Soon, in the anxious mood of the naval soldiers, the warship also docked directly at the shore of the unknown island.

"Boy, has that old guy lost his mind and sent you guys here to die?"Charlotte Katakuri saw that Moser and the others who were leading the team were so young, and she even ignored them.

The pirates behind also started to laugh at them.

"Hahahahaha, you little guys should go back to feeding!"

"We, the Big Mom Pirates, don’t bother fighting with rookies like you."

"Haha, you guys dare to call us rookies."Before Moser could say anything, Lanz, who had always had a bad temper, stood up directly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lanz jumped up and came directly to the island alone."Two, three, seven."

"I heard that you are the leader of the four generals, right? Come here and let me beat you up."Lance looked at Charlotte Katakuri with an arrogant look.

Faced with such ridicule,

"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"

"You're a newbie, you really don't know the heights of the world.……"The pirates on the Katakuri pirate ship yelled angrily.

Of course Charlotte Katakuri was also very angry, but in his eyes, Lanz was just a little guy, how could he lower himself to fight with him?

"Kalchi, go up and teach him a lesson."Charlotte Katakuri ordered a burly pirate next to her.

"Got it, captain, if you dare to insult our captain, you are really looking for death."Kalchi jumped off the island directly. When the navy soldiers on the warship saw this scene, their faces were horrified and they shouted,"It's over!"

I was secretly cursing these guys Lanz for coming here to provoke Charlotte Katakuri regardless of life and death, and now they are actively irritating others.

Why would this kind of second-generation people who are waiting for death arrange to be us? Sir, we are really doomed now.

Lanz looked at Kalci walking step by step, his expression was not panic at all, even a little disdainful.

"Boy, what a pity that you have to die on the sea here at such a young age."Kalchi didn't rush to take action, but stood there and laughed.

"You are an ant, why do you talk so much?" Lanz was a little irritated.

When he heard that he was actually being ridiculed by a little guy, Kalci's face suddenly turned pale,"Little guy, you are really looking for death."

As soon as he finished speaking, the darkness above Kalchi's right fist was extremely dark, carrying terrifying power, and rushed straight towards Lanz at an extremely fast speed.

Lanzi stood there, motionless, and the navy soldiers and pirates Seeing this scene, I thought Lanz was frightened, and even the navy soldiers couldn't bear to look directly at him.

The moment Kalci's fist was about to hit Lanz, he moved, and the top of his right fist was extremely dark, containing a hidden meaning. With terrifying power, he punched out violently.

His expression turned pale with fright, and Kalchi found that he had no time to dodge.

"puff."A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Kalchi's body was like a cannonball, flying directly backwards into the woods behind, crashing into dozens of big trees before falling to the ground in a state of disgrace. I don't know how many bones were broken in his body. Gen tried to get up, but as soon as he stood up, he fainted and fell to the ground with a bang. Killed instantly with one blow. Seeing this scene, Charlotte Katakuri and the pirates on his ship, as well as The expressions on the faces of the navy soldiers were extremely surprised.

Especially those navy soldiers,"Vell, take a picture, am I dreaming?""A soldier said to his companion next to him.

There was a snap, and pain hit him, and he realized that he was not dreaming.

"Isn't this guy a second-generation guy who is just waiting to die? How could it be so strong?"The soldiers couldn't help but exclaimed. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in their hearts, they still don't feel that this battle can be won, because the strongest Charlotte Katakuri has not yet made a move.

Xia Lott Katakuri also looked at Lanz with a solemn expression. He could clearly feel that the armed domineering force on Lanz's hands was no less than his own.

"Captain, let me avenge Kalchi."A pirate next to Charlotte Katakuri asked for a fight.

"Stand down and I will come in person. You are no match for him."Charlotte Katakuri jumped off the island.0

"Boy, your strength should not be unknown, so come and name yourself."Charlotte Katakuri looked directly at Lanz.

"When I defeat you, you will know what my name is."Lance's expression is still so arrogant.

"Little guy, it seems that I need to let you know the gap between you and the real strong men in the sea."Charlotte Katakuri's eyes became fierce.

??A violent will emerged from him and spread out in all directions.

??In an instant, the entire sky became cloudless, and Katakuri's overbearing domineering energy was like red thunder, bombarding Lanz's spirit one after another.

Sensing this aura of destruction, the navy soldiers looked horrified.[]

What's more, they directly shouted,"It's really over now!"

"Shut up and be quiet."Gil turned back and glared at them before becoming quiet.

Moser looked very interested, ready to watch the battle between the two.

He really couldn't be interested in a mere Charlotte Katakuri, so Auntie came over in person. , more or less.

Dagur and others who were coming from a distance also discovered that Charlotte Katakuri actually left the field to fight with Lanz.

"Damn it! These little guys are really looking for death."Dager cursed 2.5 and quickly asked the crew to speed up for fear of an accident.

??On the small island, facing such a terrifying overlord's domineering spirit, Lanz showed no fear on his face.

On the contrary, he was very energetic. Charlotte Katakuri's domineering aura was like the attack of ants, but Lanz was not affected at all.

??"Boy, today I must let you know the real strength gap between us."Charlotte Katakuri, a powerful force burst out from her whole body! She waved the trident in her hand, and in an instant, she stabbed Lanz at an extremely fast speed.


??Without any panic, Lanz's hands directly turned into dragon claws, covered with dragon scales, with flames and armament domineering wrapped around them. He grabbed the trident forcefully, sparks bursting out..

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