Last night, Qiangwei thought about it all night, and finally decided to follow her inner thoughts and meet Su Che.

When she found Su Che's home, she found that no one was there.

Through the diary, she found out that Su Che was nearby and hurried over, hoping to pretend to meet him by chance.

But by accident, I happened to see this scene.

Qiangwei's eyes were filled with shock.

Originally, the crocodile god Thorton and the angel were chasing each other back and forth, and even had a slight upper hand.

The third-generation super soldier gene gives it an extremely powerful physique, and ordinary weapons cannot harm it at all.

In the middle, Qiangwei secretly opened wormholes and delivered many bullets to its weak parts, but they were all blocked by its hard skin.

With her strength as a second-generation super soldier, rushing forward would be risking death.

But Su Che's appearance directly overturned her understanding.

There were no fancy moves, not even the traces of the attack could be seen. In an instant, the alien monster fell to the ground.

However, the six-winged seraph suddenly appeared above the other person's head, making her rub her beautiful eyes involuntarily, wondering if she was hallucinating.

Immediately, my heart was trembling, so much so that I turned a deaf ear to Lianfeng’s worried shouts in the headset.

【Damn it?! Why is this treasure trove of knowledge a bit too much?!】

【Originally, even if the second-generation dark plane computer analyzed a third-generation peak beast body, it would take at least 21 minutes, but now it only takes less than 1 minute.】

【How can a subsystem be so fast?!】

【Could it be that Xiao Naisha directly gave me terminal permissions?!】

【Damn it?! No way?】

【No wonder the angel looked serious when he looked at me. Could it be that...】

【Damn it!!!】

【Outrageous!! It’s so outrageous! 】

Merlot Heaven.

Combining the contents and pictures in the diary, He Xi turned to look at Kesha on the throne, and said cheerfully:"I'm afraid this child is starting to doubt life again."

Kesha rolled her eyes at her,"Didn't you just say Call me a prodigal? I can’t bear to let my child trap the wolf. How can I let him pay more attention to us angels without spending some money?"

He Xi thought for a while, and the man’s words seemed to make sense.

They all saw Su Che's ability.

As the diary says, the void engine, also known as the sub-biological engine, is the power that defines reality.

In the entire angel civilization, only Kesha, Hexi, and Zhi Xin, who has not yet been activated, are equipped with it.

Coupled with the light of the sun, the extended use of flare technology.

Without increasing investment, can people keep focusing on them?

He Xi nodded:"Indeed, Yan Yan needs to work harder."

Seeing this, Kesha breathed a sigh of relief and finally got over the trick.

If I let my best friend know that I actually want to compete with my apprentice for a boyfriend, I'm afraid she will laugh at her forever.

"Void engine?!"

On the high building, Liang Bing's eyes were blank.

The void engine is a special weapon developed by Karl through the exploration of the void and the analysis of void matter. It can effectively attack the enemy from the conceptual and material level.

In the Styx galaxy, No matter how hard she pestered her, Karl only replaced her fourth-generation divine body and never considered letting her assemble a void engine.

After all,...With the void engine, there are variables. Once Liang Bing is equipped with the void engine, he will no longer be controlled by Karl.

When the void era begins, it's hard to say whether Liang Bing will help him.

Therefore, Karl had no intention of helping her at all.

Seeing it from the diary and seeing it with your own eyes are two different feelings.

Liang Bing could hardly contain the extreme excitement in her heart at this moment.

"Damn it, Kalna Bichi refused to give me life or death, which made me feel itchy. Unexpectedly, I found a treasure on this small earth."

"As long as I get a little something from this kid's hand, I will take off directly."

The more Liang Bing thought about it, the more excited he became, but when he thought about him being targeted by that bitch Kesha, he felt more and more unhappy.

"Void Engine, even with my current fourth-generation divine body, I might not be able to defeat this kid if I meet him."

"It seems like we have to start somewhere else."

There was a hint of deep meaning on the cold and glamorous makeup, and she was thinking about how to gain Su Che's trust.

As for the half-dead crocodile, she didn't even look at it.

With watermelon, who can care about sesame?

"Lord Snow, all the gluttonous soldiers we sent to capture the crocodile god Thorton were killed by several angels."

Outside the universe, inside the Taotie Star Battleship.

A man with an alloy skull mask on his face sat leisurely on a chair, and a Taotie hurriedly walked behind him, causing a group of people to panic.

"Angel? Have you provoked them?"

"Or is it that the earth officially accepted the protection of angelic civilization and decided to return it to the name of the righteous order?"

As a subordinate of the god of death, Carl, Snow was sent to help Taotie launch a war on the earth.

Resurrecting the crocodile god Thorton was the first thing he did.

"None, Lord Snow, it seems that they decided to hinder us because of a human on Earth."

"Now that area has been completely isolated. No matter how advanced our technology is, it is impossible to break through the blockade of dark energy."

A human on earth?

How can an angel mobilize such a force?

Snow was hesitant in his heart.

However, in order to avoid misunderstanding, he still asked:

"Is the human on earth you are talking about the force of the galaxy? ?"

Galaxy Power has something angelic in its body, and it is the only human being they value on Earth, and it is worthy of letting them achieve this step.

Even Karl, the God of Death, asked him to pay special attention to this talent.

Taotie, who was bowing behind him, shook his head quickly He shook his head and said:"The power of the Galaxy is still in the Super Seminary at this time, and the human on earth may have someone else."

Hearing this, Snow was shocked for a moment.

In other words, the person being paid attention to by those short skirts is actually another person, and this person's importance may even exceed the power of the Galaxy.

In addition to Anti-Void, How can a being who can make an angel put so much thought into it look so simple on the surface?

Is he more important than the power of the galaxy?!

No, Lord Carl must be informed of this matter immediately

"Okay, okay, that's it.

Snow waved his hand:"My god Carl still has the genetic backup of Crocodile God Thorton, plus the dark information data you collected.

Afterwards, I will ask my god Carl for another copy of the third-generation super..." The warrior's resources will help you resurrect it. Hearing this

, Taotie's senior management suddenly looked happy and replied excitedly:"Thanks to my god Karl!""

(PS: There were some lapses yesterday, so I will continue today. The author is not a full-time writer.

I write about super gods just because I am interested in it. I did not expect so many people to read it.

Due to my own work, the update may not be so ideal. Please forgive me!

Finally , supernatural themes, everyone knows it, and it is easy to block it, but as long as you don’t block it, you won’t be a eunuch, and you will keep writing!)

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