Half a month later, Tiandou City, the prince’s mansion.

Qian Chengxue had just returned from the dynasty, and she had a general who supported Xuehaizang in the court today, and she was refreshed.

Today, Qian Chengxue proposed to Xueye to send someone to secretly intervene in the Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony, and select some well-gifted civilian children to cultivate and cultivate them into the soul master army of the empire.

However, it is difficult to say whether this Qiancheng Xue Organization, an army composed of civilian soul divisions, will belong to the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire or the Martial Soul Hall in the future.

The current army is basically composed of ordinary people, and this proposal to form a soul division army has been supported by Xueye and many ministers.

Military power must be taken by Qian Chengxue, and Qian Chengxue’s move obviously touched the interests of those generals and Xuehaizang, and naturally there was a general of Xuehaizang’s faction to take the lead in opposing it.

However, forming an army of soul masters from civilian backgrounds and letting them serve the empire is a good thing from that point of view, and Xueye naturally fully supports it.

Qian Chengxue grabbed this point by the way, and blamed the general for wanting to monopolize military power, whether he had the intention of disobedience, and by the way, he brushed it to the end, and severely suppressed the Xuehaizang faction.

According to this, the military power of the Heaven Dou Empire will slowly fall into the hands of Qian Chengxue, and those generals of the Xuehaizang faction will be slowly erected.

When Qian Chengxue returned happily, she found that Su Yan did not practice as usual, or lay on her stomach at the table writing something, but sat alone on the windowsill, watching the sunset.

Su Yan gestured at Qiancheng Xuebi, seemingly signaling her to “sit up” on the windowsill, her legs were placed outside the window, slowly dangling.

Qian Chengxue was puzzled, sat down in the space beside Su Yan, and by the light of the setting sun, she saw a completely different Su Yan.

Not the talented girl who strategizes, nor the naïve child.

More like… A fragile work of art.

Qian Chengxue had never seen any girl as beautiful as Su Yan, she carried a childishness between a boy and a girl, her every move was gentle, elegant as if she had never stepped on dust.

Su Yan sat on the window frame covered with green vines and looked at the distance, her golden pupils faint red in the setting sun.

Her silence was unbearable to break, and Qian Chengxue could only follow her to see Tiandou City under the setting sun and see the snow-white socks exposed at Su Yan’s ankles.

“Yeon-yeon, what’s wrong?” Qian Chengxue thought about it, but still spoke first.

“Sister, it’s the New Year.” Su Yan said calmly, “Do you want to go back to the Martial Soul Hall?

Qian Chengxue was stunned, she didn’t expect that Su Yan would ask this.

Since infiltrating the Heaven Dou Empire, she has stayed in the Heaven Dou Palace and has never thought of going back.

Qian Chengxue held the window sill with both hands, looking at the scenery under the setting sun, her eyes were a little confused.

She remembered things from her childhood.

Since she was a child, she has never felt maternal love.

They told themselves that the woman was their mother, but for as long as she could remember, the woman she called “mother” did not like her.

The woman’s eyes were so cold when she looked at herself, which made her subconsciously retreat, but instinctively wanted to be close. Later, she

gradually became sensible, and she felt that this may be her own problem, that she was not well-behaved, so her mother did not like her.

Then she will be a good child, hoping to get her mother’s attention, but the woman ignores it every time.

At that time, her father would comfort her, not for her reason, Cher had done well.

So why didn’t the mother like her?

Her questions went unanswered.

What answered her was the six-year-old awakening martial soul, innate level twenty soul power, she went to find that woman, eager to get her approval, a merciless slap.

On that day, the chill in the woman’s eyes made her fall into an ice cellar.

She didn’t see the so-called mother for a long time after that.

When she was nine years old, her father went out hunting with a group of strong men and ended up seriously injured.

At that time, she stayed by her father’s bedside every day, hoping that he would get better soon.

Her mother also came to visit her father, which made her happy.

Although her mother still looked cold, she was really happy to be able to come, but later, her father did not survive.

She felt like the world was collapsing, but her mother didn’t show up that day.

Later, in the papal palace, she saw the woman again.

The woman was dressed beautifully, wearing her father’s crown, the papal crown.

She cried and asked why, grabbed the hem of the woman’s skirt, and tried to let the woman go to see her father, but she pushed her away.

At that time, all the sadness and tears welled up, and she cried helplessly, but was greeted by the cold eyes of the woman.

The woman just left, leaving behind her back and disappearing at the end of the corridor.

Later, Grandpa personally raised and taught herself, and in order to prove herself to that woman, she chose to enter the Heaven Dou Empire to lurk.

Later, the woman she called her mother took in a female disciple.

At that time, she realized that her mother did not love it, but that love did not belong to her.

Even if she really took the Heaven Dou Empire, that woman wouldn’t look at her differently, right?

So, why go back?

Qian Chengxue suddenly felt that someone was holding her hand, and she turned her head slightly to meet Su Yan’s clear eyes.

“Yanyan,” Qian Chengxue asked a little nervously, “you… Want to go back?

Su Yan smiled and shook her head, “Where is my sister, I am there.”

Qian Chengxue subconsciously clenched her hand, and a smile unconsciously appeared on her face.

She touched Su Yan’s head and said with a smile, “Okay, sister will accompany you in Tiandou City this year, if you want, next time my sister will accompany you.”

“No,” Su Yan shook her head slightly, “not next time.

She looked straight into Qian Chengxue’s eyes, “Every time.”

Qian Chengxue was startled, and then laughed, “Okay, every time.”

She reached out and took Su Yan into her arms, “Yanyan, thank you.” The

remnant sun in the sky was falling, Qian Chengxue’s slender eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, sorrow flowed out between her eyebrows, and two lines of tears silently crossed her cheeks.

The sadness that erupted from Qian Chengxue’s body surged up, fierce and fierce, like a long knife slashed head-on.

“You are a scumbag, you are not my daughter!”

That cold and stubborn voice echoed in my ears again. She denied the

relationship with herself, so she denied all the vague feelings, and did not even give herself the slightest chance to verify, and did it beautifully, and did it perfectly.

Qian Chengxue could stab any enemy with his sword without hesitation, and could make the prince quietly evaporate in the Heaven Dou Empire, but he could not change the woman’s words.

Some tragedies are unsolved, it is a dead knot.

You can’t do anything in the face of dead knots, what hope can you talk about?

“Yeon-yeon… Your original mother doesn’t want you anymore, aren’t you unwilling? You just a little… Don’t hate her either? Qian Chengxue choked and said.

“No one escapes grief, sister,” Su Yan said softly, “the stronger the person, the deeper her sorrow is hidden.” “I don’t

hate her because I don’t know why she abandoned me, and besides, she gave me life.”

“Until I know the truth back then, I have no right to hate her.”

Su Yan looked up at the ceiling. “Lonely or something, but a little.”

“But it’s useless to feel lonely, you can huddle with strangers to keep warm, so you won’t be lonely?” Do you talk to strangers so you won’t be lonely? Su Yan and Qian

Chengxue looked at each other, and when the soul power surged up, Qian Chengxue’s purple pupils turned a faint gold, but it was not as cold and tyrannical as her pupils, but divine and gentle.

But, the same loneliness.

“You survived by luck and hard work, but you are always a person, dead or alive, you alone will hurt.”

“You gradually forget the previous insistence, in order to gain her approval, you also began to learn to treat others as pawns, when you look in the mirror, you can only see the golden pupils are hideous like lava, but that hideousness really makes you happy.” “You become indifferent to everything, you become high and cold, you become cruel, you

feel inhuman but you don’t feel fear, even full of joy…”

“It’s really bad, sister, you know what.”

Su Yan’s speech became faster and faster, like a curse issued by a witch in the depths of darkness, and with each word, the loneliness in her eyes became stronger.

In the end, Su Yan’s beautiful little face was occupied by stormy loneliness and sadness, and her pupils were shining like gold.

“Sister, you shouldn’t be like this.”

Qian Chengxue is the inheritor of the angel god, she should have been the most beautiful girl in the world, and passed all the love and beauty to the entire continent.

She shouldn’t… It became what it is.

Qian Chengxue was stunned, looking at Su Yan stunned, and various complex emotions flashed in her eyes.

Su Yan knew that she shouldn’t have come to many things, shouldn’t have asked Qian Chengxue about this, she was not good at doing thought work, but she couldn’t help it.

She saw Qiancheng Xue, hidden under the identity of Xueqinghe, the incomparably rich loneliness.

In the dragon world, Su Yan does not agree with the so-called “blood mourning”, and many people say that she is naturally cold-blooded.

Blood mourning, when you have blood, you will always remind yourself that you are not an ordinary person, and only the loneliness in the same kind will be eliminated.

In her opinion, this is just an excuse to attract half-bloods to join.

People with bloodlines are better than ordinary people in all aspects, and they are basically from large families, enjoying power and power that commoners cannot expect in their lives.

How many of these people feel lonely?

Except for a very few people who are manipulated by fate and step on the last throne alone, the so-called loneliness of others is just a disease in the middle two.

She never buys this so-called loneliness, will you run faster than others, jump higher than others, go out without a lighter, and will not be lonely on rainy days?

It’s like someone else’s house is an off-road vehicle, her home is a tank, if the road can’t hold up and the conditions don’t allow, she can drive to the overpass and sit in front of the whole city?

However, after living with Qian Chengxue for so long, Su Yan slowly felt that the so-called blood mourning might really exist.

And that’s not because of blood, but because of fate.

“Blood mourning” is the privilege of tragic characters.

The sun completely set below the ground level, and Su Yan’s pupils reflected a faint black, and the golden light swirled in the gloomy black, like an ancient dragon, swirling in the depths of the dark clouds.

“If there really is so much sadness and unwillingness, why not simply… What about igniting the world?

“Our target is the entire continent.”

“Sister, don’t be afraid, loneliness is the biggest devil, then we will be together… Kill him!

“Good.” Qian Chengxue held Su Yan’s hand, “Let’s kill him together!”

In a mansion in the Heaven Dou Empire, two lonely souls warmed each other. And in the

middle of the night, Bibi Dong stayed alone in the papal palace, no one spoke with her, no one dared to disobey her anymore, and everyone had to treat her respectfully.

Will she be lonely?

Su Yan didn’t know, but every time Bibi Dong appeared in front of the public, he was always so high, and his violet pupils were like flowers carved out of ice, and he never showed weakness.

She should… Lonely too, right?

Why are they all the same lonely souls, but they are unwilling to accept their daughters?

Wuhun City, the Pope’s Palace, Bibi Dong seemed to be conscious, sitting in front of the window, looking at the moon in the sky.

All three stayed up all night.

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