The Miracle of Azure, just introduce yourself to the star!

“Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the ultimate life form, Absolut warrior, Absolut Tartaros!”

The lengthy self-introduction was uttered from the mouth of the golden figure. When he heard about the ultimate life form, Qing Shuimo’s eyes changed!

Although he is not only who this Tartarus is, he has never heard of the so-called Absoluts, but he still knows about the ultimate life form!

In his previous life, in the Ultra series he had seen, there was an ultimate life form that could cause trouble even after death, the Lebrondo Starman!

As the ultimate life form, Star Lebrondo ruled the universe for tens of thousands of years during his life, and he continued to disturb the peace of the universe after his death. Even if it is a legendary existence, it is very difficult to completely erase it. things.

As for the strength of Tartaros, who is also the ultimate life form, Qing Shuimo has already predicted a little bit!

“Has the legend started?”

Taking a deep breath, Qing Shuimo lightly stroked the golden blade on his wrist, then moved his body lightly, and appeared behind Tartaros in an instant!

“So fast!”

When the golden blade on Qingshuimo’s wrist slashed across Tartaros’ body, Dagu and Asuka, who had already returned to Feiyan No. 1, couldn’t help but let out an exclamation!

They didn’t mean that Qingshuimo’s speed was fast, but that the reaction speed of Tartaros, who could respond to Qingshuimo’s instant movement attack, was really too fast!

“Galops, I have experienced your storm-like attacks tens of thousands of times. Compared with you who have become legends after ten thousand years, you are still too weak now.”

Dodging Qingshuimo’s attack by turning into an afterimage, Tartaros came to Qingshuimo’s back, and mercilessly landed a hand knife directly on Qingshuimo’s back!


The dazzling sparks exploded, and Qing Shui could only feel that he was hit by a heavy object on his back, and he staggered towards the distance uncontrollably.


After standing still, Qing Shuimo felt the faint pain from his back and shoulders, and his expression became dignified!

Since gaining the power of Gamma Future, this is the first time for Qing Shuimo to be hit by an enemy, and it is also the first time to taste what it feels like to be attacked in a giant posture!

Seeing Gallops being repelled, all members of the winning team felt tense!

After all, every time Gallops appears, he wins a crushing victory, similar to the first time he was repelled first today!

Looking at Qing Shuimo with a serious expression, Tartaros seemed relieved looking at his hands.

“I didn’t expect that I really succeeded. I crossed tens of thousands of timelines, and finally I was not caught up again!”

“What do you mean?”

Qingshuimo moved his wrist, and he glanced at the victory team behind him, and the mental idea to let them evacuate quickly was directly transmitted to the hearts of Dagu and Asuka.

Only when Dagu and the others evacuate safely can Qingshuimo fight with peace of mind, otherwise he will have to worry about whether his attack will hurt everyone in the victory team.

Tartaros seemed to be lost in memory. He didn’t pay attention to the members of the Victory Team who quickly left the battlefield, as if they couldn’t get in the eyes of this ultimate life-form warrior.

“Twelve thousand years after the main timeline, you will suddenly appear to stop my big plan. In order not to let you with legendary strength hinder my actions, I can only look for parallel universes where you don’t exist again and again. ”

After several minutes of silence, Tartarus began his narration as if talking to himself.

But the first sentence at the beginning made Qing Shui Mo a little confused. This guy came from 12,000 years later?

Although he already knew from the previous conversation that Tartarus was from the future, according to Shimizumo’s original guess, it would be at most a few years or ten years later, decades at most, but who would have thought that Tartarus would come from the future? The timeline traveled by Talos is enough for human beings to rebuild a new civilized order!

“However, this is also normal.”

Qing Shuimo moved his neck slightly. Although his heart is still human, he is essentially light. His lifespan has already exceeded 100,000 years. After 12,000 years, he can still actively make trouble for the guy in front of him. Not unusual.

“You said that you want to find a parallel universe without me, but there is still me in this world. Why do you say you succeeded?”

Although he felt uncomfortable with his own existence in parallel worlds, Shimizu Mo still cared more about what Tartarus meant by success.

“At first, I thought that I could complete my big plan by finding a parallel world without you, but I underestimated your persistence in my big plan. Although I don’t know why, even if I travel through time and space, you Can also find my existence and stop me.”Tartarus’ voice became deeper and deeper, and Shimizu Mo could feel the anger and aggrievedness in his heart even thousands of meters away.

Anyone who ran so many parallel worlds would feel uncomfortable even if they traveled through time and were caught, let alone Tartarus, who had a big plan to execute.

He simply doesn’t have the time or the capital to entangle with Qing Shuimo, who has been promoted to the legend for a long time.

“Later, I thought of a better way than finding a world without you, that is to find the point in time when you have not yet become a legend! In addition to the cracks in time and space, time paradox, the strongest law of the universe, can help me Bind you who will become a legend in the future, so that you can no longer interfere with me!”

Tartaros was obviously excited, because the Galops who had not yet become a legend in front of him confirmed his thoughts. As long as Shimizumo was still alive, the future Galops would not be able to appear in front of him and interfere with him.

Therefore, as long as Gallops in front of him is sealed, his big plan can be implemented smoothly!

“Is that so?”

Qing Shuimo heaved a sigh of relief. It was his future self who stopped Tartaros from traveling through the parallel world, and it wasn’t because he existed in the parallel universe. Then this is good news.


Looking at Tartarus, who was shining with golden light all over his body and spoke with endless confidence, Shimizu Mo’s expression became a little weird.

“Who gave you the confidence to think that you can solve me at this point in time? You have traveled through so many parallel worlds and times, and the future me has stopped you, but this time it allows you to come here easily. Don’t you think there is a problem?”

Tartaros’ expression was stunned, because he didn’t think about this at all. He only thought that time bound Gallops.

“Let me tell you, the reason why the future me didn’t stop you from coming to this point in time is because he knows that even if I haven’t become a legend, the current me is not something you can manipulate at will!”

Azure blue light shone from the energy indicator light on Qingshuimo’s chest, completely enveloping his body in an instant.

From the outside, Qingshuimo looks like a blue warrior of light at this time. Although he doesn’t have the unique nobility of Gamma Future, he is more mysterious and powerful!

[Gamma Future Miracle Form]!

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