People are writing diaries in Super God, and the three angel kings are broken.

People are writing diaries in Super God, and the three angel kings are broken.


107 Chapters Ongoing Status


Wearing a super seminary, writing a diary every day can make you stronger.

I had no intention of joining the Xiongbing Company, I just wanted to be cautious and low-key before I suddenly exploded into stars.

But who is this Qiangwei who came to my door and invited me to fight for my country?

They even offered conditions to live in the same dormitory with her.

Angel Yan knocked on my door in the middle of the night and actually took the initiative to swear a protective oath, saying that he was her boyfriend.

The Demon Goddess Liang Bing would rather give up the Time and Space Rose she had worked so hard on all her life to get me from the hands of the angel, no matter what the cost.

What's even more outrageous is that Holy Kesha couldn't sit still, and sent the Sky Blade and the divine body resources, giving him soft food and hard work.

Is the way I opened the time travel wrong?

Angel Yan: "Child, haven't you been talking about wanting a well-behaved and obedient guardian angel every day? This is it."

Liang Bing: "Kesha, you Bichi, you are so rich. If you have the ability, just throw yourself into Su Che's arms like the queen. Do you dare?"

Holy Keisha: "Yan's genetic matching is 91%. No wonder she falls in love with her, but why is my genetic matching with the other party 99%?!!"


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