Lanz immediately understood what Moser meant and retreated obediently.

It wasn't that Moser's hands were itchy, he did this just to reassure Gion.

It also lets Gion know something about his strength, so that Gion doesn’t have to worry about him in the future.


The fists of Moser and Walder collided like meteorites.

In an instant, Walder's body flew out like a cannonball and hit the cabin heavily.

Looking at Walder who was suddenly knocked away, it turned out that Gion, who still looked worried, now looked extremely shocked.

Within a few seconds, Walder rushed out of the cabin

"Boy, I'm going to kill you."

Ward burst out from the broken cabin with a face full of anger.

Especially the cadres of his pirate group were easily defeated by these guys.

He knew that he could not hold back at all. In an instant, , Walder's sandbag-sized fist was extremely black.

The power of Momo's fruit was unleashed, and his strength instantly increased more than ten times.

Then he rushed straight towards Moser with a sonic boom.

Faced with such a terrifying blow, Moser's face was filled with disdain. The top of 873's fist was also extremely dark, and his blood was soaring to the sky. He punched out like a giant dragon.



The fists collided again, and a wave of bone cracking sounds instantly sounded. This severe pain made Walder's face look painful.

"Boy, I must kill you."

Ward endured the pain and hit Moser's head with his left fist.

Moser smiled, turned sideways and easily dodged the punch, and then hit Walder hard on the chin with an uppercut.


All of a sudden, Walder threw his head back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out with his teeth.

Before it was over, Moser's right foot was also as black as ink, and he kicked Walder's chest hard with a whip. Go up.

There was no time to dodge, Walder's face was extremely painful, and his entire huge body was kicked into the sky.

Moser's figure turned into a stream of light and appeared above Walder. His fists were like giant axes, hitting him hard. On top of his back.

The moment it fell, it appeared below Walder again, kicked him on the chest, and kicked him into the air.

In this way, Moser spent these few seconds Up, down, left, right, and left, they kept hitting Wald's body.

The speed was so fast and the huge gap in strength meant that Wald had no power to fight back.

After a minute, Wald's huge body hit him hard. On the deck, he fell directly into the sea water.

On the other hand, Moser reappeared on the deck with a calm expression, and then said slowly:"Ghost Spider, go and fish this guy up.

" Without saying a word, the spider jumped into the sea. After a while, the ghost spider came out of the sea carrying the unconscious Walder, and with the help of the flying squirrel, he returned to the boat.

So far. , the Ward Pirates were completely wiped out, and all members including the captain were wiped out by Moser and his team!

And after Moser and the others eliminated their opponents, Gil, who had been silent all this time, released his Haki.

Be prepared to sense whether there are any caught fish in the pirate ship.

His hegemonic power combined with the ability of the thunder fruit covers a very wide range, and he can even use radio waves to know the other party's conversation.

It is exactly the same as Enel in the original work!

As a result, Gil did not notice that there was a caught fish in the pirate ship. Instead, he raised his head and glanced upward.

He unexpectedly discovered that there were people observing their actions in the sky.

Gil suddenly frowned. With a wrinkle, his body turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time, Huang, who was entrusted by Cyborg Kong, had been hiding in the sky to secretly observe Moser and the others. The ape. (chbf) suddenly noticed what Jill was seeing. He was very vigilant and ran out of the way without thinking.

It turned into a yellow stream of light and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

By the time the light turned into a human form again, it had already It was dozens of kilometers away.

Kizaru, who had transformed into a human form again, showed a vulgar face and murmured to himself:"Ah, ah, ah, ah, it's really scary. Fortunately, he can run fast, otherwise he would be so scared." After being discovered, these guys are really awesome!"[]

However, just as Kizaru finished speaking, he suddenly sensed something and subconsciously turned around.

Suddenly, he discovered that Jill appeared silently behind him, staring at him coldly.

The two of them stood proudly in the sky, facing each other with their eyes facing each other.

Seeing this scene, even the battle-experienced Kizaru couldn't help but be frightened.

You know, he is a user with the ability of the Shining Fruit, and he has the speed of light, no one can match it!

He has always been confident in his speed.

Although it was only less than a second just now, he had already appeared dozens of kilometers away.

Except for his Shining Fruit, absolutely no one can keep up with his speed.

But the guy behind him really caught up with him.

He had never experienced anything like this before, so he was a little shocked.

How could he know that Gil was the owner of the Thunder Fruit.

You must know that the speed of lightning is the speed of light. In terms of speed, Gil is not weaker than Kizaru at all.

What's more, Kizaru wasn't rushing at all just now. It wouldn't be difficult for Gil to catch up with him!

After a brief moment of astonishment, Kizaru immediately came to his senses, but the surprise on his face still remained.

Looking at Gill, who was also standing proudly in the air with him, Kizaru immediately knew that the other person must also be a natural ability user.

And to be able to keep up with his speed, he is definitely not a simple guy.

I can't help but open my mouth and want to say something


However, before Kizaru could finish speaking, Gil suddenly burst out with a powerful aura, his body began to flash with terrifying thunder, and condensed into the shape of a spear.

The moment he saw Gill transforming into an element, Kizaru was even more shocked and subconsciously blurted out:"It turned out to be a natural element."......Thunder Fruit!!!"

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