In the blink of an eye, more than four months have passed since the awakening of the Martial Soul, and the Soul Master Academy is about to go on winter vacation.

On the eve of the winter vacation, Tang Hao didn’t know where to return to the Holy Soul Village, he planned to go home and leave a note for Tang San to let Tang San not worry about himself, and then continue to go out to make waves.

Of course, Tang Hao did not go back to the village directly, but went to the back mountain, and his first stop was naturally the place where the Blue Silver Emperor was planted.

And then……

“Who kills pigs?”

“Which one is firing the cannons?”


One by one, the villagers of the Holy Soul Village walked out the door, questioned each other, and finally, they set their eyes in the direction of the back mountain.

On that day, the people of the Holy Soul Village heard the sound of smashing like cannon fighting and shouting like killing pigs.

“This… Isn’t that right?

The villagers glanced at each other, that direction was Old Tom’s Emperor Soul Village next door, but the sound of killing pigs over there would not reach here? Moreover, there

is no Xiaoyan over there who is so contentious, and she still cares about returning the dolls of the village, and there is no extra money to spend, so she should not be able to kill pigs?

“Quick, hurry up and contact the Soul Master of the Martial Soul Hall! There may be fierce soul beasts over there, which may threaten the village!

Thousands of meters away, a terrifying red soul power and killing realm suddenly erupted along with Tang Hao’s angry roar.

The waterfall water in the outside world flew upside down and rushed to the sky, and countless birds were startled in the forest; The small beasts with a radius of thousands of meters were all curled up in shock, and there was chaos nearby. Tang Hao was

paralyzed in the pit smashed out by the hammer, if Tang San was present, he would definitely be able to see that Tang Hao at this moment was even more downcast than the blacksmith before.

“Ah Yin…”

“Even you… Do you want to leave me too…”

Tang Hao collapsed to the ground in tears, tears fell to the ground, and deeply repented.

Ah Yin was gone, but there were no traces of others breaking in at the scene, and the prohibition he left behind was intact.

There was no sign of digging around, and this groove did not show any signs of external interference, which showed that Ah Yin had pulled his roots and left. When Ah Yin

recovered some consciousness, he also surprised Tang Hao, indicating that Ah Yin still had hope of resurrection.

But what Tang Hao didn’t expect was that when Ah Yin regained his will and action, he took advantage of the gap between his departure and resolutely chose to leave.

Perhaps, Ah Yin never forgave himself, never.

She had always known, and he had always known.

Keeping her by his side was just some self-deceptive actions to relieve the suppressed guilt in his heart, and this place was not suitable for Blue Silver Grass to survive.

He could have planted Ah Yin directly in the Blue Silver Forest, which was absolutely safe for Ah Yin, but he didn’t.

Ah Yin’s act of fleeing completely tore up his disguise and revealed his deepest thoughts.

Ah Yin left, taking her soul bone with him, the continent is so big, it is impossible for him to find her.

At that moment, Tang Hao became the scruffy blacksmith who lost his soul.

Notting City. Tang

Hao found Tang San in a blacksmith shop, he did not show up, just secretly looked at his son, left a letter to give to Yu Xiaogang, and then turned to leave.

The movement he made in the back mountain was not small, and there were already people from the Martial Soul Hall going to check it, if Tang San went back, maybe there would be trouble. Tang

Hao knew that after reading that letter, he knew that Tang San, who had left the village, would not go back.

Tang San finished the day’s work, wiped the sweat on his head, received his salary with his boss, and walked towards Notting City Soul Master Academy. The Soul

Hunting Forest was only opened to the public two months ago, after the Martial Soul Hall confirmed that it was completely safe, and his soul ring was only obtained two months ago.

In the first two months, Tang San, who had not obtained a soul ring, could not receive subsidies in the Martial Soul Hall, and now in order to make up for the previous cost of purchasing dark weapon materials, he had to work three jobs.

Tang San’s first soul ring was taken from an indigo snake that was more than three hundred and seventy years old.

The first soul technique “Winding” can be launched against targets within a range of fifty meters around, and compared with the original, it lacks toxicity, and the rest is not bad.

Yu Xiaogang didn’t have the strength to take Tang San to the Sunset Forest or other places to obtain the soul ring, so because of the incident in the Soul Hunting Forest, Tang San’s time to obtain the soul ring was delayed.

However, because Xuantian Gong’s cultivation was not pulled down, Tang San directly possessed thirteen and a half levels of soul power after obtaining the soul ring, and was also recruited by the Martial Soul Hall.

However, after receiving Yu Xiaogang’s “teaching”, Tang San politely declined the olive branch thrown by the Martial Soul Hall.

Tang San didn’t know what grudge he had with the Martial Soul Hall at present, but Yu Xiaogang was clear.

If Tang San’s Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is exposed, I’m afraid that only if he goes to Bibi Dong can he save Tang San.

Moreover, Tang San was the key to his Yu Xiaogang’s fame, how could he be allowed to join the Martial Soul Hall?

Back in the academy, Tang San met Yu Xiaogang, “Good teacher.”

“Hmm.” Yu Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction, since he obtained the soul ring two months ago, Tang San’s performance was becoming more and more satisfied.

Yu Xiaogang handed the letter in his hand to Tang San, “Little San, this is your father’s letter to you.

“Overlord’s letter?!” Tang San’s eyes lit up, took the envelope, and as a result, his face slowly became lost.

Yu Xiaogang had just met Tang Hao, and he could probably guess the contents of the letter, so he sat next to Tang San and began to instill Yu’s chicken soup, which moved Tang San to tears.

This time without Xiao Wu, Tang San did not recognize a sister, but had a closer relationship with his godfather.

(The terrifying dividing line) Tiandou

City, Tiandou Royal Academy.

More than five hundred students, more than fifty teachers, and three education committees, this is the configuration of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

It was about to go on holiday, Qian Chengxue brought Su Yan over, familiarized herself with the environment in advance, and went through the transfer procedures.

As for why come now…

Now that there is a final exam, Qian Chengxue plans to let Su Yan take the exam and let the education committee see that it is most suitable for her to go to that grade. According to the

level of culture, the Tiandou Royal Academy is divided into primary, intermediate and senior departments, and Qian Chengxue expects that even if Su Yan is a genius, it will be almost the same to go to the intermediate department.

Su Yan said that she was quite interested in high mathematics, but Qian Chengxue was worried that Su Yan could not keep up with the teaching progress of the senior department and refused her request.

The junior students are young, and the things they learn are simple and easy; The things learned by the senior department are difficult, so there are few things, and as a result, Qian Chengxue is so good that she can’t die, and sent her to the intermediate department.

For Su Yan, this is a sad story. Tiandou Royal Academy, the junior department lasts six years, the intermediate department lasts five years, and the

senior department lasts four years, just like the primary, middle and university in the previous life, so…

Su Yan’s book: “I Went to High School in Douluo Continent”

High school and the college entrance examination are the things that every traverser is the last thing he wants to face.

Qian Chengxue ignored Su Yan’s resentful eyes and took her to the Education Commission to complete the procedures.

The trainees of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy were divided into three levels according to the level of soul power.

Newly enrolled students and those with a strength of less than twenty-five levels are one layer, known as the Heavenly Micro Level, and between the twenty-fifth and thirty levels is another layer of the Heavenly Solstice Level, and above the thirty levels, they enter the highest Heaven Dou level.

Teachers are graded the same as students, but more demanding. Tiandou Royal Academy, subordinate to the royal family of the Tiandou Empire, the nominal dean, is His

Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, therefore, there is no longer a dean in the academy, and the three Tiandou-level teachers with the oldest qualifications and the strongest strength form the education committee.

Qian Chengxue personally took Su Yan to meet the three education committees, and looking at the three Contras, Su Yan’s heart did not wave.

Three Contra Luo, the Pope of the Martial Soul Hall is still my mother! Am I proud?

When the three education commissioners heard that Qian Chengxue wanted to directly let Su Yan enter the intermediate department, they dissuaded them a lot.

After all, most of the children had studied for six years in the junior department before being promoted to the intermediate department, and the three education committees all felt that Qian Chengxue was messing around.

There is no subject of physics in Douluo Continent, but mathematics is the basis for the development of every civilization and is common in any world.

So, after Su Yan found a set of mathematics exam papers for the intermediate department and made a perfect score on the spot, the three education committee members immediately agreed.

Qian Chengxue: … There are some questions that I can’t do.

Su Yan: It’s a bit of a hand, why is this “college entrance examination” question smelling of the middle exam?

Su Yan: “I want to try the roll of the senior department.

As a top student with 723 points in the college entrance examination in her previous life, Su Yan felt bored after doing the “college entrance examination” questions of Douluo Continent, and she hoped that the questions of the advanced department would be a little interesting.

The three education commissioners naturally agreed, but…

Qian Chengxue: “No, you don’t want to.

Su Yan: “I can!”

Qian Chengxue: Look into my eyes, I will give you another chance to organize the language.

She has not graduated from the intermediate department, let Su Yan go to the senior department, where will her face go?

This is a matter of principle!

In the end, Su Yan could only give up her plan to go to the senior department, but it seemed that the intermediate department of the Douluo Continent was not as terrifying as the high school in the previous life, nor was it unacceptable.

Qian Chengxue is a third grade in the intermediate department, so although Su Yan has already done a set of “college entrance examination” questions with full marks, she still arranged Su Yan to the third grade.

Su Yan was a little speechless, this little angel still wanted face.

Qian Chengxue sensed her resentment, “Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng are also in the third grade, so it is also convenient for you to contact the two of them.

Su Yan: …

Don’t say it, it’s quite reasonable.

Even if she can fight according to the Soul Venerable, the soul power on the bright side is only a dozen levels, and when the soul power is cultivated, it is difficult to contact those members of the Heaven Dou Royal First Team. Soul power and cultural teaching

are separate, the intermediate department is not responsible for soul power teaching, mainly cultural class teaching, if Su Yan wants to cultivate soul power, she should go to the Tianwei class. Send Su Yan back to the

prince’s mansion, Qian Chengxue will enter the palace to meet the Snow Night Emperor, since Su Yan is going to study at the Tiandou Royal Academy, then her identity should also have an explanation.

You know, Qian Chengxue has never mentioned Su Yan to Xueye before, and now, it’s time for Su Yan to gradually appear in the eyes of the high-level.

As soon as Qian Chengxue entered, he saw that the three education commissioners were there, and he didn’t know what he was chatting with Xueye about.

“Father Emperor, three education commissioners.” Qian Chengxue saluted the four.

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.” *3, the three education commissioners immediately returned the salute.

“Qinghe, the three education committees also told Xuan, who is that little girl named Su Yan? Why do you call her brother and sister? Xueye looked at Qian Chengxue and asked.

“Back to my father, Su Yan is a girl adopted by her sons and daughters and a young genius.”

Qian Chengxue opened her mouth to explain, “As for the proportionality of brothers and sisters, it is the children who see her as pitiful and indulge her a little, please the father and the emperor are not strange.”

“You are the prince of my Heaven Dou Empire, don’t play on top of your identity,” Xueye said, “Just this time, don’t have another time.”

“The sons and daughters obey the teachings of the Father.”

Qian Chengxue knew that Xueye had taken a fancy to Su Yan’s potential, otherwise he would not tolerate such a mess as “Xueqinghe”, and he was called a brother and sister with a commoner.

The Snow Night Emperor nodded, “That’s fine.”

He picked up the paper with a full score, “Qinghe, the three education commissioners all said that this little girl has the strength to go directly to the senior department, why do you insist on letting her go to the intermediate department?”

“After all, Su Yan is young, and Qinghe feels that it is more appropriate to let her study in the intermediate department for a period of time and then go to the senior department.” Qian Chengxue is neither humble nor arrogant, and is justified.

The Snow Night Emperor nodded, “It’s not thoughtful.”

“Qinghe, pay more attention to her on weekdays and strive to let her serve my Heaven Dou Empire.” Xueye finished his last sentence, “Okay, let’s step back if you have nothing to do.”

Qian Chengxue and the three education committee members saluted and left.

Under the secret impetus of Qian Chengxue, Su Yan’s identity was quickly known by the high-level of the Heaven Dou Empire.

This year, he awakened the martial soul, his cultivation talent was excellent, and he currently had fifteenth-level soul power, and his talent was even praised by Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.

Moreover, according to the grapevine, Su Yan is friendly with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and her wisdom and learning are not weaker than that of the Crown Prince Xueqinghe.

Above the court, many wavering courtiers had other thoughts…

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