People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 21: A man who is raised by a child

Jun Yi's heart was full of excitement, and he said, "Fuck! I really became a child-raising husband?!"

But he still politely replied, "Let it go. If Rongrong really likes me, then it's good for me to be a son-in-law."

Bone Douluo was puzzled and asked, "What is a son-in-law?"

"It means marrying into our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect."

Hearing this, Bone Douluo laughed and scolded, "You kid, think about it. If you can't make a career on your own, you can only marry into our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. Then you will have to listen to Rongrong in everything in the future, okay? Haha."

"That's good too. The doctor said that I have a bad stomach and am suitable for eating gigolo rice." Jun Yi laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, kid. Pack up. I'll take you to hunt souls."

Bone Douluo turned around and left, but Jun Yi stopped him.

"Grandpa Gu, wait a minute, look at what this is?"

Jun Yi summoned his soul ring, a dark yellow soul ring, which looked particularly dazzling in the room.

"Soul ring? When did the coward help you attach it?" Bone Douluo said in astonishment. He thought that Sword Douluo and Jun Yi attached it.

"Grandpa Bone, you misunderstood. This soul ring appeared on my body by itself. Grandpa Sword did not attach it to me." Jun Yi said the excuse he had thought of long ago.

"Appeared by itself?" Bone Douluo was shocked again. A soul ring that appeared by itself? He had never heard of a soul ring appearing by itself in his life.

"Yeah, I don't know why. When I was practicing yesterday, I felt that there was a stream of energy gathering in my body. Just after I absorbed this energy, this soul ring suddenly appeared, and my soul power reached level 14."

As he said, Jun Yi released his soul power fluctuations for Bone Douluo to sense. Bone Douluo carefully checked and found that Jun Yi's soul power had indeed broken through and reached level 14.

Bone Douluo touched his chin in confusion, and then said to Jun Yi: "I have never seen you in this situation before. Come with me to meet Feng Zhi. He has some research on martial spirits."


Jun Yi followed Bone Douluo to the imperial study of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. At this time, the originally empty desk was filled with a large number of books and bamboo slips. Ning Fengzhi seemed to be looking for something. He was looking through the books, but he found nothing in the end.

He sighed slightly and sat back in his chair.

Seeing this, Gu Douluo stepped forward and said, "Fengzhi, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower has been passed down for thousands of years, and the defects have always existed. The predecessors have never found a solution. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

After hearing Gu Douluo's comfort, Ning Fengzhi smiled on his tired face and said, "Rongrong's innate soul power has reached level 9, and she is also the only one in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect who has reached level 9 in the past thousand years. I don't want her to be bound by the defects of her martial soul."

"Rongrong is still young, and you still have a long time. Don't put too much pressure on yourself." Gu Douluo comforted.

"As parents, don't we all want our children to live better than ourselves in the future?" Ning Fengzhi smiled bitterly.

"Don't put pressure on yourself anymore. Come on, think about something else. Jun kid, come here."

Gu Douluo asked Jun Yi to come to Ning Fengzhi's side.

Ning Fengzhi asked curiously, "What happened?"

Gu Douluo exchanged glances with Jun Yi, and Jun Yi understood and summoned his first soul ring.

Ning Fengzhi looked at the soul ring summoned by Jun Yi and murmured, "The soul ring is dark yellow, which is the color that soul rings over 700 years old can show. Under the dark yellow of Xiao Yi's first soul ring, there is also a hint of purple. I think this soul ring is about 900 years old."

Ning Fengzhi drank the tea on the table and said, "I didn't expect Xiao Yi's physical fitness to be so good that he can withstand a soul ring over 900 years old. Uncle Gu, you let Xiao Yi absorb a soul ring of this age, which shows that you are very confident in his talent!"

Gu Douluo laughed, "That's natural. Jun Yi's talent has even reached the level of a demon."

Gu Douluo continued, "Fengzhi, do you know how he got this soul ring?"

"Didn't you bring him to attach it?" Ning Fengzhi said as a matter of course.

Gu Douluo shook his head.

"This soul ring appeared on Jun Yi by itself."

"What? Appeared by itself?" Ning Fengzhi

stood up from the chair in shock, came to Jun Yi's side, half-knelt and looked into Jun Yi's eyes, and said: "Xiao Yi, I want to use soul power to check your body, is it okay?"

"Yes." Jun Yi nodded.

After that, Ning Fengzhi released his soul power into Jun Yi's body and checked it carefully.

"Huh? Strange..." After a moment, Ning Fengzhi frowned.

"What's wrong?" Bone Douluo asked.

"There is no breath of any soul beast left in this soul ring, as if it is condensed by a ball of energy." Ning Fengzhi pondered.

"What's going on?" Bone Douluo asked in confusion.

Ning Fengzhi thought for a moment, then raised his hand and patted Jun Yi, a wisp of soft soul power entered Jun Yi's body, and then Ning Fengzhi closed his eyes and meditated.

Jun Yi did not dare to disturb him, and waited patiently.

After a few minutes, Ning Fengzhi opened his eyes, then sighed softly, and said helplessly: "I don't know what's going on. Xiaoyi, where did you get this soul ring from?"

"It was automatically formed from my martial soul."

"Formed from the martial soul?"

Ning Fengzhi was silent for a few seconds again, and then said: "Maybe it's really because of the martial soul. After all, Xiaoyi is not a soul beast, and it is impossible for him to produce soul rings by himself."

Ning Fengzhi had to attribute it to Jun Yi's martial soul. When Jun Yi was very young, Ning Fengzhi and the two titled Douluo had seen him. If Jun Yi was really a soul beast, he would have been recognized by the two titled Douluo long ago.

"Maybe, after all, my martial soul is indeed a little special. When it awakened, there was a voice in my heart that told me to swallow it, and then I had the ability I have now." Jun Yi added.

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said, "This is also a good thing, saving a lot of time and energy. Xiaoyi, what is the effect of your first soul skill?"

Jun Yi scratched his head and said awkwardly, "It seems that no soul skill has appeared."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly and said, "No soul skill? How is this possible? Judging from the powerful energy contained in your first soul ring, your first soul skill should be very powerful. How could there be no soul skill?"

Jun Yi looked sad and said, "Indeed, there is no soul skill. Perhaps this is the disadvantage."

Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi comforted Jun Yi and said, "Xiaoyi, don't be discouraged. Even if there is no soul skill, you can create it yourself. We will give you the best guidance. Xiaoyi, I believe you can become a powerful soul master in the future."


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