People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 589 Tang San's body mysteriously disappears

As the Tiandou Empire incorporated half of the Star Luo Empire into its territory, the entire Tiandou Empire instantly became the largest empire on the Douluo Continent. Its scale far surpassed that of the Wuhun Empire, and the reputation of Queen Xueke in the Tiandou Empire reached reached the peak, and the greatest contributor, the Regent Wang Ning Fengzhi, disappeared from everyone's sight as if he had evaporated.

What has been improved is not only Xue Ke's reputation, but also her ever-expanding ambition. She wants to complete the unfinished hegemony of her brother Xue Qinghe. She wants to destroy the Wuhun Empire, unify the continent, and become the number one in Douluo Continent. Queen Ren.

For this reason, she couldn't help but radically reform the system of the Tiandou Empire. She wanted to learn from the Spirit Empire, abolish the privileges of the nobility, and declare that the royal family was the only ruler of the Tiandou Empire.

It’s just that she ignored the gap between the Tiandou Empire and the Wuhun Empire. The Wuhun Empire was originally developed from Wuhun Palace, relying on Wuhun Palace’s huge base of soul masters and strength.

, ruled the entire empire. Although the Tiandou Empire has a vast territory, it is not united internally. It is itself formed by the alliance between various nobles. Among them, the Xue family was the largest noble family at that time, so the Xue family was able to ascend the throne. Therefore, in the eyes of some nobles, Xue Ke's reforms were digging their own graves. Therefore, they did not receive the support of all nobles. Some far-sighted nobles began to unite to resist Queen Xue Ke's reforms. But Xue Ke’s attitude was extremely tough.

She believed that these nobles wanted to rebel and overthrow her throne, so she decided to take measures to suppress these "rebellious" nobles.

But what she didn't expect was that her decision would cause even greater trouble. The nobles who had been suppressed by her began to unite to resist her rule. And the nobles who originally supported her began to switch sides and stood against her.

For a time, the entire Tiandou Empire was paralyzed. The noble class used their influence in the Tiandou Empire to launch a general strike. All aspects of the empire's commerce, agriculture, and military were paralyzed. The nobles blatantly violated Xue Ke's reforms, and they began to unite to fight against The reign of Queen Xueke.

At this time, Xue Ke had not realized her mistake. But much of the empire has fallen into chaos. The nobles have taken control of the situation. They have begun to openly oppose Queen Xueke, and a civil war is about to break out.

"I don't understand why those nobles would disobey my orders. This is for the future of the Tiandou Empire!" Xueke angrily threw the memorial in his hand and shouted angrily at the ministers below.

The ministers present had completely treated Xue Ke as a fool, because during this period, the queen had done so many "sexy things" that it was impossible to think of them all.

, playing cards completely out of common sense, these ministers have become accustomed to it and regard it as a joke.

"Your Majesty, it's because they are ungrateful, please calm down." The minister comforted him, his tone was like coaxing a child.

Xue Ke sat on the dragon chair, the dragon on her chest seemed to be laughing at her stupidity. She looked coldly at the ministers below. In her opinion, these people were just a bunch of losers who did not do anything for the empire every day. They are all sitting here eating and waiting to die.

"You would like to give me some suggestions. How should we solve the problem at this time?" Xue Ke asked.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this matter." A minister said solemnly, but he couldn't explain clearly, while the other ministers were also silent, with their heads lowered, avoiding Xue Ke's gaze. Xue Ke's face became even more ugly. She felt like she had been cheated. She felt that these ministers had never supported her reforms from the beginning. The reason why they remained silent was to wait for her failure and then look for opportunities to She overturned.

At this moment, a Contra dressed in white flew into the palace hall. He glanced at Xue Ke on the dragon chair, then turned to the Prime Minister of the Today Dou Empire and said: "Tang San's body Gone."


The whole hall fell into dead silence. "What did you say? Tang San's body is missing?" The prime minister looked at Contra in white with wide eyes and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, his body disappeared in front of me. I couldn't even sense who the person who saved him was, and I didn't even catch a breath." White-clothed Soul Douluo said. "Are you kidding me?"

The prime minister looked at the ministers around him, but found that they also looked frightened, and his heart suddenly sank.

Queen Xueke stood up from the dragon chair, and her cold voice echoed in the hall, "What's going on? Why did Tang San's body suddenly disappear?"

"I don't know, but what is certain is that Tang San's body was taken away." Contra in white shook his head and said. Xue Ke's face was horribly gloomy. Her eyes swept across the ministers in the hall, and a strong uneasiness emerged in her heart. She had a feeling that someone was targeting her with the news.

"Your Majesty, there may be something fishy about this matter." The prime minister suddenly said, "Perhaps it was the rebellious nobles who did it."

"Why did they do this?" Xue Ke asked.

"Maybe it's for provocation. After all, Tang San is the murderer of His Majesty Qinghe, so..." Although the Prime Minister said this, there was still a trace of worry in his heart, and he gave the Contra a look.

White-clothed Soul Douluo understood and left the place directly. He understood that the Prime Minister was asking him to pass this news to the Spirit Empire.

"Your Majesty, this matter is too strange. I want to go to the scene to investigate. Please allow me." The prime minister looked up at Xue Ke and pleaded.

Queen Xue Ke did not speak. She felt more and more uneasy. She had a feeling that this prime minister looked only in his twenties. Now he became the prime minister of Tiandou City. He must be an extraordinary person. However, he basically did not speak much in the court, as if he had no interest in state affairs. But today, he showed such anxiety for the first time about Tang San's body, which made Xue Ke very curious.

"Okay." Xue Ke's cold voice echoed in the hall, "I hope you can find out what happened. If it was done by those nobles, then they will bear the wrath of the Tiandou Empire."

The prime minister was stunned, and then said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Then the prime minister followed another soul douluo to the Tiandou Square. He directly released his soul power. Nine soul rings of yellow, purple, black, black and black were released from him. The huge mental power instantly covered the entire Tiandou Square, trying to find out the breath of Tang San's body.

"Lord Xieyue, is it really the people from the God Realm who rescued Tang San?"

... . . . . . . .

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