People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 588 My life has been colorful.

In response to this, Xue Ke became furious and told the matter directly to the officials in the court. Naturally, the officials turned towards Ning Fengzhi. In fact, they looked down on this so-called "Queen" in their hearts. In their hearts, Xue Ke was just a yellow-haired girl. .

However, they still maintained superficial respect, "Your Majesty, the regent must have done this after careful consideration. Please calm down."

After hearing what the ministers said, Xue Ke snorted coldly, "Thoughtful? He just gave half of the Star Luo Empire to the Wuhun Empire for nothing, and you still say that he thought carefully? Could it be that our Tiandou Empire can't afford Xingluo?" Empire?" The ministers lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into Xue Ke's eyes.

Afterwards, Xue Ke directly photographed Ning Fengzhi's letter on the conference table, "Look, this is what our great regent has done!"

"Your Majesty, the current Tiandou Empire is far less powerful than before. The continuous wars for many years have weakened our Tiandou Empire a lot. Now we really cannot fully incorporate the Star Luo Empire into our territory. Moreover, if the Wuhun Empire really takes action, there will be so many of them. Title Douluo, we Tiandou cannot resist at all, so the regent does this for the sake of our Tiandou Empire."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the regent is doing everything for our Tiandou Empire."

. . . . .

Ministers, I will persuade you with every word, and put in good words for Ning Fengzhi.

Xueke's anger grew stronger and stronger as she listened to the ministers' words. She never expected that these ministers would treat Ning Fengzhi like this, but she couldn't refute it. The reason why Xueke's character has changed so drastically is because in the past two months, she has enjoyed the supreme power brought to her by the throne. She has jumped from a princess who was not taken seriously by anyone before to becoming the new emperor. ,

Becoming the true master of this empire, this huge change in status and power caused a huge change in Xue Ke's mentality. During these two months, Xue Ke gradually realized the benefits of power, and began to have his own ideas and opinions. He began to try to master the throne and truly make the throne his own.

Xue Ke took a deep breath, "Since everyone thinks he did the right thing, then we will follow his wishes and go take over the Star Luo Empire."

All the ministers nodded, "Your Majesty is wise."

Xue Ke waved his hand, "In this case, let's proceed as planned."

Afterwards, the ministers left the main hall of the palace one after another, leaving Xue Ke standing alone in the court hall.

Soon, Ning Fengzhi also learned about Xue Ke's tantrum in the hall, but he did not feel any surprise. It seemed that he had already guessed such an ending.

"Power will quickly change a person, even if he has never been a kind-hearted and transparent person.

After tasting the taste of power, they will be swallowed up by this huge magic power and become greedy. "

Ning Fengzhi murmured, she understood that Xue Ke's mentality had changed, from the previous pursuit of self-preservation to wanting to hold the entire Tiandou Empire in his hands.

Ning Fengzhi played with the wine glass in his hand, with a smile on his lips. If Xueke wanted to control the Tiandou Empire, he, the regent, would be the biggest obstacle. It is estimated that the queen's next step would be to turn the gun on him. "If I were thirty years younger, I would definitely tease this little girl, but it's a pity that I am already old."

After the situation in the Star Luo Empire was completely stabilized, another news reached the Tiandou Palace. The regent was too overworked and became ill due to overwork. He was no longer qualified to be the regent. He chose to resign from the emperor and lived in seclusion in the world. .

This news once again detonated the Tiandou Empire. Many ministers petitioned the emperor, hoping that Xue Ke would come forward to retain Ning Fengzhi, but Xue Ke chose to refuse.

She just said lightly: "Since the regent has decided, let's do what he wants." Seeing that Xue Ke had no intention of staying, the ministers had to leave. Everyone present was understanding. They all understand that the queen wants to hold all the power in her own hands, and Ning Fengzhi already belongs to the supreme master. If Ning Fengzhi does not withdraw, then Xue Ke will definitely choose to deal with him.

As the person involved, Ning Fengzhi had disappeared from everyone's sight. It was Bone Douluo who found Ning Fengzhi and took him away. At this time, he and Bone Douluo were lying in a small courtyard in Xiangyun Village. basking in the sun on the chair.

"Fengzhi, don't worry. I will take care of Rongrong. Bibi Dong is very good to her and takes care of her as her own daughter.

Although she no longer has a martial spirit and is now an ordinary person, she lives a happy life and is surrounded by people who love her. "Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly. He had already heard about Ning Rongrong from Bone Douluo. In his opinion, Ning Rongrong's life is really good now, and it is better than being trapped in the endless power struggle. .

"It's your charm. Why does your appearance look so weathered when I see you this time?" "I became sick due to overwork and I was too lazy to treat it, so I became what you are now. It doesn't matter. I have this I have already had enough life. Looking back now, my life has been quite colorful.”

"Yes, I have watched you grow up. You have had your own ideas since you were a child. If I could have noticed earlier that you had such deep feelings for Xu Ronger, I should have kept her by my side back then. , maybe everything will not be like this now," Bone Douluo said with emotion.

"There's nothing bad about it now. At least in my opinion, I can come to this point now, all within my expectations. I can personally avenge Xu Ronger, and I will die without regrets." Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

"What are your plans for the future?" Bone Douluo asked. Ning Fengzhi sighed lightly, "On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month of this year, my deal with Jun Yi should also end. By then, I will go to find Rong'er."

When Gu Douluo heard this, he calculated the time and thought that Ning Fengzhi only had half a year left. He sighed slightly, "It's all my fault. If I could have stopped you and the cowardly man from dealing with Jun Yi, perhaps everything would have been different." Ning Fengzhi chuckled, "Uncle Gu, people should look forward. If you always miss the past, you will not be able to see the present and the future."

Hearing this, Gu Douluo smiled indifferently, "You are right, I still haven't let it go."

"Uncle Gu, let's not talk about this for now. I will cook some food for you today. I will accompany you for the next six months. I will apologize to you. Wait until the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, and I will have to ask you to send me to Jun Yi."

"Okay, I haven't eaten the food you cooked for a long time."

. . . . . .

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