Gil immediately understood what Moser meant, and with terrifying thunder shining all over his body, he rushed towards Dagur again.

"ah!"The pitiful screams kept ringing out, and the battle was completely one-sided. Dagur didn't even have a chance to fight back, and was being beaten all the time. When the naval soldiers behind saw this scene, they couldn't bear to watch it, and for the first time they Once they saw the miserable state of their general, and then looked in the direction of Moser.

At this moment, they had secretly made up their minds that no one would be able to offend this master in the future.

"Okay, you can stop."Moser yawned and stretched.

After hearing Moser's order, Gil stopped beating him. At this moment, Dagur, who was lying on the ground, looked like a lieutenant general. His face was completely swollen.

"Lieutenant General Dagur, are you okay?"Ghazali quickly stepped forward and helped him up.

"Boy, you..." Dagel was just about to say harsh words to Moser.

"Um."Moser glanced at him.

Dagur was immediately frightened and quickly said to the naval soldiers behind him:"EveryoneYes, please return quickly."

Then he quickly returned to his warship without even daring to look back.

"Boss, are we going to let him go like this?"The ghost spider on the side said

"It's okay, there's a long way to go, just let this old guy know who is the real boss today?

Come on, let's go back too."Moser showed a smile on his lips, and then ordered to go back.

On the warship, Dagel saw behind him that Moser and his warship had also set off. He thought that Moser wanted to beat him up again, so he quickly gave the order with a horrified look on his face. My men, move forward at full speed


The next day, with the scorching sun in the sky, Moser looked like he had just woken up, and took Jill and the three of them to the Navy headquarters.

In the marshal's office, at this moment, Cyborg was sitting in the main seat, He and Sengoku were standing beside him, and Garp was sitting on the sofa eating donuts.

The five people seemed to be discussing an important matter

"Marshal Kong, Garp's son, that little guy Moser, really has emperor-level strength."Warring States had a look of disbelief on his face.

"There is no doubt that that little guy really has emperor-level strength. I have fought with him before, and even with all my strength, I can't do anything to that little guy."Before Kong could say anything, Zefa on the side took the lead.

Marshal Kong said it himself, and with Zefa's affirmative answer, Warring States and Crane already believed it in their hearts.

Their eyes were uniformly looking at what was happening at this moment. Garp eating donuts.

Sensing the gazes of the four people, Garp stopped eating donuts and asked,"Do you want to eat too?" That's not okay, it's all mine."As he spoke, Garp ate a donut in one bite.

Seeing Garp's appearance, the four of them were speechless for a moment, but there was nothing they could do about it.

"Garp, have you known about Moser's strength for a long time and deliberately hid it from us?"He looked at him and asked

"Wow hahaha, no, is that little guy so strong?"Garp laughed and pretended to be stupid.

Seeing his appearance, the four of them didn't say anything more.

"The purpose of calling you all here today is to discuss arrangements for this little guy Moser.

I'm thinking about promoting him as the next generation of heroes in our Navy, spiritually.

Or should we hide his strength and become a hidden killer weapon for our navy?"Cyborg Kong looked at the four of them seriously.

For a while, even Warring States and Crane, who have always been famous for their IQ, did not speak.

After all, this little guy Moser is Garp's son. He should be allowed to speak about such an important matter. Opinion.

Seeing the two people being silent, Cyborg Kong looked at Garp and said slowly:"Garp, tell me! Moser is your son after all."

All of a sudden, Garp, who had always been like a child, looked unusually serious. After a few seconds, he said:"Although this little guy Moser is very strong, he is not yet a qualified soldier.

Now, it is not a suitable choice to push him into the navy's spiritual belief, so I prefer to hide his strength.

Of course, I prefer that he can decide this matter by himself."After saying this, Garp looked at Cyborg Kong and the four others with firm eyes.

"Indeed, let this little guy decide this matter for himself!"Gang Gu just finished his empty words.

He really meant Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here.

"boom."Moser directly kicked open the door of the marshal's office.

Inside, Cyborg Kong and the five Warring States people knew without even thinking that the bastard Moser had arrived. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Except for the old bastard Garp, Moser is the only one who dares to do this. Garp is in the office now, so

"Marshal Kong, you asked the four of us to come over. What do you want?"Moser yawned and sat down directly on the sofa.

The three Gilles beside him did the same and found a seat at random to sit down.

"well."Looking at their appearance, Cyborg Kong couldn't help but sigh.[]

"The main reason we called you here this time is to discuss one thing. The strength of you four little guys has far exceeded that of ordinary lieutenant generals.

Especially Moser, you have reached the level of a general.

And so far, unlike the three Gilles, most people know their strength, there are very few people in the Navy who know your true strength.

According to the plan the four of us just discussed together.

The first option is to vigorously promote your strength, push you to the forefront of the navy, and make you the heroes of the new generation of navy.

The second option is to hide your strength, design an SSS-level top-secret file, and use you as a secret weapon of our navy.

We prefer the second one, but which one you choose depends on your opinion."

Ganggu Kong looked at the four Mosers with a serious expression.

"Which option to choose?"Moser was also deep in thought at the moment.

However, after just a few seconds, he made a decision. Becoming the faith of the new generation of the navy meant nothing to him.

What's more, if his strength is exposed, At that time, everyone will be afraid of him.

How can he cheat his father, how can he obtain cheating points, and how can he exchange it for the highest-end items in the store.

Thinking of this, Moser shook his head and said:"Marshal Kong, let's use the second option.!

After all, I'm already so handsome, and if I let others know that I'm still so strong, I'm afraid they won't have the confidence to survive!"

Hearing this answer, Kong Wu's faces instantly turned black. They have never seen such a shameless person.

"You are right, after all, you have inherited my handsome appearance."When he said this, Garp was still picking his nose.

Looking at the two people's shameless looks, if they couldn't beat them, Sora and the others almost couldn't help but beat them up.

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