Yuan Hao held a wand in his right hand, standing in place, calm and composed.

The men raised their daggers like madmen and stabbed Utopia in the face with all their might.

When the sharp dagger is only ten centimeters from the head.

In an instant, the body of the thug in the suit was controlled by an invisible force, and he was still unable to move despite the strength of his whole body.

Looking at Utopia's mysterious and frightened face, he suddenly felt timid, and wanted to retreat and withdraw the dagger.

But since it's here, how can Utopia give you a chance to escape!

The index finger of the right hand holding the wand tilted upward, and in an instant, the pretender in front of him was directly thrown against the wall, and the appearance of a human body was smashed out of the wall.

'Click!' The sound of bones shattering made the other pretenders shudder!

In the blink of an eye, the body of the thug in the suit armed with a dagger turned into black pieces and disappeared into ashes.

The rest of the people saw him so calm, who could bear this!

"So arrogant! Don't take us seriously at all! Get on it together! Beat him up for me!".

The pretender at the head angrily distorted the bones on his face.

A group of people swarmed up, and at this moment, Hara Haochuan raised his cane and pointed at the group of pretenders at a forty-five degree angle.

I saw that the bodies of these thugs in suits were not controlled in any way, as if they had escaped the gravity of the earth.

A group of men in black struggled wildly in mid-air, like black bugs.

"I'm sorry


As soon as Yuan Haochuan's voice fell, he turned around, and his cane pointed to the ground with a 'swish' from mid-air.

The floating pretender slammed to the ground, and suddenly a group of people wailed, and the next second they all turned into black shards of dust.

Solve these little Rollo, wearing dark gold combat boots, walked to the steel door of the database.

The eighty-centimeter-thick steel door seems to be provoking Hara Haochuan.

The wand in his hand couldn't wait, sharpening his knife to the cattle and sheep.

The dark golden warrior sells his right leg forward, takes a step back with his left foot, his left arm outstretched, and the cane clenched in his right arm points towards the safety door, looking like a soaring eagle.

Concentrate your mind entirely on the cane, and as the telekinetic forces continue to gather, the air around you is affected by this invisible force.

From the tip of the cane, waves of strong telekinesis continued to emanate, and the steel door was constantly held hostage by this force.


The gap between the safety door and the wall erupted into a violent firefight.

Five seconds later, Hara withdrew his cane backwards, and with a 'whoosh!', he quickly rushed towards the middle of the steel door.


The eighty-centimeter-thick carbon steel door recessed directly into a huge pit in the middle and flew out directly from the top!

The entire building shook by the force, and a puff of smoke passed.

Hara Haochuan entered the database, and what caught his eye was a huge machine, running non-stop.

Together, these machines connect the Earth's memories from the Earth's Well.

All the most important attributes and data in the memory produced by the museum depend on the transmission of these machines.

Although he had never seen these machines, as the director of the Institute of Biology, he was still familiar with the working principles of these machines.

Following these machines, in less than a minute, the master control machine was found.

Take out the previous storage and insert it into the main control machine.

The storage has a pre-programmed program, inserts it and automatically searches for all the data, then sorts, sorts, packs, and finally downloads it in an orderly manner.

Thanks to the acceleration device in the memory, all this huge amount of data is downloaded in no time.

Hara walked to the front of the controller and unplugged the storage.

There was a keyboard sound, deleting all the data in the machine.

Then in less than two minutes, the self-destructing code was cracked, and the countdown was thirty seconds.

In an instant, the entire data flashed with a red warning light.

Without these machines and data, this museum would be useless.

Everything was done, and Yuan Haochuan picked up the lockbox and walked out the door.

It's just that if Yuan Saki knows all this, I don't know if she will see herself as a candidate for her husband, I guess she will, after all, she is a professional kefu.


At this time, the roof of the building was destroyed by the force of the wind.

Sonosaki, who had just been blown away, reappeared in front of the Wind Ace.

"Damn! It's a memory!".

This completely angered the ugly taboo, and just as she gathered the energy ball again, there was a loud "boom!", and the entire building was violently shaken by the huge blast shockwave.

Sonosaki lowered her head and pondered for three seconds, then suddenly looked up, and an ominous premonition came over her - something happened to the museum's most important memory of the earth database!

Because the explosion came from the direction of the memory bank.

She didn't care about continuing to fight the intruders, and of course she protected the database first compared to the database.

After all, the intruders could settle accounts later, and if the memory bank was destroyed, the museum on the island would be ruined.



Kneel down and beg for flowers, evaluation votes, thank you readers greatly!

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