【In the original plot, Liu Chuang was dragged away by Sun Wukong, saying that the Xiongbing Company did not need such a scumbag, but now he has been replaced by Ge Xiaolun】

【I really didn’t expect that the historical process of Ge Xiaolun’s desertion would be advanced.】

【Ge Xiaolun, your guardian angel was snatched away from me. Girl, I will never let you go.】

【However, originally I had no thoughts about Qiangwei and decided to let nature take its course. After all, Dukao was really a big trouble. I had no idea how to deal with it at that time, so I could only stay away from him.】

【But your performance is really disappointing】

【Depending on the situation, it may be difficult for a girl to have a crush on you. ]

Seeing Su Che's gloating words, all the girls were stunned.

Has the historical process of Ge Xiaolun's desertion been advanced? At this moment, the three women present all looked at Ge Xiaolun, who was hesitant to speak, and were filled with shock.

Su Che means.

According to the original development trajectory of the story, Ge Xiaolun will abandon his comrades in the near future, escape alone, and choose to be a deserter.

Even if you don’t run away now, you will run away in the future.

Even if he escapes, it's nothing, but in the future the Taotie will invade the earth.

When he ran away, he was no different than a traitor.

The seriousness of the matter is even worse than this.

Qiangwei was completely angry.

This loser was exactly what she thought, a complete coward. actually.

What made her even more angry was that Su Che mentioned in his diary that he had no thoughts about her and planned to stay away from her.

Is she, Du Qiangwei, so annoying?

Qiangwei's mentality collapsed.

Angel Yan and Reina were looking at each other in confusion at this time, both of them were caught up in the complexity of reading the diary.

"That guy Ge Xiaolun...when he comes back, Goddess, I will give him a good beating."

Leina slapped the table angrily.

"Hey, isn't this the power of the Milky Way? It seems like your Earth is nothing more than this. Yan said jokingly:"Earth's affairs will be resolved by the earth. Okay, very good. I congratulate you on surviving under Taotie's hands.""

After all that needed to be said, she stood up and planned to go to the theater to watch the show.

"Little girl, farewell."

Waving his hands to say goodbye, the two women ended their negotiations and parted ways.

Reina was left alone in the conference room sulking.

Pan Zhen's death and the destruction of Lieyang Star made her feel confused.

But it happened At this point in time, Ge Xiaolun actually chose to become a deserter.

This was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and Reina was immediately furious.

"This broken earth...Goddess, I have suffered a lot by coming to help."

However, she did not become depressed. Instead, she set her sights on the designated resurrection in the diary.

She couldn't help but wonder, is resurrection really so unscientific?

"It's not too late to back off now."Sun Wukong raised the Sea-Dinging Needle and gave a final warning.

Rui Mengmeng did not answer, but just looked at him coldly.

She knew that Su Che was observing here nearby and would not sit idly by, so there was nothing to worry about.

Rui Mengmeng was right. Su Che was full of trust.

Sun Wukong stopped delaying.

The dark alloy iron rod quickly grew in size and became heavier, even blocking the light of the moon.

Everyone appeared under its shadow.

"hiss! This is too scary."

Liu Chuang's feet kept shaking, as if he wanted to retreat.

But the arrow was on the string and he had to shoot. How could Sun Wukong let him run away.

The next second.

A dark alloy iron rod weighing more than 20 tons, carrying a dull and whistling The sound of wind falls straight down

"Defining Void Barrier"

"Define the quantity as 6"

"Defining defense..."

Su Che whispered:"Define the defense value to infinity."

The surface of the shield, which exuded an orange-red luster, showed a complex and lengthy data stream, which appeared two inches outside the surface of Rui Mengmeng and others' bodies.

Except for one person, of course

【Only those who are qualified will survive!】

【Ge Xiaolun, you are not worthy! 】


There was a loud bang.

A gully two meters deep was crushed out.

Rui Mengmeng and the others were safe and sound under the protection of the sun shield.

But it hurt Ge Xiaolun.

He was crushed under Sun Wukong's stick and cried out.

Unknown to Liu Chuang and the others, they looked surprised. It took them a while to realize that they were all unharmed.

"Oh dear, where did this fairy come from? Goddess Reina is not coming to save us, right?"

"Okay, Sister Na, stop hiding, we know it’s you"


Several losers burst into tears instantly, knowing that Sister Reina would not leave them alone.

Only Rui Mengmeng and the others remained silent.

The three of them knew that it was not Reina who was protecting them, but the stinky guy they longed for.


Sun Wukong's expression changed. He naturally knew that a strong person had intervened.

But this name sounded so familiar.

Unfortunately, Su Che didn't give him time to think.

Two long glazed swords glowing with flames formed a straight line from the sky. Falling.

The target is very clear, directed at Sun Wukong

"Huh, this alone can't embarrass me."

Before he finished speaking, one of the sanctions blades was already close to Sun Wukong's belly, and then opened a slender hole.

"What?! It is a god-killing weapon."

God-killing weapons are conceptual weapons specially designed to restrain super genetic warriors like them.

Although they are not much stronger, and in some aspects they are not even as powerful as some dark silver weapons.

But they are the natural enemies of the divine body and are specially designed to restrain them. Divine warrior.

Sun Wukong was instantly shocked.

He hurriedly tried to stay away, but another blade of punishment penetrated from the other side, instantly tearing open a wound on the side of his plush thigh.

Sun Wukong just held back. The sound.

His face was ferocious, trying desperately to escape from the encirclement and suppression of the two blades of punishment.

Unexpectedly, the encirclement was getting tighter and tighter, making it difficult for him to move.

However, within three seconds, the two blades of sanctions stopped firmly on his neck. Go up.

As long as Su Che's thoughts move, Sun Wukong's head will fall to the ground, followed by a cold.

The latter does not dare to move, for fear that after finally resurrecting, he will die again.

The expressions on the faces of everyone in Zhao Xin are completely confused.

Even up to now, he has been They all ignored Ge Xiaolun's cry for help from below.

The two gorgeous long swords in the sky and the seemingly weak but actually hard shield surrounding the body all hinted that it was not Reina who was helping them. , but someone else.

But who is the other party?

They couldn't figure it out.

But the scene that happened next made them feel horrified.

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