Yo-Yo Starman, and Gigabit Ndola!

“What kind of power is this!”

The confident look on Tartarus’ face disappeared, and he couldn’t understand the current changes in Shimizu Mo.

Clearly according to Tartaros’s perception, Qing Shuimo’s strength has not improved a bit, but the sense of threat to him has suddenly increased to the pressure he has to bear in the face of other legendary powerhouses.

Are you kidding, legends are all ants, even if they are legends in the future, it is impossible to cross the boundary of legends!

“Absolute Destruction!”

Tartaros subconsciously thought that there was something wrong with his own perception. He opened his hand and condensed a ball of golden light, and then threw the ball of light directly at Qing Shuimo in front of him.

Qing Shuimo looked at the ball of light with a solemn expression. Although he activated the miracle mode, his own strength didn’t increase much, but he didn’t need to worry about energy.

Tartaros’s strength is considered to be one of the best even among legendary level powerhouses. The nirvana he unleashes is several times stronger than any light skill known to Qing Shuimo!

Even if it was the Lightning Skyfall that he went all out for, it could only be compared with a random blow.

[Gamma Aas Shield]!

【Lightning Skyfall】!

A light shield with a V symbol appeared on the road of the golden light sphere, and it collapsed completely after less than a second after blocking it. This is the first time Shimizumo used the Aias shield but was broken. This shows how powerful Tartarus’ blow is!

Even Shirpagon, who claims to have one of the best physical defenses, Qing Shuimo feels that it can’t last three seconds under this move of absolute destruction!

After the Aias shield disappeared, Qing Shuimo stretched out his right arm, and the Lightning Tianluo with all his strength finally detonated the energy light ball less than 300 meters in front of him.


Tartaros looked at the unscathed Shimizu Mo in surprise. Although he thought that Gallops would bring him a little trouble, he never thought that Gallops in this era would be so troublesome!

“I didn’t expect that you, who didn’t become a legend, or even reached the level of a legend, would have such great strength.”

Tartarus was a little bit emotional, is this a genius? It took less than 10,000 years to achieve a legend, leaving an invincible reputation in countless parallel universes. in his hands.

If he bites the bullet and fights against the future Galops, maybe he will become a stepping stone for the opponent’s reputation to increase!

“However, I don’t need to fight head-to-head with you, as long as you don’t interfere with my actions.”

Tartaros stretched out his hand, and streaks of golden light condensed into chains of light in his palm.

Although he only performed one move of Absolute Destruction before, it was also a very serious attempt by him. After knowing that Gallops in front of him was not so easy to mess with, Tartaros’ first reaction was to leave.!

No way, countless fiascos prevented him from displaying even one-third of his strength when facing Gallops!

Even though, Gallops in front of him didn’t even reach the level of legend!

[Absolute Limitation]!

The chains condensed by the golden light wrapped around Qing Shuimo’s body, which gave him a strange feeling.

This is because Tartaros’ move [Absolute Restriction] is similar to the gamma energy bomb mastered by Shimizu Mo in terms of energy utilization!

“Tartaros, I have to say, if it was before I obtained the miracle form, this trick might be difficult for me to crack. But, are you sure that this trick of yours can restrain me who has infinite energy?”

Qing Shuimo chuckled, and then released his own light without restriction. His whole body was like an artificial sun emitting a dazzling blue light.

Those chains of light created by Tartarus are not even qualified to be close to Shimizu Mo!

Any binding skills have a common shortcoming, that is, if the opponent’s energy is comparable to his own, then it is difficult to use the binding light!

When Beria invaded the Kingdom of Light, it was only a thought of the King of Ultra to restrain Beria, but the father of Ultra couldn’t even stop Beria’s actions. Could it be that he couldn’t restrain the light?

Of course it’s impossible!

The reason is that even if Otto’s father is the legendary leader, he can’t completely crush Beria in terms of energy!

Belia doesn’t even need to dodge his restraining light, it won’t work at all!

Tartaros’ strength is much stronger than Qingshuimo’s, but in terms of energy, Qingshuimo can wrestle with Legend, so how could he be restrained by Tartaros!

After discovering that his restraint skills couldn’t work against Shimizu Mo, Tartarus fell silent.

Section 62

As the ultimate life form, he has countless skills, but there are only a few who can fight at this level.

Unlike Galopus, who is known as the Ten Thousand Laws, Tartaros’ forte is time travel, so after his nirvana was blocked and his restraint skills had no effect, Tartaros believed Shimizu Mo’s previous judgment.

The reason why the future Gallops didn’t stop him was because he knew that Tartarus had absolutely no ability to erase or seal his past self.

Without a way to obliterate or seal his past self, then Tartaros would have no way to complete his big plan. After all, if he entangles Shimizumo by himself, then who else can make his big plan come true?

“A very clever idea, very talented and strong.”

Tartaros sighed, and he looked at Qing Shuimo with incomparably calm eyes.

He searched for a long time in the long river of time before he found the time when Gallops was born and traveled through it. If he went back a little further, then the future Galops would definitely continue to hunt him down.

And in the future… the current Gallops is so difficult to deal with. In the future, he may be able to step into the realm of legend at will!

God knows why Galopus, who is only “one year old”, is so tough and legendary!

“However, you in the future have missed a little bit!”

Tartaros looked at the mechanical floating island under his feet and showed a smile. That smile seemed extremely dangerous to Qing Shuimo!

“Back then, I didn’t completely destroy the giga-endora that Dración sent out to hunt down me! I sent it here to entangle you!”

Tartaros’ behavior of messing around made the other world’s Dración quite “displeased”, so he sent Giga-Endola and Justis to chase and kill Tartaros.

After the two sides met in the time rift, a fierce battle broke out. Justis was no match for Tartaros, so he and Gauss summoned Legerdo with the will of the universe to deal with Tartaros.

At that time, everyone’s attention was focused on Tartaros and Reggado, and no one noticed the Gigabit Endola that was “destroyed” by Tartaros!

Knowing that he was doomed, Tartaros, who had already drawn up a plan for the future, kept an eye out. He wanted to use the power of Giga Endora to cause trouble, so after destroying Giga Endora, Dración After the control program, it was sent to the Tiga Universe where Shimizu Mo was.

Because he was afraid that his plan would be discovered by Regedo and Galops, Tartarus deliberately messed up the time and sent Giga Endora to the universe 70 million years ago, thus avoiding the possibility of being discovered .


Tartaros squatted down, and then injected golden power into the mechanical floating island under his feet.

Shimizu Mo’s expression changed. Could it be that Tartarus wanted to wake up Giga Endora?

You must know that, as Dración’s weapon of war, Giga Endora has no feelings, it will only strictly obey Dración’s orders.

If it is said that Tartaros ran away, then there can only be one target of the giga-endora who cannot contact Dración!

That is the earth that was marked by Delasion a long, long time ago!


Reflecting what Qing Shui Mo thought, when the golden light dissipated, what appeared in front of Qing Shui Mo was a huge intact warship.

Gigabit Ndola!

After recovering Gigabit Endola, Tartaros waved his hand at Qing Shuimo, and then directly traveled through the space and left the place.Galops is entangled with gigabytes of Endora. With the current combat power and energy of Galops, it may not be a problem for the two sides to fight for hundreds of years.

This is enough for Tartarus to complete his plan!

Tartarus, who had teleported to an unfamiliar star field, couldn’t help but laughed heartily, but the moment two familiar figures appeared in front of him, the joy in Tartarus’ heart instantly collapsed!


He froze in place, and asked a question that he couldn’t get an answer at all!

“It’s very simple. If you don’t drive you to this era to wake up Dración, the future me will not be able to successfully break through the legend.”

Amidst the blue-golden light, the man as dazzling as a star showed a warm smile.

Although, in Tartarus’ view, this smile is full of deadly threats!

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