After much thought, Cyborg Kong issued an order to Dagur and decided to temporarily block it completely. No one is allowed to reveal the fact that Moser has imperial strength. Anyone who violates it will be directly removed from the military.


On the other side, in the new world, looking at Moser and the others who had already won a great victory, and the order given by Marshal Kong just now, Dagur didn't know what to do now?

Heading home? Or is it the past?

But in the past, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling Moser that he deliberately wanted to teach him a lesson, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

Now Dagur's intestines were filled with regret, and he even wanted to slap himself twice. How could he have thought before that Moser and the others were second-generation officials who were just waiting to die?

If the only ones who can defeat the Four Emperors are the second-generation officials who are waiting to die, then what do you think of yourself and others? Are you trash among trash?

When he thought of this, Dagel felt like he was slapped in the face and felt ashamed.

"Lieutenant General, let's go over there. With Moser's strength, maybe he would have discovered us long ago?"Ghazali on the side also looked a little ashamed.

"Alas, get over it!"Dager thought for a moment, and he and the others must have been discovered long ago, and what needs to be done must be done.


At the same time, at this moment, the pirates of the BIGMOM pirate group looked like they were surrendering with their hands raised.

When they saw Moser coming to the pirate group, their expressions were even more surprised. Seeing him up close, they saw that he was too young, really too young.

But it was this young man who defeated their mother, Charlotte Lingling, one of the majestic Four Emperors

"Boss, what are we going to do with them? asked the ghost spider on the side.

"Boy, you want to kill or chop into pieces, you name it, there is no way we will give in."Charlotte Opera looked like she would rather die than surrender.

"Bull! Boy, I'm optimistic about you, Jill, you can help him loosen his bones."Moser looked at him with a smile on his face, and then waved.

"What do you want to do?"Charlotte Opera looked at Jill and the two coming over with ill intentions.

"Bang...ah!"With screams like a slaughtered pig, Charlotte Opela was beaten and kicked by Gill and the two, which was very miserable.

The pirates next to her looked at Moser in front of them and did not dare to step forward to help.

"alright."A few minutes later, as Moser shouted (chbj), the two of them stopped. Charlotte

Opela was lying on the ground in a panic, her face was swollen like a pig's head, and her body was even more bruised and purple. One piece, looks miserable

"I admire people with backbone like you, but you don’t know that. People like you are not very lucky. Is there anyone else who has as much backbone as him?"Moser looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

The pirates, looking at Charlotte Opera who was beaten like a pig's head, all shook their heads in fear.

"Cuff them all to me."Mosser yawned. He didn't have much interest in these ants.

Among these guys, except Charlotte Opera, who is a cadre of the Big Mom Pirates, the others are all insignificant pirates.

After all, BIGMOM It is definitely impossible for the pirate group to dispatch all members. If Charlotte Lingling personally dispatches, a large number of cadres must be left to guard the territory.

Just then, the navy has just handcuffed these pirates with stilt stone handcuffs.

At this time, Dag The warships led by Er have appeared in front of Moser and the others.

"Oh, isn't this Lieutenant General Dagur? Why did you come here in person? Are you worried about our safety?"Jill said to Dagur with a sinister look on his face.

"Well, yes, yes."At this moment, Dagur didn't know what to say, so he could only continue talking. He looked at Moser nervously, for fear that Moser would settle the score with him.

Without saying anything, Moser just looked at Dagur with a smile on his face.

I don’t know why, Dagur has a creepy feeling at this moment.

"Colonel Moser, you have completed this mission very well. I have already reported it to the marshal, and you will definitely receive a reward when the time comes."Dager said with a forced smile.

"Oh, is it so? Then I would also like to thank Lieutenant General Dagel."Moser is still smiling. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You're welcome."Looking at Moser like this, Dagur thought he would just let him go, but obviously, he thought too much.

"However, more than this, Lieutenant General Dagur, my little brother Gil has always admired you and wants to have a discussion with you. You won't refuse, right?"Moser looked directly at Dagel, with a hint of threat in his words.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Dagur knew that this little guy would not let him go easily. He glanced at Jill in front of him.

He thought that as long as it wasn't This little guy Moser took it upon himself to do it, just a little brother of his.

And that guy named Gil had a big battle just now. With my strength, he should not be an opponent![]

"Okay, I promise you, but as agreed, it’s just a discussion."Dager readily agreed and even showed a confident smile, but he would later find out how wrong his idea was.

"It’s okay to discuss things, but we have to agree on the rules first."Dagur looked at Gil.

But before he could finish his words, Gil's whole body shone with thunder and disappeared. Before he could react, a fist filled with thunder struck directly in front of his face. superior

"puff."Spurting out a mouthful of saliva, Dagur's body leaned back. Finally, he stood firm, and Gil's fist struck again.

"Wait a minute, kid, you don't have martial ethics to attack sneakily. Dagur wanted to stop Gil, but why would Gil pay attention to him?

His fist hit his chest again,"Pfft.""This time, Dagur spit it out with blood on his teeth.

He looked furious and said,"Little guy, I will fight with you!"Dagur clenched his fists, covered with armed domineering energy, and wanted to fight back.

But no matter how Dagur attacked, he could never touch Gil.

Instead, Gil appeared behind or beside him from time to time, giving him Come with a punch.

After a few minutes,"Huh...huh."Dager kept breathing heavily, and his body was covered in bruises and bruises. The most important thing was that there were big shoe prints on his face and several teeth were missing.

"Boy, stop fighting, I give up."At this time, Dagur had clearly realized the difference in strength between himself and Gil.

He also saw that Gil was completely playing tricks on him.

Hearing Dagur admit defeat, Gil turned his head and glanced at Moser without saying anything. , Moser just looked up at the sky and whistled


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