People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 22 Ning Rongrong is out of character

"Well, I will definitely work hard."

Jun Yi replied, feeling relieved.

Originally, he had thought of a lot of reasons to fool around about the origin of his soul ring, but in the end, Jun Yi still attributed the origin of the soul ring to his martial soul, and then he didn't know anything about it. After all, it's better not to say anything than to say more.

Ning Fengzhi saw that Jun Yi was not sad, so he gently stroked his head and said, "Xiao Yi, your martial soul has produced a soul ring by itself, which just saves a lot of time. After breakfast, you can go to Uncle Jian to learn about self-created soul skills. I believe he will give you a lot of guidance."

"Yeah, Grandpa Jian will definitely be shocked when he sees my soul ring."

Jun Yi waved to the two of them, and said as he left, "While there is still some time, I will go to practice for a while. Uncle Ning, Grandpa Gu, you are busy, I will slip away first."

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Douluo smiled and nodded, watching Jun Yi leave the study.

After Jun Yi left, Ning Fengzhi's face changed and he looked at Gu Douluo seriously, saying, "Uncle Gu, are you sure that Xiaoyi is not a soul beast?"

"It has been confirmed. Jun Xiaozi cannot be a soul beast." Gu Douluo said firmly.

"That's good."

Gu Douluo shook his head and continued, "If I hadn't personally checked Jun Xiaozi's body, it would be hard not to think that he is a soul beast through his various performances."

"Yes, he is born with full soul power, has mastered the long-lost soul guide technology, and can produce soul rings on his own. Except for his childish personality, he is no different from a 100,000-year soul beast who has been retrained." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

Bone Douluo nodded and continued, "We have watched that kid grow up since he was a child. Apart from his unknown background, we know everything about him and there won't be any problems."

"Even if Xiaoyi is a 100,000-year-old soul beast, he deserves the protection of our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect just because he can make soul guides. This is a technology that can change the future pattern of the continent and is enough to support the rise of our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. We must definitely protect Xiaoyi with all our strength."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Bone Douluo solemnly and said, "Uncle Gu, I hope you can protect Xiaoyi during his time in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"This is what I should do."


On Jun Yi's side, just as he returned to the attic and was about to walk to his room, he saw that the door next to Jun Yi, which would not make any noise until noon, suddenly opened.

Ning Rongrong actually walked out from inside. She had changed her appearance from the rich girl in the past. Her long hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She was wearing light blue plain clothes and trousers. She was completely different from usual.

"The sun rose from the west today? Or am I hallucinating? Rongrong, you actually got up so early?" Jun Yi was surprised.

"Humph, since I made a bet with you, I have to work hard to practice. I will get up early every morning to exercise, and I will follow Grandpa Jian to learn the close combat skills of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. I believe that with my talent, it will be easy to surpass you." Ning Rongrong said proudly.

Hearing this, Jun Yi looked at Ning Rongrong with sudden enlightenment. He didn't expect Ning Rongrong to really work hard to surpass herself. He originally thought that it was just an excuse Ning Rongrong used to comfort herself, but she seemed to really put it into practice.

Jun Yi reached out and touched her head, smiling and said: "Then you have to work hard. To surpass me, you have to make countless efforts and sweat to achieve it."

"I believe I can do it." Ning Rongrong said confidently.

Just after he finished speaking, Ning Rongrong suddenly reacted and asked curiously: "Why hasn't Grandpa Gu taken you to attach the spirit ring? Hasn't he come yet?"

"He has come, but as for attaching the spirit ring, I'm afraid it will be delayed." Jun Yi said mysteriously.

"Delay?" Ning Rongrong blinked her big eyes and looked at Jun Yi in confusion.

"You will know the reason when we practiced in the morning. I won't say anything more. Let's go back to the room."

Jun Yi waved his hand and was about to go back to his room. Ning Rongrong grabbed his arm and said, "Since you are fine, let's go for a run."

After that, Ning Rongrong dragged Jun Yi out of the attic.

"Hey, I didn't say I was going."

"I said you were going."


The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in the early morning was so beautiful, with sunshine, warm and soft, birds singing and flowers blooming, refreshing and refreshing.

Jun Yi and Ning Rongrong were running slowly in the huge Seven Treasures Glazed Sect mountain. After running for an unknown period of time, Ning Rongrong, who was at the back, could already feel her breathing becoming increasingly rapid, with dense cold sweat on her forehead.

Jun Yi, who was running in front of her, was breathing steadily, without a drop of sweat, and his speed was also increasing.

"Jun Yi, wait for me! Why are you running so fast!" Ning Rongrong shouted from behind.

Jun Yi heard the voice and slowed down to walk side by side with Ning Rongrong.

"How is it, do you want to take a break?" Jun Yi asked.

"How much is left for one lap?"

"Still, how much is left for one lap?"

"We have run about half a lap. You have never exercised before. It's already amazing that you ran so much for the first time. How about we take a break?" Jun Yi continued to comfort her.

"I can still continue. Keep running." Ning Rongrong shook her head and refused.

Jun Yi looked at Ning Rongrong, who was sweating profusely, and he couldn't help but admire Ning Rongrong's perseverance.

When Jun Yi heard Ning Rongrong propose to run around the perimeter of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he felt that this was an unlikely goal to achieve. How big is the perimeter of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? According to the standards of Blue Star, it is at least 20 kilometers away.

This is too difficult for Ning Rongrong, who has never exercised before, but Ning Rongrong has a strong will and still wants to continue running.

The two ran about a quarter of the distance, and Ning Rongrong finally couldn't hold on. Jun Yi saw Ning Rongrong's feet soften and she was about to fall to the ground, so he dodged and supported her.

"Rongrong, it's okay."

"I'm fine, I still have to run, this is just the beginning."

Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth and stood up with her legs, but she had indeed reached her limit. She didn't even have the strength to take a step now.

"Okay, let's stop here today. Since you've worked so hard, I'll carry you to finish the rest of the journey."

Jun Yi half-squatted, put his hand on Ning Rongrong's lower back, and said, "Come on."


Ning Rongrong lay on Jun Yi's back obediently, hugged his neck gently, put her whole face against Jun Yi's ear, sniffed lightly, and a faint fragrance lingered on Jun Yi's neck.

"Hold on tightly, don't fall down." Jun Yi took a deep breath, quickened his pace, and ran towards the back mountain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect.

Although Ning Rongrong did not deliberately control her breathing, Jun Yi could still feel Ning Rongrong's slight panting and snoring. She was really too tired, so tired that she fell asleep directly on Jun Yi's back...

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