The Blazing Sun Galaxy is on the verge of annihilation, and there is an endless tide of green skins.

Once only half of the Sun Prime was left, now it was riddled with holes. The flames of war spread across the surface of the planet, and green-skinned creatures could be seen everywhere.


A palace complex similar to that of ancient China was brutally destroyed. The green-skinned legions shouted obscure and harsh words and attacked the highest spire.

"That's the Tiandao Tower!!"

Kesha recognized that this magnificent tower was the foundation of the Sun civilization. At this time, it was actually under siege. Even though many death-defying warriors were desperately resisting, they faced green skins countless times their number. The legion also looked pale and weak, but it was stubbornly resisting against Europe.

"Mao Shen."

Leina saw that Pan Zhen's guard was accidentally attacked by a green skin from behind and bit his arm. Mao Shen tried hard to break free, but attracted more green skins to attack him, and more and more green skins were spread on him.

However, the high-intensity body of the second-generation super soldier resisted the bite. This kind of power wanted to break through the defense of God-making technology, but it seemed that it was still far away.

Just when the girls thought that he would be fine, A green skin took the initiative to tear open his own throat, and the smelly green liquid splashed out from the wound and fell on Mao Shen's skin.

In the shocked eyes of the girls, the second-generation super soldier with the physique that can block cannonballs The skin was corroded with a large shocking wound, which penetrated deep into the bone marrow, exposing the internal organs, flesh and blood.

""Ah ah ah"

Mao Shen fainted from the pain, but the green skins around him would not let him go. They opened their throats one after another and merged with him until they turned into a pool of thick fishy liquid.

Seeing this, everyone The women were dumbfounded.

Even Kesha couldn't sit still and couldn't control her micro-expressions.

Obviously, the blood of this crazy creature has a restraining effect on the genes of the second-generation super warriors, and their proud bodies are actually so unbearable. Attack.

And she is not only worried about these, she is even more worried that if the third-generation divine body cannot resist the corrosion of the blood of this creature, it may mean that this creature will be a disaster for the entire known universe.

No one is their natural enemy!

"Man, I used sophon particles to discover a secret. In addition to the dark plane space represented by the void, there may be a special space in the deepest parts of the known universe."

"Wait, why are you staying together to watch the excitement?"

He Xi just wanted to share the good news with his best friends, but found that everyone was staying in Su Che's room, and couldn't help but feel strange.

However, Kesha huddled in her pocket and glanced at He Xi who was standing and opened the door. Communicated with her in the dark channel:"Hexi, we are in big trouble."

He Xi's eyes were already looking at the screen. When she saw the dead soldiers submerged in the sea of ​​green skin, she couldn't help but be surprised:"When did this happen? What happened to the Lieyang civilization?"

Before this, she had been in seclusion in the research room, so she didn't have time to read the diary. Naturally, she didn't know what was happening in the outside world.

Reina couldn't hide her sadness, but she still managed to cheer up and explained to her:"Tianji King, the sun has fallen"


Hearing this, He Xi's expression suddenly changed in shock, and his beautiful eyes glared,"You mean this kind of ugly low-level freak has invaded your planet? Where is Pan Zhen? There's no way he could just ignore it."

She hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter. She thought it was just an unknown orc civilization that had launched a war against Lieyang. However, she never expected that this orc civilization had directly hit the main star of Lieyang. In the current situation, Lieyang was very likely to He was powerless to resist.

This made He Xi suspect that he had heard wrongly.

The Lieyang Civilization was second only to their angelic civilization and was the founder of the forefront of god-making technology. How could he not even save his hometown after being attacked by a group of insects? It was even more ridiculous than hearing that humans on Earth had defeated the Taotie.

But the truth was far more horrifying than she thought.

After reading the copy of the diary, her expression took a turn for the worse, becoming solemn, even quite fearful.

These green-skinned creatures came from a group called Warhammer universe, and have the power of unlimited reproduction. The sea of ​​green skins in front of them was reproduced by them in just one day. They also use genes as the core of compatibility, but these green skins have abandoned the path of upward evolution to perfection. The selection of genes with a strong ability to proliferate and win in huge numbers gave her, a scholar who upholds a traditional view of civilization, a small shock in her life.

She thought she had seen a lot and could understand the ecology of this green-skinned civilization. She realized that she was sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

She could feel the horror in the picture through the screen.

The green wave flooded the sky. At a glance, it covered half of the planet's surface, and there was no place to stand.

The scorching sun's The people are resisting desperately, but the resources are limited after all. These are ordinary people, not divine warriors. Facing the endless green-skinned legions, they were quickly torn into pieces. Seeing this scene, Lena was a little dazed. As the main god of the Lie Yang, she failed to save her people, but watched them die one by one. There is no main god more cowardly than her.

"Some Sun people were escaping in panic on escape ships."

The screen turned.

In the vacuum, hundreds of combat celestial bodies were seen flying at the speed of light towards the outermost line of defense of the Lieyang Galaxy.

From the appearance, it can be seen that these should be survivors of the Lieyang.

Reina came back to her senses," There are still people alive. I wonder if Pan Zhen is up there?"

As for those people from dozens of planets in the Lieyang Galaxy, she didn't say anything, but it was obvious that these people were abandoned.

And just when these fleets were about to leave the range of the Lieyang Galaxy, the invisible shock wave instantly destroyed the warships on the edge. A humanoid figure slowly appeared at the front of the fleet. He had white hair, white pupils, a ferocious face, and a tall body. He also held a scepter in his hand, with a sapphire embedded in it..The next second.

The crazy man murmured obscure words in his mouth, and the scepter in his hand flashed. In an instant, the arc-shaped light of the flashing jump spread, wrapping all the escape ships into a ball at a speed exceeding the speed of light. First, Shrinking, then expanding rapidly, with a pop.

Boom boom!!

The light flew away, as if the universe flickered, and everything returned to silence. All life within the envelope of this mass turned into powder and dissipated without a trace.

The girls Shocked, this crazy man locked the escaping light-speed spacecraft across a distance of three light-years, and the survivors of the blazing sun died there.

Seeing this, Kesha felt fear for the first time in tens of thousands of years.


【For such a powerful psyker, at least the main god level, Lieyang was hopeless. 】

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