Cyborg Kong was not surprised when he heard Moser agree, but instead smiled.

He knew that this boy was not a peaceful guy.

Later, Cyborg Kong took out a pile of reward orders from the drawer in the table at the back.

Put it directly on the table, then looked at Moser with a chuckle on his face and said:"You can choose any target among these pirates on the bounty list.

As long as you can defeat and capture any pirate with your own strength, , even if I complete my mission.

How about it? Do you dare to take on these missions?"

Without hesitation, Moser picked up the dozen reward orders and glanced at them roughly.

I found out that they were all big pirates with a bounty of over 100 million.

This Cyborg Kong really thinks highly of him!

Moser thought to himself, and then selected the one with the highest bounty from the reward orders.

Then he slapped the bounty order in front of Cyborg Kong and said loudly:"It's just him. The great pirate with a bounty of 200 million is barely worthy of my status as a young master!" Seeing the

087 bounty order chosen by Moser, Cyborg Kong looked a little surprised and said:"Are you sure you want to choose this?"

The reward list clearly mentioned the name of the world destroyer, Bundy Walder.

The bounty is 200 million beli, which is the highest bounty among the bunch of bounty orders.

It seems that this kid is really arrogant and courageous, and he actually chose the strongest pirate!

But this Walder is not a character to be trifled with.

Kong couldn't help but hurriedly persuaded:"Boy, you should change your opponent, World Destroyer Bundy Walder.

This guy is a headache for even the World Government, and he is not someone you can easily provoke."

Kong was afraid of Mo Mo. Se couldn't tell. The terrifying aspect of this guy directly and continuously emphasized his power.

"No need, it’s him, the grade is determined."Moses replied with certainty.

Kong originally wanted to continue persuading him, but then he thought that it might not be a bad thing to let this guy suffer a little.

When the time comes, he would arrange for a person to follow him and rescue him at the critical moment. That's it

"Okay, since you insist on choosing this goal (chah), then go for it."

Cyborg Kong looked at Moser with a smile on his face.

"Marshal Kong, I have to go on a mission. At least I need a boat."

"Don't worry about this, kid, I will naturally make arrangements, and I will send someone to take you to sea."

Cyborg Hollow has already made an arrangement, and he decided to send this guy Porusalino out.

After all, Kizaru is a user with the ability to use the Shining Fruit, and his speed is unmatched by anyone!

With him here, even if Mercer is in danger, , Kizaru was able to save him as soon as possible.

This is why he agreed to Moser and let him conquer Walder.

Although Cyborg Kong really wanted to teach Moser, a boy who doesn’t know the heights of the world, a lesson. He should be more restrained in the future!

But after all, Moser is also Garp's son, so how could he let the son of his old subordinate die!

"No, you just need to give me a warship, and I will naturally bring back that guy named World Destroyer."

When he heard that Cyborg Kong had arranged someone for him, Moser refused outright.

After all, he didn't want to get into more trouble when he went out to complete the task.

It's not that the people arranged by Cyborg Kong would drag him down. It

's just that Moser went to sea this time to obtain the military rank and army that Kong promised.

Of course, he had to complete it without compromise, so as not to make excuses for Cyborg later, saying that he didn't complete it by himself, and he didn't admit it.

Although he also knows that this kind of thing will probably not happen.

But it is better for him to be cautious to avoid unnecessary trouble. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And that Walder, he also He didn't take it seriously at all.

Cyborg Kong looked at Moser's stubborn look and thought that this boy was exactly like his father.

Then he didn't force it and said,"In that case, I won't force you either. If you go to the port tomorrow, Old Master, I will naturally arrange a warship for you."

"Okay, old man, the young master will leave first."

After that, Moser took his younger brothers and left directly.[]

Seeing Moser, an arrogant and impolite guy, Cyborg Kong laughed and cursed in his heart.

This little guy is really just like his bastard father, he has no manners at all.

After Moser left, Cyborg Kong couldn't help but smile and said:"This kid actually chose to attack Walder of the Ward Pirates. It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. This time, let him suffer." Improve your memory!"

"Walder? That guy is not easy to mess with, but......"

Looking at Cyborg Kong with a joking look on his face, Zefa shook his head. Others didn't know Moser's strength, so didn't he know it?

Only 60% of his strength can suppress him, his strength is simply unfathomable.

Not surprisingly, a mere captain of the Ward Pirates cannot be Moser's opponent.

Cyborg Kong's attempt to teach Moser a lesson may be in vain.

However, Cyborg Kong didn't know Moser's strength, so he still wanted to arrange it for Kizaru.

Although Moser rejected his arrangement, he could not let this kid do whatever he wanted.

"Just let Kizaru follow him. With him, he can ensure that nothing goes wrong. After that kid has received a sufficient lesson, let Kizaru take action to bring him back!"

With that said, Cyborg Kong picked up the phone bug on the table and prepared to call Kizaru.

Seeing this, Zefa quickly said:"Marshal Kong, do you want Porusalino to protect that kid secretly? Kong nodded and explained:"Yes, this kid is also Garp's son. If something happens, I won't be able to explain it!"

Zefa shook his head and said,"Actually, there is no need to do that.""


Cyborg Kong couldn't understand why Zefa said that.

After all, the captain of the Ward Pirates and even the vice-admiral of the navy may not be his opponent.

In Cyborg Kong's eyes, if Moser and the others If you really meet the captain of the Ward Pirates, you might not even have a chance to escape.

Dear readers, I beg you to give me flowers and monthly votes!!!!.

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