In the living room.

A huge long square table.

A man and three women sit facing each other.

Qilin's eyes were full of curiosity, and she looked at her brother with a strange and resentful look from time to time.

It seems to be asking, when did you get involved in this kind of flowers and plants again?

The two women opposite her were no less beautiful than her, and each had their own charm. The sense of crisis they brought to her was even greater than that of Angel Yan, whom she had never met before.

After a while of conversation, Qiangwei and Lianfeng explained their intentions.

Invite me to join Super Seminary? ? ?

"Sorry, I refuse."

Su Che was not surprised that the Xiongbing Company came to his door.

He decided to take action yesterday, knowing that he couldn't hide it for long.

But it doesn't matter, the person standing behind him now is the king of gods in the known universe, Holy Kesha.

In Kesha Before he dies, the God of Death, Karl, has to think carefully about it.

Secondly, his secrets are protected by a diary.

There is also an encryption of the treasure house of sacred knowledge. Unless he takes the initiative to expose it, no one else can know it.


Qiangwei didn't expect that the other party would refuse so simply.


【Why else? ?】

【Ask your father, that war maniac, who launched the Nebula-level war 20,000 years ago and provoked the confrontation between two god-level civilizations.】

【That's right, it's him, Dukao, a high noble from Nuoxing, the former top military executive of Nuoxing, and Marshal of Nuoxing.】

【A war madman who lived for who knows how many years】

【Not only did the entire Derno galaxy burn to the ground under the bombing of solar flares, but it also forced an honest man from the Derno civilization to split the living planet of the Sun civilization in half.】

【Countless lives died】

【The honest man committed suicide on the spot with hatred.】

【Afterwards, your father seemed to have come to his senses. He was filled with remorse and could not kneel down, and he knelt down to face the Deno system.】

【But there was no mention of the people who died in the Lieyang Civilization.】

【The funniest thing....】

【A thousand years ago, Dukao's hometown was bombed, and he even ran to the earth overnight, and then continued his arms race - the three major god-making projects. It was precisely because of his unnatural behavior that he instantly attracted the attention of everyone Understand the gazes of major civilizations in the universe】

【....Otherwise, a gluttonous person would be able to target a piece of land as big as a sesame seed like the earth.】

【It’s also called a good name, fighting to protect the earth.】

【How filthy is the real calculation in your heart? Don’t you have some calculations in your heart? 】

War madman?

Arms race?

Qiangwei was shocked and speechless by the comments in Su Che's diary.

Ever since she was little, Dukao has always instilled in her the idea of ​​defending her family and country, and asked her to join the army to receive training, which is how she became the now battle-experienced Time and Space Rose.

She thinks that even if her father has some intentions, he should be a peace-loving person.

But suddenly he was told that Dukao was a complete war madman.

This was contrary to her accepted beliefs.

Qiangwei couldn't accept it for a while.

The faith you hold on to in your heart is only one step away from collapse.

At this moment, Lianfeng, who was wearing sexy clothes next to him, suddenly looked at him, his red lips slightly parted:"The country is in trouble, even if you don't join the Xiongbing Company, you may still be attacked by Taotie."

"Soon, the entire planet will become unsafe"

"Under the overturning of the nest, there are eggs intact. Please think about it carefully. Su

Che still maintained his original attitude, shook his head and said:"I'm sorry, Colonel Lianfeng, there is a reason why I can't join.""


After pondering for a while, Lianfeng suddenly thought of those angels,"You mean angel civilization? Su

Che showed a surprised look and said with some appreciation:"Colonel Lianfeng is indeed a smart man. Let me tell the truth. I have something angelic in my body, and they value me very much."...."

"You don’t understand what it means to join the Xiongbing Company, right?"

Lian Feng will get through with it.

Su Che's position in the angel civilization is absolutely extraordinary.

If his attitude changes, maybe the entire angel civilization will also change its attitude towards the war on earth.

By then, they will even Because of Su Che's choice, he intervened in the war on Earth.

More importantly, regardless of the power of the sun and the genes of time and space in his body, Su Che is too important to the angel civilization and is deeply involved.

If the top god in the known universe is allowed to Sexual civilization knows the secret of Su Che's infinite fusion of genes.

Then it will no longer be a simple battle to defend the earth.

It is very likely to develop into a nebula-level war in an instant.

Even the angel civilization and the Lieyang civilization.....Countless civilizations will flock to him.

At that time, this war will not be something that the earth can be involved in.

Just standing on the edge of the battlefield is enough to destroy the earth ten thousand times and more.

【Although Lianfeng’s wife happens to grow on my penis, this is a matter of principle. You can’t get carried away just because of beauty.】

【Always keep litchi, this is the biggest difference between me and Ge Xiaolun】

【If you should refuse, you still have to refuse decisively.】

【Hi! I just had to shamelessly lift Little Nasha out, but this trick worked quite well and saved me a lot of trouble.】

【It's too early to expose now】

【Go on, go on, don’t act rashly until you can easily crush the earth.】


Merlot Heaven.

Kesha's frown relaxed and she smiled faintly:"She's quite smart and knows how to use my name."

"However, the reasons given by these two women for coming to the door were too far-fetched and full of loopholes."

If you knew in advance that the diary could be exposed, it would be easy to guess the other party's inappropriate behavior.

Su Che didn't know, because they all had information gaps with Su Che.

Back to the living room.

Su Che took a sip of tea and replied calmly. Said:"I will use my own way to help the earth"

"Of course, this is in my personal capacity, and all my actions have nothing to do with angels."

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