but to call Cyborg Kong and explain the situation to him.


Navy Headquarters, Marshal's Office, Cyborg Kong, who was originally handling matters, answered the call.

"Marshal, I am Zefa."

Hearing Zefa's voice coming from the other side, Cyborg Kong said directly:"It's Zefa.......I remember that this class of students had just graduated. Thank you so much for cultivating another group of talents for the Navy!"

Hearing Gang Gukong's praise, Zefa felt no fluctuation in his heart, and said solemnly:"This is all my responsibility, there is nothing that is not hard work."

Hearing this, Cyborg Kong didn't say anything else, but asked curiously:"By the way, why did you come to see me today?"

When it comes to business, Zefa once again couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and said in a very dissatisfied tone:"That bastard Garp's son, Monkey D Moser!

This guy said he didn't want to take orders from others and threatened to take care of others himself. Now he's stuck in school and won't leave."

Cyborg Kong's face was very confused. As Garp's son, Moser has naturally heard of him.

However, if a mere student refuses to graduate, Zefa can't handle this matter by himself.

You know, Zefa This guy is not the kind of person who clings to power. Even if he is Garp's son, there is nothing special in his eyes.

Why would you call him to report him?

"You can just handle this kind of thing yourself, or inform Garp and ask him to come back and handle it! Zefa said feebly:"I have tried, but there is nothing I can do against him. As for Garp, not to mention, that old guy doesn't care at all. I really don't care."......Alas!"

In the end, Zefa was really embarrassed to say it, and finally sighed helplessly.

Zefa's words aroused Cyborg's curiosity.

He now wants to see what Garp's son is capable of. He can actually make Zefa This man who couldn't rub the sand was so helpless that he even called him.

After thinking for a while, Cyborg Kong said:"Let's do this. You bring Garp's son here today, and I will follow him personally. Talk to him."

After saying that, Cyborg Kong hung up the phone directly.

After receiving Cyborg Kong's instructions, Zefa returned to Moser's dormitory again. He shouted at Moser and the others unhappily:"You little guys, Follow me to the Navy Headquarters and meet the Marshal."

"marshal? Is Cyborg empty?"

Hearing Zefa's words, Moser and the others were stunned.

Especially the Flying Squirrels, they subconsciously panicked.......

After all, the name of the Navy Marshal is still very oppressive to the pirate school students like them.

Two hours later, Zefa brought Moser and others to the office building of the Navy Headquarters

"Boom, boom, boom."

Zefa didn't just kick in the door like Garp, but knocked on the door politely.

"Come in."

Zefa walked in with Moser.

They saw a muscular man with mohawk hair looking at them. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Marshal Kong!"

"Here you go, take a seat first!"

Cyborg Kong nodded and asked Zefa to sit down.

"Moser, right? I know you, Garp’s son. Cyborg

Kong looked at Moser behind him, and then couldn't help but sigh:"I still remember when I first met you, you were still a kid."

I didn’t expect to grow so big in the blink of an eye, but I’m just a little too naughty!"

Cyborg Kong has heard a lot about this kid's evil deeds. He even gave the order to ban Moser from entering the headquarters.

Unexpectedly, this guy didn't restrain himself. Now even Zefa can't control him.

Mo. Se scratched the back of his head with a smile on his face and said,"Hey, it's okay, actually I'm quite obedient.

You see, you didn't let me enter the headquarters again, but I kept abiding by this rule. I didn't dare to come back until you summoned me in person!"

"Haha, you kid.....If only you were obedient."

Cyborg Kong was amused by Moser's appearance, but he quickly asked again,"I heard that your kid doesn't want to graduate?"

Faced with Cyborg Kong's inquiry, Moser replied casually:"It's not that I don't want to graduate, it's just that my father is a lieutenant general. If I become someone else's subordinate, it would be too embarrassing for my father. Bar!"

Before Cyborg Kong spoke, Zefa, who had just sat down beside him, couldn't help it anymore. He stood up, pointed at Moser and shouted angrily:"Asshole, you have already disgraced your father's face."

However, Moser didn't care at all. He spread his hands and said calmly:"I don't care, I don't want to be someone else's subordinate anyway!"

Looking at Moser's look of needing a beating, Zefa was immediately so angry that he couldn't speak.

When Cyborg Kong saw this, he quickly spoke out to calm Zefa's mood.

"Okay, Zefa, you are a naval admiral, it’s nothing to compete with a student!"

Although Zefa hates Moser with all his teeth, he has to give Cyborg no face.

What's more, he really has no way to deal with Moser, so he can only sit back unhappily.[]

After comforting Zefa, Cyborg Kong turned his attention to Moser and said,"I heard Zefa tell you your conditions. You want to lead an army by yourself and are not willing to be subordinate to others, right?"

Moser nodded and replied:"That's right, I will never work as a subordinate for anyone!" (Zhao who died))

"Okay, I understand your request."

"Your father is my old subordinate. For Garp's sake, I can give you some care."

"However, giving you special treatment for no reason will cause dissatisfaction and is unfair to others!"

"Well, I can give you a task. As long as you can successfully complete the task, I will agree to your conditions and grant you the rank of colonel as an exception!"

Everyone in the office was stunned when they heard what Cyborg Kong said.

But Moser agreed without even thinking about it.

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