"boom."Powerful air waves swept across all directions. In an instant, the atmosphere continued to roar, and the clouds dissipated.

Katakuri looked shocked,"A phantom beast species?"However, after being surprised, he immediately used his left fist, covered with powerful armed domineering force, to hit Lanz fiercely. His five fingers became claws, and blazing flames covered them, and he grabbed the ferocious fist forcefully.

Right With a little force on his feet, Lanz kicked to the side, which contained terrifying power and hit Katakuri's head directly. With a serious look on his face, his trident moved forward, blocking Lanz's kick.


After two moves, the two of them were evenly matched, and no one took any advantage.

His face was extremely solemn. As soon as he fought against Charlotte Katakuri, he knew that Lanz was not much weaker than him. He thought to himself, where did this guy come from? Why have I never heard of this guy in the Navy?

Lanz wouldn't care so much, he just wanted to have a good fight. 10 The blazing flames covered his body, carrying terrifying power, and turned into a stream of light and rushed away.

With no time to think, Charlotte Katakuri could only grit her teeth and rush forward.

"boom."The two collided like dragons and were engaged in constant close combat. Katakuri's domineering power was superior to Lanzi's, and his physical skills were superior to Lanzi's.


The dragon claw covered with blazing flames blasted towards Katakuri's chest. He dodged sideways. The trident on his right hand flashed across like lightning and flint, with great force. His right foot was like a cannonball, blasting towards the trident.

"Boom..." After the blow, the two of them stepped back one after another, looking directly at each other. They knew that they could not do anything to each other if they did not act sincerely.

Especially Charlotte Katakuri was very impatient now. When he thought of himself He actually fought with a guy who looked to be in his early 20s, evenly matched. He didn't want to lose face if the news spread. And when he thought about the purpose of this trip, he became even more impatient and wanted to end the fight. , but obviously this is impossible.

As for the navy soldiers and pirates, their faces turned pale with shock, and their mouths opened in an O shape in surprise.

"Who is this guy? It turned out that our captains were evenly matched, am I right?"

"You read that right, this guy seems to be a phantom beast species fruit ability user. However, this is not the most important thing. I just heard that guy call a person boss."


The pirates on the pirate ship exclaimed, and then all looked at Moser.

In their eyes, Moser is even more mysterious and terrifying at this moment, because for such a strong person to be called boss, one can imagine how strong he is?

On the small island, Katakuri looked fierce, and his strong body began to squirm like a rice cake.

"The glutinous dough sticks out."

The right hand turned into circles of waxy balls, surrounding the weapon trident. Its arm kept rotating, carrying powerful power, and stabbed Lanz

"Armed. Dragon Flame Claw."

Facing this terrifying blow, Lanz showed no fear on his face, and the blazing flames all over his body continued to burn.

Armed domineering energy wrapped around his right paw, containing the power to destroy the world, blasted forward. and go

"Rumble."One punch and one claw were like dragons, colliding in the sky.

For a moment, the atmosphere roared, and the aftermath of the two attacks swept around like a tornado.

"Boy, you are quite capable and are interested in joining our BIGMOM pirate group."Feeling Lanz's strong strength, Charlotte Katakuri began to recruit

"Haha, even a mere BIGMOM pirate group is worthy of me joining."Lands looked arrogant, and then his figure disappeared from the place, turned into a stream of light, and ran straight away.

It was like a ball of flames rushing straight towards him. As soon as Charlotte Katakuri reacted, she felt a sound in her ears. With a roar, a whip leg as black as ink whipped out suddenly, making his eyelids jump. The powerful seeing and hearing Haki made him instinctively feel the crisis. He raised his right arm high, wrapped with Armed Haki, completely transformed. It turned into bright black and stood in front of me

"boom."A huge force came, and Katakuri flew backwards. His left arm was even more bloody and the bones were visible.

He looked at Lanz with a ferocious expression. His left arm, which was originally bloody, was actually... Wrapped in a ball of glutinous rice. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the blink of an eye, his left arm returned to its original state. He no longer thought about anything else and only wanted to kill Lanz in front of him.

Standing. Above the sky, a slight change appeared on his face. Lanz did not expect that Charlotte Katakuri's fruit and this ability would feel almost like the elementalization of the natural system.

It seems that the end of the development of the superhuman system. It is to align with the power of nature

"The fruit development is good, but I am a legendary phantom beast species. I wonder if your injuries can always be recovered?"After saying that, Lanzi quickly disappeared from the spot and turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Katakuri. With an extremely cruel look on his face, Katakuri also turned into a stream of light and rushed forward.[]

The two of them were like dragons 550 in the sky, colliding with each other and fighting bloody battles. Their fists touched the flesh, blood kept flowing, and their bodies were filled with hideous wounds.

But the two of them seemed to be unaware of the pain, and they resorted to deadly moves, intent on killing each other.

The two terrifying forces were constantly colliding, and just the aftermath of the battle between the two made everything around them cease to exist.

He dodged sideways and threw it away with all his strength. Lanz's figure appeared behind Charlotte Katakuri. Flames covered his whole body. He kicked hard with his right foot. Katakuri reacted immediately and turned around to block with both arms. in front of me

""Bang", the whole body couldn't stop and took a few steps back. The originally straight arms turned into a ball of glutinous rice and wrapped around Lanz. With the continuous extension and adsorption, Lanz felt as if his hands were sinking into the mud. Without using any strength, as his hands continued to be swallowed up, he quickly jumped into the air and kicked Katakuri's body hard. The two figures flew backwards one after another.

Lanz's eyes were filled with fire. , Charlotte Katakuri looked straight ahead, the flames burning, directly burning the remaining glutinous rice on her hands.


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