A month later, Tiandou Royal Academy.

Intermediate Department, Third Year Class.

On the first day of school, there was an exam, the “Heart Examination”, also known as the “Punishment Test”, which only tested mathematics as a subject.

For the students of Tiandou Royal Academy, this exam is simply that rat poop in a pot of soup, making them restless for a holiday.

As a transfer student, Su Yan naturally wants to take the exam, but the difficulty of this exam is not as high as the middle school entrance examination in her previous life, and it is not a matter for her at all.

So, half an hour after the start of the exam, Su Yan handed in the papers and went out to play.

However, no one was surprised, Qian Chengxue had already secretly announced Su Yan’s identity, not only the teachers knew her level, but even the students who could study at the Tiandou Royal Academy had heard about it.

The teacher of the third-grade class has already received instructions from the three education committees, as long as Su Yan does not affect the order of the class, she can do whatever she wants.

And those family children were instructed by their elders to try to befriend Su Yan, so as to establish a relationship with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, even if they couldn’t make good friends, they couldn’t offend.

The Tiandou Royal Academy was not allowed to hand in papers in advance, but the invigilator acquiesced to Su Yan’s behavior, and when he took the full paper, he looked at it carefully.

First question, right.

Second question, right.

The third question, yes…

Full score, and even each big question, used more than three methods to solve the problem, from difficult to easy, some methods, even she has never seen.

The corners of the teacher’s mouth were almost grinning, and at first she heard that a six-year-old child was coming, and she thought that which relationship was coming to play, it was estimated that it would be very troublesome, and she didn’t want to accept it.

However, after knowing the identity of the child, the teacher agreed without much thought, and this kind of student she would have died if she missed it.

Where is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince here to let his sister play, this is to let a genius come in and fry fish!

Look, what is “not inferior to the talent of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince”?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said at that time, “Don’t take extra care of her because she is young”, and all the teachers listened to her as a scene.

Because…… Do they still need to take care of this level?

That morning, Su Yan’s name once again spread throughout the entire Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

Everyone knows that a six-year-old girl brought by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a full score in mathematics in the third grade of the Intermediate Department!

The teaching subjects of the intermediate department, in addition to mathematics, only part of the biology class, explain the habits, attributes and weaknesses of some common soul beasts, and only mathematics has to be examined, which is quite monotonous.

As for the soul beast part, even if it is not assessed, almost everyone will study seriously, and those who can study here are soul masters, and they are still attentive to their soul rings.

For Su Yan, the first place in the math test is really nothing, and she can take a hundred in this paper because the total score is only one hundred.

As a crosser who has long learned these things, there is nothing to be proud of.

However, this matter undoubtedly dealt a great blow to other students, and some who were not talented in cultivation and specialized in cultural subjects were even more deeply hit.

In the Douluo Continent, if your cultivation talent is good and your cultural subject grades are good or bad, there are no mandatory requirements for the academy, and you can graduate after graduation;

Students with average cultivation talents can only work hard to study those knowledge that those with good talents do not value, hoping that in the future, they can use this to seek a civil position. Those with strong

cultivation talent are geniuses, and those with strong learning ability are talents, although Douluo Continent respects strength, but in the Heaven Dou Empire, this empire where the royal martial soul is the swan, the aristocratic class also attaches importance to talents.

And now, there is a person who has put these two together.

Six years old, soul power fluctuations are not weaker than fifteen levels, the questions of the third grade are done casually, what kind of cool script is this?

After the exam today, she will be fine, tomorrow in class, and when others want to find Su Yantao, she has already run away.

When Su Yan returned to the classroom the next day, she found that the whole class looked at her somewhat wrong.

However, after two lifetimes, what scenes has she never seen?

Su Yan ignored those gazes, found her seat and sat down, and took out the high number that she had been soft and hard with Qian Chengxue yesterday and was about to come. The seats in

this classroom are all double seats, but Su Yan doesn’t want to share a table with others, and those people in the province are always annoying themselves.

Back by the window, King’s hometown.

The intermediate department is a 2+3+2 arrangement, two days of cultural classes, three days of soul power cultivation, and weekends and weekends free arrangement, compared with the primary department, the cultivation time is longer, but the study is also heavier.

To be honest, Su Yan is really not interested in junior high school knowledge, and the senior department of Douluo Continent does not even have calculus, which is estimated to be about the same as the high school in the previous life.

It seems that the soul masters of the Douluo Continent all attach importance to soul power cultivation, while the development of science and culture is not taken seriously.

No wonder this continent has developed for 10,000 years, but now there is still nothing.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, since the soul master class does not pay attention to these, can she let the Martial Soul Hall select some civilian children to cultivate?

Although Su Yan didn’t understand what the soul guide was, the knowledge in her mind was enough to free the mainland from the current “semi-primitive society”.

If this idea is feasible, then the changes brought to the mainland must be huge, and the status of the Martial Soul Hall in the minds of the common people will also rise.

In other words, if the proposal is passed, the newspaper over there in the Martial Soul Hall should also publish the first issue soon, right?

After she raised the importance of public opinion, she told Bibi Dong and Qiandaoliu about the news and media, including industry standards and precautions.

However, she didn’t know if Qian Daoliu, the hanger boy, and Bibi Dong, a woman with a history of blackening, would implement this proposal that was beneficial to the Martial Soul Hall.

Qian Daoliu only cares about whether Qian Chengxue can become a god, and doesn’t care much, Bibi Dong… What state it is now, she can’t say, this proposal is probably a pigeon.

Or, let Qian Chengxue write a letter to urge him?

The inside of the Martial Soul Hall must also be strictly investigated, and all the guys who fish and flesh the people should be disposed of…

Su Yan was thinking about things, when suddenly it was dark in front of her, and two people stood in front of her, blocking the sunlight.

As soon as Su Yan looked up——

Oh, Caesar and Nono (not)

Ahem, it’s going to be a cross-stage, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan!

Yu Tianheng, as one of the heirs of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, has always had a faint domineering aura, like a natural leader, which is very similar to Caesar’s temperament.

And Dugu Yan, as the granddaughter of Poison Douluo Dugubo, is also a lawless little witch, and the two seem to be a good match.

Dugu Yan smiled, and Yu Tianheng had a cold face.

Dugu Yan sat very familiarly on the seat next to Su Yan, “Little sister, what are you writing?”

“Third grade high number.” Su Yan replied.

“Oh, third grade high… High numbers? Dugu Yan was stunned, Yu Tianheng was stunned, and the whole class was stunned.

Is this a human thing?

“I still don’t know what the little sister is called?” Su Yan put down her pen and looked at Dugu Yan, she really “didn’t know” Dugu Yan when she first arrived.

This was sent by her own door, it’s none of my business, I’m just talking.

“Haha, young sister, it’s quite an interesting title.” Dugu Yan smiled delicately, “Dugu Yan, your senior sister.”

Dugu Yan said while pointing at Yu Tianheng, “This is Yu Tianheng, your senior.”

Yu Tianheng nodded, “You are very powerful.

As one of the heirs of the big family, Yu Tianheng is a comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor, and the cultural class has not fallen behind, so he knows better how powerful Su Yan can get a full score in the exam.

Now it seems that Su Yan may be stronger in mathematics.

“Thank you, but the two seniors are standing here, shouldn’t they just praise me?” Su Yan smiled and spoke.

Although they are now in class together, but senior sister is senior sister, Su Yan is not so particular about it, it is just a title.

Duguyan said in a coquettish tone, “Of course not. We’re coming…”

At this time, Yu Tianheng spoke, “Get acquainted.”

Su Yan: … Why do you Caesar smell of Chu Zihang?

Yu Tianheng’s emotional intelligence… How is it a bit like Chu Zihang?

Su Yan was a little curious, is Yu Tianheng a social cow coin, or can’t socialize? And is this kid a gossip?

Caesar = social cow coinage, Chu Zihang = social fear.

So Caesar + Chu Zihang = social terrorists.

Su Yan was a little nostalgic for no reason, and the time when the three neurotic little days were divided.

The application organization sent a Lu Mingfei over thank you.

Looking at Yu Tianheng, who chatted the sky to death with a word, Dugu Yan was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly played the circle, “Little sister, are you willing to eat with senior sister at noon today?”

“Of course you can, then thank you in advance.” Su Yan responded immediately.

Looking at the two people who walked away, Su Yan felt more and more discordant.

Chu Zihang’s version of Caesar and the purple-haired snake martial soul Nono, what the hell is this match?!

Chu Xia and Kai Nuo stumbled together, but unfortunately, the relationship between the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family and the Martial Soul Hall could not be reconciled at all.

Therefore, this pair of mandarin ducks she intends to fight personally.

“Did you notice it?” Returning to his seat and sitting down, Yu Tianheng quietly asked Dugu Yan.

“Well, although I don’t know if her current soul power is level fifteen, I feel the martial soul suppression from her.” Dugu Yan changed his relaxed expression just now, and his expression was a little solemn.

“My blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex also faintly has a feeling of being suppressed.” Yu Tianheng said.

“What? Even you were suppressed? Dugu Yan’s face had turned into shock, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex was the strongest beast martial soul on the continent, what martial soul could overstep and suppress it?

“Well,” Yu Tianheng nodded, “The family asked me to try to befriend her, but I don’t know, the family knows about this.”

“Grandpa also let me take care of her if I can,” Dugu Yan glanced at Su Yan and lowered her voice, “What are you going to do?”

Su Yan laughed when she heard the whispered words of the two, the blue electric tyrannosaurus rex is only a sub-dragon species, and the biphosphorus snake is not even a sub-dragon species, and it is normal to be suppressed.

She deliberately released a trace of breath, that is, to make Dugu Yan and them wary and fish Dugu Bo out, and she had a relationship with Dugu Bo in the past two days.

She was too lazy to deal with the old stubbornness of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Tianheng was only incidental, and Dugu Yan and Dugu Bo behind her were the point.

Dugu Bo’s speed will definitely be faster than that of the Blue Dragon Family, and when the time comes, with Dugu Bo’s relationship on the surface, Yu Yuanzhen will have to think about it if he wants to move her.

Of course, if Yu Tianheng remained silent because of Dugu Yan’s relationship, it would naturally be better.

Su Yan, who brushed three sets of rolls in the morning, finally waited for dinner.

She can only say, boring, quite boring (┯_┯)

Take a nap in the afternoon, the classroom desk, sleep on the stomach is the most comfortable.

“Senior sister, let’s go!” Dugu Yan came over to greet Su Yan, but Yu Tianheng was still expressionless.

One thing that is better about Tiandou Royal Academy is that because there are few people, there is no need to grab food.

Su Yan was about to see if the cafeteria aunt of the Royal Academy was also shaking, when she found Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng walking in the other direction with her.

“Aren’t we going to the cafeteria?” Su Yan was a little curious.

“Invite Senior Sister to eat, how can I eat in the cafeteria?” Dugu Yan smiled, “Senior sister take you out to eat!”

Tiandou Royal Academy does not allow students to go out at noon, but for people like Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng, some school rules are useless.

While speaking, the three of them came to a place with few people, and Yu Tianheng directly jumped on the wall first.

Su Yan: …

High-end truancy tends to take the most modest approach.

Dugu Yan glanced at Su Yan, “How is it, can you go up?” Do you want Senior Sister to help you?

“No thanks, I can do it myself.” After speaking, Su Yan took the first two steps and jumped directly onto the wall.

Dugu Yan didn’t say anything, turned over directly, and led the way with Yu Tianheng in front.

At this time, Su Yan sensed that a person was secretly following them, and the breath was like a poisonous snake secretly spitting letters, which made people’s backs chill.

Dugu Bo?

The corners of Su Yan’s mouth turned up slightly, it seemed that Dugu Yan was already in the recess, trying to contact Dugu Bo, this action was quite fast.


It’s part of the plan!

The three walked to a well-known “Baiwei House” in Tiandou City, opened a private room, and Dugu Yan handed the menu to Su Yan, “What do you want to eat?” Feel free. ”

Sisters, that’s what you said.

Then, looking at the stack of bowls next to Su Yan, the corners of Dugu Yan’s mouth twitched; Looking at the bill handed over by the waiter, Yu Tianheng’s face turned blue.

“I’m sorry, I’ll take this meal.” Su Yan wiped her mouth, took out a gold soul coin and handed it to the waiter, and after the waiter left, she slowly spoke.

“Senior Dugu Bo, why don’t you come out and meet you?”

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