At this moment, Walder also knew that the navy coming this time would definitely not be as easy to deal with as the last time.

Just one person can easily block his attack.

It seems that another fierce battle is inevitable next.

But he is the world destroyer, Bondiwald. It is still a hundred years early for the navy to catch him!

"Didn't these navy learn to disappear from my sight after the last lesson? If this is the case, then I will kill all the people on one of their warships!"

Ward looked at the approaching warships with an arrogant look on his face, not taking them seriously at all!

At the same time, the navy warship also hit Wald's pirate ship.

Then, facing the Ward pirates, Ready to prepare.

Moser boarded the pirate ship with a calm face, followed by his subordinate Shichibukai.

"Hey, who of you is Walder, the one who claims to be the destroyer of the world, come out and get beaten!"

As soon as he boarded the ship, Yaoz shouted arrogantly, not taking the Ward Pirates seriously at all.

"A few young brats?"

Seeing the appearance of several people, Walder was a little annoyed at first.

He originally thought that the navy would definitely send some strong men to deal with him this time.

After all, even the frozen fruit boy is here, and the navy's lineup must be very luxurious.

But unexpectedly, a few young boys arrived.

This made Walder, who thought he was a super pirate, feel humiliated by the navy, and felt that the navy looked down on him. He felt angry in his heart and wanted to vent his anger.

As a result Before he could take action, those arrogant guys on the opposite side dared to provoke him so arrogantly.

He immediately became furious.

"I am the destroyer of worlds, Walder!"

Walder roared angrily, then pointed at Yaoz and gritted his teeth and said:"Boy, you are dead today. Even if Cyborg comes empty-handed, I can't keep you. I said so..~!"

Seeing the furious Walder, Yauz knew that this person was their target, and sneered and taunted:"How dare you call yourself a world destroyer? I think you are just a talkative guy." After hearing this In a word, Walder could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and shouted:"Looking for death, Guyram will cut these guys into pieces for me.""

"Got it, boss."

In an instant, Guyram and Sebastian walked towards Moser and the others with fierce expressions on their faces.

"Cube shape."

The leader, Guyram, waved his hands upward, and a huge cube flooded towards Moser and the others. The fishman Sebastian on the side was also holding a trident, leading the crew behind, from They were killing Moser and the others from all directions. Facing the attacks from the Wald Pirates, Moser and the others did not panic at all.

Seeing the huge cube that was about to be smashed down,

Lanz walked directly to the front. , the terrifying power burst out from the whole body, stepped back with the right foot, and took a stance.

The fist was even wrapped with a jet-black armed color, like the Shenglong Fist, and it slammed upward.


In an instant, the huge cube disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Then, Lanzi's whole body erupted with terrifying power, and his figure quickly disappeared from the place, rushing towards Guyilam.

At the same time, Yaoz's mouth revealed a ferocious expression. With a smile on his face, he also faced another combatant, Sebastian.

Suddenly, the two parties were fighting against each other. There were dozens of cadres of the Ward Pirates plus pirates. Yao There were only two of them, Zi and Gil.

The Flying Squirrels were not idle either, joining forces with Ghost Spider, Dauberman and others to rush towards the group of pirates.

You must know that they are all elites in the navy. In the school The results are among the best. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It is not easy to deal with a group of pirates.

Almost in an instant, the battle became one-sided. In a moment, many members of the Wald Pirates fell to the ground in pain.

Now on the entire deck, only two combatants of the Wald Pirates, Sebastian and Gayram, were left. People.

Although Guyram and Sebastian are both cadres of the Ward Pirates, they have some strength.[]

However, what they faced was the two brothers Lanz and Yaoz, who were called monsters.

As soon as they fought, they felt terrible pressure.

Coupled with the fact that his minions were wiped out by the group, the originally arrogant Guyram's expression became a little panicked.

He really didn't expect that the navy would be so strong this time, and it was already difficult for them to cope with the opponents in front of them.

Obviously he had tried his best, but he still suppressed him tightly and could only barely resist.

With every blow and collision, he felt as if his arms or legs were about to break. The guy in front of him was too powerful.

Looking at the enemy in front of him, Guyram couldn't help but feel despair.

Compared to Guyram's panic at the moment, Lanz was a little impatient at the moment.

He didn't want to waste too much time on this small role, so he decided to get more serious.

In an instant, Lanz's arms were covered with red dragon scales, and his ordinary arms turned into a pair of ferocious dragon claws.

Looking at this horrific scene, Guyram's face turned pale with shock, but before he could react, Lanz's sharp dragon claws directly grabbed his chest.


Gailam spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a blood hole appeared directly under his chest.

A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Lanz's mouth, and he pulled out his hand fiercely.


Gay Ram's body fell heavily on the deck.


Not far away, Wald (Manno's) saw his crew members being killed so easily.

And his most proud cadre was directly beaten to the ground with serious injuries, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Wald was furious at the moment, and his face was extremely expressionless. ferocious

"You bastard, I will tear you into pieces."

As soon as he finished speaking, terrifying power erupted from his whole body, and he rushed towards Lanzi with his fists raised high.

Seeing this scene, Lanzi was not afraid at all, but even more excited, and was about to face him.

However , , but Moser rushed up and stretched out his hand to stop him.

"This time, I'll do it myself."

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