Space-time gene?!

Kesha's beautiful eyes narrowed

"Another super gene, and the space-time gene studied by Liang Bing."

At this time, Hexi's secret message came over.

"Kesha, the space-time gene is too attractive to Liang Bing. I'm afraid she won't be able to hold it back and make some small moves secretly."

Even with Su Che's current abilities, it would be difficult for Liang Bing to hurt him.

But if she were desperate, such as using temptation and other dirty tricks, who knows whether Su Che would be fooled.

It's hard to say.

"So, just in case, I suggest,"

He Xi pondered,"it's best for Yan to live in Su Che's house."

In this way, even if Liang Bing wants to do something small, she must consider the consequences clearly.

Kesha thought thoughtfully, and after a while, she nodded and said,"Okay, I'll do as you say."

"Yan, are you there?"

Tianhe City, the top floor of Angel International Building.

Hearing the Queen calling him, Angel Yan immediately closed his eyes of insight.

"Queen, what's the matter?"

Kesha briefly explained her plan to let her live in Su Che's house.

Hearing the queen's arrangement, Yan couldn't help but twitching her lips.

Let her live in Su Che's house.

In what capacity?

That Kamigawa sniper. Qilin seems to be a gentle and kind elder sister, but in fact she is very protective of her food. She is also a little jealous.

Living in the same house with the other party may cause chaos.

Yan does not want to get involved in this kind of nonsense.

Besides , Yes, the lifespan of an angel is almost endless, and she can afford to wait anyway.

Yan has always believed that only true love will last forever.

However, if Queen Keisha insists on this, she has nothing to say

"Queen, Morgana won't act recklessly, right?"

Yan asked.

Kesha:"The time and space gene is Liang Bing's deepest obsession and love in her heart. It's not surprising that she would do anything to get it."

It seems that the diary is right. Because of the time and space gene, Queen Kesa and Morgana had conflicts, which eventually led to a breakup between the two.

Yan reluctantly agreed.

Now, she can't even explain to Su Che about the guardian angel. , haven’t thought it through yet.

The Queen really gave her a difficult problem this time

Devil One.

Seeing the four characters"Space-Time Gene", Liang Bing suddenly lost his composure.

If it were just a void engine, she wouldn't have to fight for it at all costs.

But the time and space gene is of great significance to her, even to the point of being a little bit crazy.

"Tonight, do it again. A sneer appeared on Liang Bing's smoky makeup,"

Queen, I don't believe I can't pry your mouth off.""

She raised her right hand and clasped her slender white fingers tightly, as if she could still feel the remaining warmth on it.

Super seminary.

Rui Mengmeng has successfully activated the Nuoxing knife gene. ,

Even after running 20,000 meters in half an hour on the playground, sweating profusely, I still didn’t even take a breath.

The incredible physique of a super soldier is evident

"Mr. Su, he caused quite a stir in Juxia City yesterday. I wonder if he was injured?"

Based on the diary, it is not difficult to guess that the person who fought with the humanoid crocodile was probably Su Che.

As for the time and space genes, she didn't care at all.

Rui Mengmeng had no idea about these things at all.

Only Reina kept running. He went around to her side and kept asking some trivial matters about Teacher Su.

No matter how stupid she was, she could still guess it.

Rena, the second goddess from the Lieyang Civilization, also had a copy of the diary like hers.

"Mengmeng, why don’t you invite your teacher Su to join the Xiongbing Company?"

Leina sat carelessly on Rui Mengmeng's side, leaning over her head and whispering:"Fighting aliens, defending the country, what a sense of honor, don't you think?"

She was very curious about what kind of charm that Su Che had that made Holy Kesha pay so much attention to him.

In addition, the opponent also had the power of the sun gene in his body.

As the main god of the Lieyang Civilization, she at least understood the reason.

This one in front of her The little fool seemed to be easy to take advantage of.

Rui Mengmeng quickly waved her hand,"Sister Leina, please don't embarrass me. Since Teacher Su doesn't want to be exposed, it's definitely not possible.

Seeing that her thoughts were completely towards Su Che, Reina curled her lips and said,"It's boring. If you like him so much and don't let him know, sooner or later you will be snatched away by other women." Hearing this

, Rui Mengmeng was stunned, and her tone was bitter:"I am not worthy of Teacher Su.""

Leina smiled disdainfully:"There's no question of whether it's worthy or not, it's just whether you think about it or not."

"You have such a good figure, tall and big. Su Che has already made it clear in his diary that you don't know about it.

Rui Mengmeng blushed,"Stop talking, Sister Reina.""

Rena shook her head helplessly when she saw this little girl burying her head in silence.

If, as a licking dog, you don't even have the courage to lick, how could you have a chance to make a comeback?

However, all this has nothing to do with her, Emperor Reina. , and now she is still wondering where Qiangwei is. She disappeared early in the morning, and she doesn’t know where she went.

The Xiongbing Company has begun to take shape and has been training for a long time. After a while, she will have a chance to meet that monkey in Liangshan. , to test the waters.

Qiangwei has been absent-minded recently. As the tactical core of the Xiongbing Company, her mentality cannot go wrong.

"Aunt Lianfeng, I'm ready."

Standing at the door of Su Che's house, Qiangwei nodded to Lianfeng next to her.

Her purpose of coming was very simple.

In addition to making insinuations and finding out the real purpose of this war, she also tried her best to persuade Su Che to join the Xiongbing Company. Qiangwei thinks that this troubled world needs him

"go in."

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